What to Do the Night Before Test Day

The night before the test is going to be stressful for a lot of students. This post will help you find some balance and peace of mind before going to the test center in the morning!

1. Keep any test review light

的时间为考试做准备is really in the months and weeks leading up to test day, not in the night before. If you haven’t already mastered the math or reading section, cramming the night before will not be an effective solution. We don’t recommend putting true study hours in the night before, but you can do some light review to jog your brain. Flip a few flashcards; do a few practice problems – and then put the books away!

2. Eat a healthy, balanced dinner

night-before-test-1 远离垃圾外卖和微波餐食。以全谷物、蔬菜和健康脂肪为目标。像糙米这样的全谷物有助于增加大脑的血液循环,研究表明,它们可以增强你的记忆力。像卷心菜和芽甘蓝这样的蔬菜也能提高你的脑力和记忆力。试着吃一点欧米伽-3脂肪酸,科学家们相信它可以增强学习能力。不要吃得比你通常在晚餐时吃得多或少——你不想把自己从你的日常生活中抛弃。



4. Find a way to relax

night-before-test-2 Listen to music, take a walk, or go for a run. Read a book for fun. Call a friend. Bake a recipe you find on Pinterest. Whatever you’re doing, try to keep your mind off the test. Stressing out at this point is not going to get you any points – it’ll only get in the way of your confidence.

5. Prepare the items you’ll need for the test center


6. Get enough sleep!

night-before-test-3 Sleep improves your memory, focus, concentration, and mood. We talk about the importance of sleephere– take advantage of all of sleep’s benefits! And it goes without saying, but staying up all night right before the test is one surefire way to snooze right through your test-day alarm. Check out our tips for getting a better night’s sleephere.

About the Author:

凯瑟琳博主照片 Catherine supports Magoosh’s future grad school students by unlocking tricks of the test prep and application trade. Catherine spends her free time checking out local farmer’s markets, reading food and lifestyle blogs, and watching Bravo. She is forever in search of the best Mexican and Italian food in any given city.

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