如果您正在寻找最佳的免费行为准备,您就在正确的地方!与生活中的许多事情一样,the Internet can be a black holeof test prep resources and ACT study sites are no exception. There are some good resources, some not so good, some free and some exorbitantly priced. Lucky for you, we did the hard work of researching for you!
Free Websites and Apps
1. Official ACT Website
这official ACT website,Actstudent.org.,不仅仅是一种照顾行为物流的地方,例如注册测试并获得得分。如果您知道在哪里看,还有一定的有价值的测试准备材料。这包括样本问题,样本学生散文,大学入学计划建议,是的,是的,a full-length ACT practice test PDF由不再使用的真正行为问题组成。
Navigating the official ACT website is a bit confusing since there are so many resources, so check out our detailed post on官方法案网站的哪些部分对考试者最有帮助。
2. Old Official ACT Practice Tests
行为2005-2006 Practice Test
ACT 2008-2009实践测试
行为2011-2012 Practice Test
行为2014-2015 Practice Test
行为2016-2017 Practice Test
Although the tests released between 2005 and 2015 have outdated essays that you shouldn’t practice with (该法案于2016年修改了他们的论文)那these tests are still pretty valuable because the question types and overall ACT format have not changed much over the years. In fact, the best way to practice for the ACT is to take full-length practice tests, so these tests are really some of the best free ACT prep available online.
3. Magoosh Act博客
Disclaimer: We actually happen to think you are already using some of the best ACT prep online! But, yeah, we’re biased.
我们与Magoosh ACT博客的使命是为您带来高质量的建议,如何学习,以及一般行为发生的事情。帮助学生是我们真正热衷的东西,我们努力确保我们为您提供最好的建议。
为了充分利用我们的资源,您肯定想查看我们的资源行为study plans那ourFREE ACT ebook,和我们的FREE full-length practice test。
And then you can use the search box to find what you are looking for in terms ofstrategy那advice那reviews of ACT prep books那tips for test day那video lessons等等。(If we don’t have what you are looking for, just let us know in the comments and we will get right on it ).
人们对Magoosh Act博客的说法:
4. Magoosh ACT Apps
Our free行为appsare super useful study resources for when you are on the bus, in line, or otherwise on the go. Both are available as web apps or mobile apps.
We have our ACT flashcards app, which has over 200 flashcards to give you practice with the most commonly-tested English, Math, and Science concepts. We also have our free ACT prep app, equipped with over 100 video tutorials and practice questions for every ACT exam section. In fact, you canget over 100 ACT lessons and practice questions for free!!
人们对Magoosh Act测试准备应用程序的说法:
5. Pocket Prep App
这Pocket Prep Appis another great app for studying on the go. The free version has a small bank of questions, 14 days worth of Question of the Days, and chat support.
这re is nothing like taking paper-based practice tests to make sure you’re the most prepared for test day. But apps are some of the best online ACT prep because they make it so easy to fit practice into the nooks and crannies of your schedule. Sometimes it feels like you’re not even prepping!
6. The Magoosh ACT YouTube Channel
如果在线课程的事情,不是你的Magoosh Youtube.channel has nearly 100 videos (and counting!) on all the ACT tips and strategies you could think of. In the spirit of this post, you might want to check out the following video, which discusses some additional online resources you may want to consider for your ACT prep that aren’t covered in this post:
什么不太le Say About the Magoosh ACT YouTube Channel:
But enough about us. There are other great ACT prep YouTube channels as well! Read on for two others that we recommend.
7. The SupertutorTV YouTube Channel
像magoosh,SupertutorTVhas a growing and excellent collection of videos detailing various ACT tips and strategies. What differs SupertutorTV from other ACT prep channels is the quality of their video production, which might be useful for highly visual learners. An added bonus of this channel is that it has additional videos about student life, such as stress management, college admissions, and more.
什么不太le Say About The SupertutorTV YouTube Channel:
Although Best ACT Prep is no longer releasing new videos, its56个视频的集合is considered the best online ACT prep by many students (at least judging by the comments). Their videos are much shorter than those of the other channels featured here and are packed with information. If you like your videos to be without frills and to be short and to the point, Best ACT Prep might be the channel for you!
