Why We Should All Embrace English Language Learners

From Berkeley’s position as the nation’s first sanctuary city to San Francisco’s recent high ranking on immigrant integration in the New American Economy’s Cities Index, the Bay Area (home to Magoosh HQ) has long been known as a beacon of inclusivity. When it comes to our attitudes towards language learners however, our promise of welcome […]

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We (Still) Don’t Negotiate Salaries – Here’s Exactly How We Make It Work.

Specific steps we’ve taken over the past five years to promote equal pay using a no-salary negotiation policy. Nearly five years ago, I wrote about how we don’t negotiate salaries as a means of fostering fairness across our company and taking tangible steps to reduce wage gaps that are unfortunately inherent in the tech sector. […]

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Lessons from Tennessee: 3 Ways Schools Can Help Students Retake the ACT or SAT and Improve Their Scores

High school seniors in Tennessee are making an impressive case for the power of second chances through record-breaking results in retaking the ACT. It’s no surprise that it was an educator, Thomas H. Palmer, who first shared the advice of “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.” Trying new things, failing, and learning […]

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June and August SAT Tests 2018 Scoring and Cheating Scandals: What Students, Parents, Educators Need to Know (and How to Get Help)

Scandals have you worried about your June or August SAT results? Email us at retakeSAT@m.sylp-design.com or call our advice hotline at 510–495–0535 to get some guidance from test prep experts on what’s best for your personal situation. So what actually happened with the August SAT test? Shortly after the Saturday August 25th SAT test date […]

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