

Hey sophomores! It’s time to celebrate: you’re no longer the “frosh” on the frosh/soph team! You know where your classes are, and you’re finally getting the hang of high school!

But the sophomore slump is real. Freshman year was so exciting. Everything was new and different, and that was probably pretty fun. Now, the newness of high school has worn off a bit. At the same time, high school is much more rigorous than middle school was, and now you’re expected to juggle more classes and extracurricular activities, start thinking about college, and be more academically independent.

You need to maintain/improve upon your grades from freshman year, start to prepare for the ACT and SAT, and make sure you’re on track to get into honors and AP courses junior year. It can seem overwhelming, but sophomore year is the time to start really thinking about the future. We know you can do it! And if you need some advice on how to juggle it all, well, you’re in the right place.

Sophomore Year Advice

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