Impressing adcoms is crucial to your success in getting into the school of your dreams. Read the top five things that adcoms hate to see applicants do.
Follow these tips to make your grad school essay as personal and compelling as possible.
Questions to Ask Yourself When Considering a Test Retake
Though you should focus your efforts on getting a great score in the first round of testing, some students will find that their test day performance just isn’t satisfactory. Here are the top questions to consider when deciding whether to sign up for the test again.
8 Ways to Get the Most Out of a Practice Test
Practice tests help you get familiar with test questions, test format, and timing. To maximize the value of taking practice tests, check out these 8 tips.
5 Things You Should Avoid During Test Prep
What are the top five activities you should avoid during test prep? Learn what they are and how they can impede your studying.
What to Do When Your Test Scores Aren’t High Enough
Sometimes your preparation just won’t result in the test score you want. So, what happens if your score isn’t high enough?
8 Ways to Be a Successful Graduate Student
Learn how to be successful as a graduate student and make the most of your time spent in grad school.
Online vs. On-campus: Pros and Cons
Technology has revolutionized the education sector with the introduction of online learning. What are some of the pros and cons of the online experience, as compared to the traditional classroom experience?
4 Ways Working Adults Can Make College and Grad School Work For Them
Learn how working adults make grad school work for them through supportive networks and flexible scheduling.
6 Interview Tips for Grad School Applicants
Follow these tips to make the most of your grad school interview.