
The highest SAT score possible is 1600. In order to achieve it, you need to get perfect scores of 800 on both the Evidence-Based Reading and Writing and Math Sections. You’ll also receive an essay score, which you can get up to an 8, and a separate set of subscores. In this post, we’ll break down these scores in more detail, and then take a look at how you can get a perfect SAT score!

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What’s the Highest Score You Can Get on the SAT?

The SAT score range goes from 200 to 800 per section, or 400 to 1600 overall. This makes a perfect total score 1600 on the SAT. This is your test score for the overall test.

The College Board will also give you subscores in the critical reading section and writing section: you’ll receive a subscore out of a possible 40 points in four separate categories (Command of Evidence, Words in Context, Expression of Ideas, and Standard English Conventions).

This also holds true for Math, where there are three sets of subscores (Heart of Algebra, Problem Solving and Data Analysis, and Passport to Advanced Math). These are based on questions you answered in each of the sections that belong to these categories. (BTW, if you’re aiming for the highest math SAT score, take a look at我们指南在SAT数学部分中得分完美的800!)

You’ll also receive cross-test scores for Analysis in History/Social Studies and Analysis in Science. These questions come from different sections in the test.


sat sample score report from magoosh

In other words, when you get your SAT report, you’ll see a breakdown of the following scores. If you want a good SAT score, you’ll need to land in the upper end of these score ranges.

SAT测试得分 Score Range
坐垫上的综合(总体)得分 400-1600.
基于证据的阅读和写作和数学的部分分数 200-800 (each)
Subscore for Command of Evidence 1-15
Subscore for Words in Context 1-15
Subscore for Expression of Ideas 1-15
subscore用于标准英文公约 1-15
代数心脏的子核心 1-15
Subscore for Problem Solving and Data Analysis 1-15
Subscore for Passport to Advanced Math 1-15
历史/社会研究分析的交叉测试分数 10-40
Cross-test score for Analysis in Science 10-40
Essay score (if you took it) 2-8

How to Get the Highest SAT Score

What does it look like to get a perfect score? It means missing very, very few questions, first of all! For the math section, you’ll need to get all 58 questions correct. For reading/writing, you can miss only one question in reading (out of 52) and none in writing (out of 40). Curious what other results would get you your dream score on test day? Check out ourSAT得分计算器!


但是,如果所有这一切似乎压倒了,请记住,在美国和国外数百万学生采取这一测试意义thousandsget super high scores on the SAT every year! And there’s no reason why you can’t be one of them!

In fact, Magoosh has talked to (and helped!) many high school students who received amazing scores. Curious how they did it? Check outtips from students who got perfect SAT scores-—or very close to them!提示:有组织的星期六study schedule有很大的不同。

Boosting Your SAT Score



Remember that you don’t need to score astronomically high in order to have agoodSAT得分! Test takers have an average SAT score of around 1000 overall, and most people would consider anything above average to be a pretty darn goodSAT得分

And finally, don’t put too much pressure on yourself. College admissions committees in the United States are looking at aspects of your application other than just your test scores. With that said, will achieving the highest score possible on the SAT help your application? Absolutely! But focus on doing the best that you can for yourself instead of measuring up to ideas of perfection—and you may just find yourself reaching your goals all the faster.

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