ACT Science Scores

So you just completed apractice ACT Science Test, or have received yourofficial ACT scores。页面上有一个数字为1到36。这是第一个,最重要的是了解这个数字:

Your score on the ACT Science Test in no way reflects your knowledge of science.

Weird, right? Even if you’re at the top of your game in Biology or Chemistry, ACT Science is a different beast. Interpreting your score, and knowing what to do with it, takes some legwork. Let’s get to it!

ACT Science -Magoosh

This little guy might like science, but he has a lot to learn about ACT Science Scores!


If you’re in a hurry, for example running out the door to take the ACT, here are the three main pieces of information you need to know about ACT Science scores.

  • Like with all parts of the ACT, there is no penalty to guessing.
  • To achieve a perfect 36 on the ACT Science Test, you need to answer all 40 questions correctly.
  • 为了实现21(全国平均水平,为许多国家的彩票奖学金)对法案科学测试,您需要正确回答22个问题。

What’s in an ACT Science Score?

The makers of the ACT have you covered:

Here’s breakdown of what the ACT has to say about its system:

  • 您的ACT科学分数被添加到您的英语,数学和阅读分数中。将该数字除以4,您可以获得综合评分。
  • ACT admits that though it gives specific scores to test-takers, the numbers fall within a range of potential scores. For example, if you earned a 28 on the Science Test, your range is 26-30. Basically that means if you took the test again the next day, you could do a little bit better or worse.


If you’re taking the ACT, you’re probably thinking about going to college. ACT knows that, and has done some research into how ACT scores relate to college success. Here’s what ACT has to say:


If you’re score’s below 23, there are a few things you can do to raise your scoreandincrease your chances of college success. As far as doing better on the ACT Science Test, check out these resources:

和唐’t forget, once you’ve explored these resources, it’s time to practice, practice, practice. The ACT Science Test is very unique, and getting plenty of exposure to its passage types and questions is the only surefire way to test success.


Good luck, scientists. We’ll see you in the lab!

By the way, Magoosh can help you study for both the SAT and ACT exams.Click hereto learn more!



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