If you’re a high school counselor with questions about the new SAT, read this comprehensive guide to find all the answers you need.
Meet Dani, Our Grad Product Marketing Manager
Meet our marketing manager for Magoosh grad products, Dani Lichliter, and find out what gets her excited about education.
Our Students Have Flipped 500 Million Flashcards!
Hey, all you Magoosh students out there: You’ve officially flipped 500 million study flashcards in your quest to ace the GRE, GMAT, SAT and other standardized tests! That is quite an achievement if you ask us, so we want to celebrate with this awesome infographic.
Student Spotlight: How the Vocabulary Builder App Helped My Rap Career
In this Student Spotlight, meet Jeremy. He’s an aspiring rapper from Hot Springs, Arkansas who uses the Magoosh Vocabulary Builder app to improve his lyrics and rhymes. Learn more about how building his vocab contributed to his passion.
What Makes Students Happy and Successful? (Infographic)
Academic success plays a large role in guaranteeing happiness and success later on in your life. Check out the certain qualities and behaviors that help students thrive in school and beyond.
What is The Best Time of Day to Study?
Is it best to study during the morning, the afternoon, at night, somewhere in between? Find the studying style that sounds most like yours to discover your best personal time to study.
Student Happiness Report – August 2015
Our Student Happiness Reports usually focus on how stoked our students are from interacting with our Student Help team. This month, we also highlight the stellar test prep experts who help our students achieve their goals.
The Best (and Easiest) Study Snacks
Here are a few healthy, simple, and—most importantly—delicious treats we found from around the web. Reach for one of these the next time you’re looking for something to munch on while studying. Your body and brain will thank you for it.
Hire Slow, Fire Fast (But Do It Humanely)
Learn how to treat employees the way they deserve to be treated while also staying focused on your bottom line.
Meet one of our Student Help Associates, Andrew Gealy, and hear why he loves working for Magoosh.