什么不太le Say About The Best ACT Prep YouTube Channel:
9. BWS教育咨询
BWS Education Consulting is a company founded by the person who wrote ACT and other test prep content for巴伦的。他们提供免费全长行动实践测试随着其他资源,帮助您的准备经验中的测试者。基于我们了解的关于Barron的行为内容,该测试通常应该是行为的良好近似,如果不稍微更容易。
什么不太le Say About BWS Education Consulting:
10.麦格劳 - 山行动中心
这McGraw-Hill ACT Center是一个类似于动作学院的在线门户,包含视频课程,测验和四个全长练习测试。关于McGraw Hill的一件事是他们的行为的内容差异很大。虽然他们的科学部分非常接近真实的东西,但其他部分的问题范围从太容易太困难(你可以了解更多关于我们对McGraw-Hill资源的更多信息best ACT prep books)。
而麦格劳-希尔中心是一个伟大的resour行动ce for free ACT prep, we recommend using practice tests from places like McGraw Hill and BWS Education Consulting after you’ve exhausted other options.
11. Khan Academy
You might be thinking, isn’tKhan Academyfor the SAT? Well, true, they’ve partnered with the College Board for SAT prep, so using Khan Academy for ACT prep might not seem intuitive. BUT its math review lessons can bereally如果已经有一段时间了,因为你已经在学校学习了一个特定的话题,或者如果你在数学课上学到的时候你从来没有真正理解它。
You can use此行为数学主题清单to figure out what topics are tested on the ACT, and then search Khan Academy for lessons on the ones you need to brush up on. A lot of our students also report that Khan is a good place to start out and then take a deeper dive withmagoosh法制准备。
什么不太le Say About Khan Academy:
Like Khan Academy,几乎有趣doesn’t have resources for ACT Prep (yet!), but both their general math lessons and SAT lessons and practice questions (of which there are around 400) are completely free and can benefit students looking to improve upon foundational skills needed for the ACT, such as reading closely, sentence structure, and linear inequalities.
这ir mission is to provide culturally-relevant test prep and their questions and lessons are replete with pop culture references (any Black Panther fans?), humor, and casual language. So if you find that even Khan Academy is too dry for you, you should definitely check out Almost Fun on either their网站or下载他们的iOS应用程序。(Remember to refer to our list of行为math topics确保您正在学习在该法案上测试的概念)。
什么不太le Say About Almost Fun:
13. Online Timed Reading Practice
For that reason, we dug up the following online resources to bring your skimming skills up to speed (pun absolutely intended):
14. GrammarBytes
Just as Khan Academy is a great resource for math review,GrammarBytes是对ACT英语考试的语法评论的伟大资源。它提供了几个资源,如视频,练习问题和daily Twitter tips那to help you review the topics you might be rusty on and does so in a pretty fun and interactive way. For a list of topics covered on the ACT English test, check out our行为English Study Guide。
什么不太le Say About GrammarBytes:
这个网站可能不如格拉米求性的娱乐,但如果您只是在寻找剪切和干燥的事实,英语语法has you covered. English Grammar also offers an extensive collection of online exercises and tools, which will surely help your grammar skills be in top shape for the ACT!
什么不太le Say About English Grammar:
上面我提到了口袋准备和Magoosh ACT Prep应用程序的免费版本。但这两个应用程序也有支付版本,以防您想要更多提供的课程!
Pocket Prep Premium
这premium version, which costs $4.99, has about 500 practice questions, a Question of the Day feature, study reminders, in-app support, and the ability to create your own tests, which could help you if you don’t have much time to take a full practice test but would like to emulate real test-like settings as much as possible.
什么不太le Say About The Premium Pocket Prep App:
高级版本的magoosh法制准备appis—not to brag—one of the best online ACT prep courses out there. The course includes over 250 video tutorials, 1,500 questions, the added bonus of full-length practice exams, and live online tutoring support. It also has a4-point increase score guarantee。Since you can upgrade anytime, go ahead and try out the free version of the app and upgrade if you find that you would like additional support.
人们对Premium Magoosh Act Test Prep应用程序的说法:
Prep4 ACT Premium
Developed out of MIT, the Prep4 ACT Premium App costs $20 but users say that the fee is well worth the money. ACT students who have used this app particularly praise its intuitive lessons, practice questions, and ability to track strengths and weaknesses and accurately predict one’s ACT score. You can also try out the first four lessons and some practice questions in order to decide if the paid version is for you.
什么不太le Say About Prep4 ACT Premium:
Well, there you have it—some of the best online act test prep money can buy (and in most cases, there’s not even money involved)! Why spend hundreds and even thousands of dollars on in-person test prep courses or private tutoring when some of the best act prep courses offered are online?
Of course, depending on your learning style and timeline, you might be better off with an在人的行为课程或辅导。但是如果你有一个相当长的时间准备,you might as well go through this list and see what works for you. And if you’re planning on taking both the ACT and SAT, many of these sites and apps provide similar SAT support as well. Just make sure you actually put in the time to take advantage of these ACT prep resources and you’ll see an increase in your法案分数in no time!
编辑注意:Kristin Fracchiacontributed significantly to this post.