Whether your students are just starting to look at colleges, or they’ve had their eyes on the same university since they were 5, applying to colleges is a confusing and stressful process. When I was a junior, I didn’t even know where to start. I think I probably just googled "how do I go to college.” And now I have a degree! So maybe they’re off to an okay start...but they could definitely use your help!
Many students have some idea of what schools they would like to apply to, but they have trouble keeping track of the multitude of application-related tasks needed to complete the process. Help them stay on task and take it step by step--that’s the only way to make it to the finish line.
In this post, we're going to go over all the most important components of a student’s college application to make sure it's in great shape for the admissions committee.
大学Application Essays
例如,他们的一些学生的应用程序 - 他们的GPA - 当他们申请到高校时,将相当不利。然而,在申请过程中,它们将更能控制他们散文的质量。你肯定应该鼓励他们借此机会在他们的写作中闪耀,并展示他们作为个人的招生委员会。强大的论文可以衡量其应用程序的较弱区域,或者锁定已经强大的统计数据。
But of course, any opportunity for success can also be nerve-wracking. What makes a good essay is much more difficult to quantify than a good SAT or ACT score, so many students struggle with uncertainty about the quality of their writing.
虽然有一件事:你的每一个学生都需要至少写一篇文章 - 如果不是更多的文章 - 申请大学。
So what does it take to write a stellar college application essay?
经过following the seven steps below, your students can ensure they write the high-quality essays their college applications deserve.
We’ve also created adownloadable quick guideto writing a great Common Application essay that they can print out for reference!
The first step in the process is choosing an essay prompt to respond to. The Common App offers several prompts for students to choose from, and individual colleges may also allow for some flexibility in terms of what supplemental essay questions applicants decide to answer.
Authenticity is key, so just make sure they choose a prompt they can answer thoroughly.
2) Brainstorm
Tell students to make a list of strengths, as well as a list of any weaknesses in their application they might want to speak to.The ideas they generate this way will help them move forward in the application, and will probably clue them in to which prompt offers them the most content and examples to elaborate on.
3) 别忘了这个问题
Each prompt is posed as a question, and your students need to answer that question… don't let them forget that!
因此,一旦您的学生准备开始起草他们的散文,告诉他们设定有意定期暂停并转回问题 - 也许在每个段落结束时。这也是学生确保他们读取了他们申请的大学任务声明的好时机,因此他们可以将其纳入他们计划的答复。
4) Structure the Essay
Nonetheless, they can still rely on their knowledge of basic essay structures to help them. Just like with a regular essay, they’ll still need a clear introduction, body, and conclusion.
1) To grab the reader’s attention and compel them to continue reading
2) To introduce the reader to the general topic of the essay.
Paragraph 1:在读者身份:通过专注于特定设置,主题或细节集来提供故事的背景。
第3段:Go deeper. Elaborate and reflect on the message at hand and how this particular topic shaped the person you are today.
The conclusion is a great place for students to draw connections between the subject of their essays and their continued learning trajectory as college students and beyond. For example, how might your students want to expand on the knowledge they already have? What problems do they anticipate being able to solve given their experience?
5) Write Honestly, Specifically, and Vividly
It may go without saying, but students should always follow the cardinal rule of writing: show and don’t tell. Encourage them to provide specific details, examples, and images in order to create a clear and captivating narrative for their readers. And of course, make sure what they’re showing-not-telling is their own story. Their application essays are meant to be autobiographical--nota fictionalized version of someone else's memoirs.
6) Be Mindful of Voice and Tone
你的学生论文应该是专业的,yet still conversational.Tell students to try reading their essays aloud; do they sound natural? That’s good! Students should keep the tone semi-casual, but avoid profanity, and make sure they’re still upholding all the rules for proper style, grammar, and punctuation.
7) Revise, Proofread
This is不是可选的. 确保学生在申请过程中有足够的时间修改、重做,甚至多次重写他们的论文。学生们写完初稿后,应该离开它几天,这样他们就可以用新鲜的眼光重新审视它。
对于一些really fresheyes, tell students to find at least two people they trust to review their essays, like a parent, a teacher, or anyone who has gone through the college application process before.
Letters of recommendation play an important role in college admissions, offering an objective third-party commentary that no other piece of a student’s application can. But letters of rec can also be incredibly stressful to ask for.
- Build meaningful relationships:Encourage students to get to know their teachers, employers, coaches—anyone they work with consistently who can speak to their strengths when it comes time to apply to college. After all, when they ask for letters of rec, it’ll be a big problem if their teacher can’t remember their name!
