




m大学是最大的费用ajority of people encounter in their lifetime, right up there with purchasing a car or even a house. The average cost of tuition and fees in the US for the 2018–2019 school year was$35,676at private colleges,$ 9,716在公立大学和国家居民21,629美元在州立学校的州外学生。常春藤联盟学院时钟平均$54,414......这比大多数学生都在一年中直接赚到大学,即使是闪亮的新大学学位。他们的高中夏季工作可能不会削减它。





Clearly, paying for college can become a huge financial burden on students, their families, and their futures, and this can be incredibly stressful for everyone involved. College is a lot of work, and it costs a lot of money. But most students I know feel that a college degree is well worth the effort, and you can help your students circumvent the worst pitfalls if you know the right financial hacks and aid opportunities.

In this post, we’re going to take you through all the key areas you should know about when it comes to helping your students finance their college degree.

Scholarships & Grants

那里有成千上万的奖学金 - 他们几乎涵盖了要覆盖的各个话题。JIF(你知道,花生酱公司)有奖学金奖,无论是谁制作“最具创意的三明治”......而且它是$25,000.Twenty five thousand dollars! For a good sandwich! Obviously there is money out there.

The Difference Between Scholarships and Grants


Need-Based vs Merit-Based Scholarships

一些奖学金是基于的学生financial needwhile others are awarded on the basis ofacademic merit and accomplishment(e.g. GPA, extracurricular involvement). The below list includes many options for both.


Speaking of merit-based scholarships, some scholarships look closely at a student’sACT or SAT scores when在其他人没有评估他们的应用程序。我们已经为奖学金提供了一些资源,直接绑定到下面的行动和SAT得分。

Scholarships For Unique Traits

There are scholarships out there offered for all kinds of unique characteristics—a student’s gender, nationality, artistic talents, athletic ability, etc. Many of the platforms listed below are organized around different traits and requirements so students can find the best, scholarships for them.


Every scholarship and grant is different so students shouldread the eligibility requirements closelyfor all grants and loans. Some will require an essay, a resume, a minimum GPA, and so on.

When applying for scholarships, it’s a good idea for your student to find their niche. Many grants are highly specific. Are they an exceptionally tall student living in central Arizona?There’s a scholarship for that.他们是一名天主教学生,参加了芝加哥的罗洛拉大学,罗布有左侧的芝加哥吗?There’s a scholarship for that.Can they communicate with ducks?There’s a scholarship for that.I literally couldn’t make these up. Direct your students to thisscholarship search engineto help them get started.


  1. DoSomething.org Easy Scholarships:在dosomething.org上,学生可以通过参加社区服务活动来输入赢得大学奖学金 - 其中一些甚至可以像发送推文一样简单!
  2. $ 2,000没有论文奖学金:利基每月赠送2,000美元的奖学金。所有学生都必须做的是注册免费帐户,并输入他们赢得此奖学金。
  3. $10,000 Unigo Scholarship:Answer Unigo’s prompt in 250 words or less. One of their recent topics was “Surprise! You just got elected president. What’s your first tweet?"
  4. $1,000 Capex Easy Money Scholarship:Cappex provides a $1,000 scholarship every month. Students just need to create a Cappex profile and write about what they do in their free time to be eligible to win.
  5. $5,000 Liaison’s Data Inspired Future Scholarship:要考虑这一奖项,学生必须提交30到60秒的第二次讨论,解释或演示了今天或明天的社会中的数据的一个重要方面,并包括一个关于自己的一个有趣事实!

Searching for scholarships can be exhausting, so encouraging students to schedule with their high school or college counselors can give them a leg up on the hunt.




An extremely important factor for students to look at when considering a loan isInterest rate。Interest is money paid regularly at a particular rate for the use of money lent. So when it comes to student loans, the interest rate corresponds to a percentage of the student loan that the recipient of the loan will be charged在贷款之上every year that they haven’t paid the loan off.


从2006年到2019年,平均联邦学生贷款利率是4.81%。去年拿出贷款的四年学院毕业生的学生贷款债务的平均金额是$28,650。因此,我们需要28,650,并将其乘以0.0481以获得年度兴趣:1,378。这意味着每年学生都不会偿还贷款,贷款增长$1,378。And then they start generating even more interest! Yikes!

最好的贷款显然是零利率贷款,但野外不存在的贷款 - 除非学生有一个富有的亲属或其他赞助商愿意借给他们金钱。这对大多数人来说不是一个可行的选择,但它可以推荐,我们推荐学生接受它!

Outside of the “wealthy benefactor loan” there are two major types of student loans: federal and private.

Federal Loans:

联邦贷款通常比私人贷款更实惠,更好还款选项(也合并and even债务宽恕)所以学生肯定应该从那些人开始。

Federal student loans come in two flavors: subsidized and unsubsidized. You’ll want to recommend starting with subsidized loans--that means that the government will pay the interest on the loans until your student graduates, so they don’t have that $1k+ adding up every year. There are also a type of federal loans called Parent Loans for Undergraduate Students (PLUS loans), that parents can take out to help students cover their costs, which can also be subsidized or unsubsidized.