- Ask the right people:既然你的学生已经消失了建立有意义的关系的麻烦,他们会想问那些人的信件。建议他们询问可以讨论他们的品质和潜在的人的人 - 那种推荐人的类型会比仅通过葡萄藤知道学生的人写得更强大的封信。
- 欣赏:当向潜在的写信人寻求帮助时,确保学生明白他们只是在这样做——寻求帮助。他们要信时要有礼貌并表示感谢。
- Give enough time:在申请截止日期前两天询问建议书是灾难的谱系。学生应至少提供一个月的通知(非常明确的截止日期)。
- Highlight your strengths:根据任何建议书的请求,提供一些谈话要点为推荐人提供一些引用有助于如何开始。
- 跟进:随着所有推荐人在他们的盘子上,他们很容易拖延你的来信。学生应在截止日期前一周或两两个发送电子邮件,感谢推荐帮助您解决,并礼貌地检查建议的状态。
- Send thank-you notes;显示侦察mmenders gratitude by sending thank-you notes after submitting the applications. Many students forget this step, but they can easily make themselves stand out by remembering.
While not all colleges require admissions interviews, if your student’s school of choice recommends them, the admission interview can be a crucial part of their application.
The more your students practice, the easier their college interviews will be. They can start by reading sample interview questions and writing some notes down. Then they should say their answers aloud. Practicing in front of a mirror, with a recording device, or with another person--especially someone with admission interview experience--can also be incredibly useful.
Students should write down their talking points in advance. These interview talking points can get them started:
- 你最骄傲的时刻
- Your favorite memories
- 你最大的挑战
- 你战胜逆境的时候
- 你钦佩的人
- 你想在大学里有新的经历
Do your homework
两个字:商务休闲。If you’re not sure what that means, there are heaps of outfit guides online (I like this信息图表来自普渡大学职业中心)。
A few more tips for students about keeping their cool...
- Take a deep breath before you go in.
- Make eye contact.
- 有一个坚定的(但不是压倒性的)握手。
- Strike a tone that’s friendly but professional.
- If it’s your first interview, it’s okay to say so.
- 以防万一,带上您的简历,成绩单和测试分数的纸副本。
- 做完后说声谢谢,稍后再发一封感谢邮件。
- Chew gum if you’re nervous. (No, seriously, it helps.)
- 面试前别忘了吐口香糖
Applying to colleges is an expensive and confusing process. Some schools' applications are a lot more expensive than others...on the flip side, there are also schools that don’t require any fee at all.
好消息是,如果你的学生有资格,他们can get fee waivers, meaning they won’t have to pay to apply to some of the schools on their list, even if those schools do come with a fee!
Fee waivers
Another good reason for students to do their research is that they could be eligible for a fee waiver.
三个最大的收费供应商供应商是大学Board,NACAC(National Association for College Admission Counseling), and the通用应用程序。There are similar qualifications for fee waivers from each organization.
Because fee waivers are meant to be used for top-choice schools only, students can only receive around four waivers from each organization. But if they obtain waivers from many different places, they may be able to waive the fees for all of the schools on their lists.
In an effort to be more accessible, some schools don’t have any fees at all. Great colleges like Tulane and Oberlin fall into this category—remember that when it comes to college applications (and colleges!) expense does not necessarily equal quality!
Choosing a Major
Some colleges require students to declare a major when they apply. This can be daunting if they haven’t considered choosing a major up until this point.
直接学生到我们的“我应该主修什么”quiz to get them started, and share these brainstorming tips:
People are predisposed to enjoy, and excel at, certain disciplines. Use this flowchart infographic to figure out what you should major in!
Remember that you can change your mind
Most students change majors once or twice during college – and that’s completely okay!
But if your students aren’t sure at all what they might want to study, or they’re torn between many different fields, they should consider applying to liberal arts programs, or at least colleges where they don’t have to declare a major right out of the gate.
A gap year after high school allows students to figure things out on their own time – especially if they’re not sure that they really want to go to college after all, and don’t want to commit to all those years of school right away. Taking a gap year lets students gain some valuable experience while still giving them the space they need to consider (or reconsider) their academic and career goals. Many students choose to take a gap year before applying to colleges, or apply to colleges and defer for a year.
这取决于每个学生,评估大学后差距年份的利弊,看看这是正确的举动。如果您的学生有兴趣了解有关差距年是否可能是他们的好选择,请告诉他们查看我们的“Should I Take a Gap Year”quiz!
A lot goes into applying to college--not to mention the 12+ years it takes to make it all the way from preschool to high school graduation! Your students have worked hard to get where they are now, and their college applications should reflect that hard work.
So encourage them apply to that reach school! Or take that gap year! Or pursue whatever their post-graduation dreams are!