私人学生贷款可以弥合学生对学校的需求与他们收到的任何联邦援助之间的差距 - 在奖学金和工作学习支付之上(在下一节中的工作研究)。但是,在取出这种贷款时,学生应该非常小心。私人贷款通常可从银行,信用合作社和在线贷款人提供。确保他们知道比较多个贷方的优惠以查找可用的最低利率。


Depending on the lender, students may be able to choose a fixed or a variable interest rate. A fixed rate stays the same throughout the life of a loan. A variable rate may start out lower than a fixed rate, but could increase or decrease over time depending on economic conditions--don’t be fooled by the low starting number, and only take out the absolute minimum you need to cover expenses.


Federal Work-Study is a program that subsidizes the paychecks of college students who work qualifying part-time jobs, typically on-campus. Students must file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to be considered for work-study (we’ll cover how to file a FAFSA in the下一节)。

Participants with demonstrated financial need will qualify for work-study opportunities. Those who file the FAFSA early often have a better chance of qualifying, since many schools may award aid on a first-come, first-served basis. It’s a good idea for students to file the FAFSA regardless of whether they’re interested in doing work-study, since it will connect them with other important financial aid opportunities.

work studyEven if a student becomes eligible for work study, they’ll still have to find a job (and work). If your student has been awarded work-study, but aren’t sure if they want to use it, direct them to our“我应该做工作学习”测验to help them choose the best path forward.

If theyareinterested in taking advantage of their work-study eligibility, and they know which college they’re attending, advise them to check out the college’s website or talk to a counselor about accessing the school’s work-study job database--most on-campus jobs are reserved for students in the work-study program. These roles can include working in the library or a campus office, working the phone bank to call alumni for donations, or helping with campus even setup and break down.


联邦学生援助(FAFSA)的免费申请是当前和预期美国大学生的在线申请,用于确定他们的经济援助的资格。完成FAFSA将学院申请人与补助金,联邦贷款和工作研究联系起来。学生可以查看我们的“Should I Fill Out The FAFSA?” Quiz帮助确定他们是否有资格通过FAFSA获得援助。


  1. 要填写FAFSA,首先需要你的学生get an FSA ID。尽快做到这一点(只需要大约10分钟)。他们的父母也应该自己得到自己的父母separateFSA ID。
  2. Start filling out theFAFSA.! The FAFSA opens on October 1, and will close on June 30. Individual states and schools may have earlier deadlines, to make sure to check online...either way, your students should complete the FAFSA form as soon as possible, because much of the financial aid is first-come-first-served.
  3. Create a save key. Unlike the FSA ID, the save key is meant to be shared. A save key is a temporary password that allows students and parents to “pass” the FAFSA form back and forth. It also allows them to save the FAFSA form and return to it later.
  4. Students must enter demographics data for themselves and their parent, list the schools they want their FAFSA to be sent to, and answer the dependency status questions.
  5. Supply the necessary financial information. We recommend students use theIRS Data Retrieval Toolto automatically transfer their tax information into the FAFSA form.
  6. Sign and submit!


削减费用的最佳方式是找到更便宜的东西。But what this means is--before you and your students sink a million hours of unpaid labor into hunting down and applying for grants and loans--consider going straight to the source. Is there a world in which taking out $200,000 in loans to attend Rhode Island School of Design for an art degree a good idea? People do it all the time. Should your students at leastknow about其他一些选择?当然。

As you may have picked up from earlier section of this post, public schools are cheaper than private schools, especially for in-state students.


许多学生很快就驳回了社区学院的想法,当他们有资格获得更多独家机构的成绩 - 但美国普通社区学院每年只需3,347美元,并且可以为您的学生提供一个伟大的跳板,以完成学位在一个更昂贵的四年学校。

Forget cheap...some colleges are completely free! Here’s a list of schools with free tuition for all students:

And here’s a list of schools that provide free or close-to-free tuition based on family income:

Lastly, have your students considered studying abroad?globe (1)

    • 德国- There are no undergraduate tuition fees at most public universities, even for international students.
    • 法国- 公立大学每年向美国学生开放,每年为单身学士学位为2,770欧元(〜300美元),法国政府最近将国际学生从7,000到21,000人推翻奖学金数量。
    • 西班牙- 国际学生可以在公共机构每年达到750欧元和2,100欧元(〜845-2,370欧元)。
    • 阿根廷 -public universities in the country are open to international students for a small fee, while private institutions can charge around US$5,000 a year.
    • 印度 -international students will typically pay tuition fees of no higher than US$7,800 a year, and living costs in India are more than 100 times cheaper than in the United States.

If your student has their heart set on a particular (expensive) school, grants and loans can bring costs down into their price range. But if they’re not 100% sure where they want to go to college, why not choose something on the cheaper side?



好消息是,如果您的学生有资格获得经济援助,他们可以获得收费。这三大最大的收费供应商是The College Board,Nacac.(National Association for College Admission Counseling, and the共同应用。Each organization has similar qualifications for waiver fees, so if your students qualify for one they’ll probably qualify for all of them.

费用豁免仅适用于顶级学校,因此每个学生只能从每个组织中获得四个。然而if they obtain four waivers from all three organizations, that should be enough to waive all the fees on their list! Nice hack.

As mentioned above, not all schools have application fees. In an effort to be more accessible, lots of great colleges (like Oberlin and Tulane) have done away with the fees altogether...which is a good reminder that when it comes to college applications (and colleges!) expense does not necessarily equal quality!

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最后一句话on Paying for College

大决策对未来可以exciting for your students, but also very stressful--especially if those decisions involve large sums of money.


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