如果你不熟悉,全国大学决定日,有时也称为国家决策日, is thedeadline for high school seniors to officially decide where they will attend college,并通知学院他们的选择。
今年,the official deadline varies by school, but for most colleges and universities,May 1 is National Decision Day.
And while more and more campuses begin reopening to varying degrees, the world is still in a state of transition, leaving many students with tougher decisions than usual when it comes to college.
Share Key Information About National Decision Day
- 决定日可以vary by school,so students should check with each of the schools they are considering attending
- 最多高选择性学校坚持5月1日的最后期限
- 今年,May 1 is a Saturday因此,截止日期为5月1日的学校可能会在5月3日(星期一)之前接受决定
- 上大学的决定没有约束力; 如果学生决定参加,然后退学,就不会受到处罚。也就是说,在这次活动中选择另一所学校可能为时已晚。
So if your students talk to you about choosing a college, your primary job as their teacher, counselor, or administrator is tolisten and ask questionsthat (hopefully) help their decision-making process.
As you listen to them talk through their college decisions, pay special attention to what they seem最为困惑或焦虑的就像他们看起来一样most excited about.
有广泛的range of factors to consider when making college-related decisions, even under normal circumstances. We’ve assembled a guide forhow to choose a college你可以和你的学生分享。它讨论了寻找合适大学的一些最常见因素,包括但不限于:
- 大小
- Location
- 2 vs 4 year
- Extracurricular activities
- 留学选择
- Gap year options
- 学费和经济资助-许多学生的家庭由于流感的流行而遭受经济困难,金钱在学生的决定中可能比平时发挥更大的作用
- 课外活动的变化— for example, some team sports are temporarily paused or significantly modified until further notice
- Cass格式-在线、混合、面对面等。一些学生发现某些课堂形式比其他形式更具挑战性
- 接近家人-由于潜在的旅行中断,学生们可能会更加犹豫是否离开家乡。
这里有一篇关于你需要考虑的事情的好文章在Covid-19时代选择一所大学that you can share with your students for more information.
本页为国家决策日also includes a list with links to many excellent articles on choosing a college including:
如果你的学生对大学决策中的一些后勤或官僚方面有疑问或正在寻找资源(比如securing more financial aidor推迟注册),鼓励他们直接与正在考虑的所有大学的招生部门沟通。
And of course, remind your students to stay well-rested, hydrated, and nourished as you all approach the final stretch of the year (which can be stressful in its own right!).
Above all else, communicate to your students how proud you are of them. Reassure them that while college decisions can feel overwhelming and the future can feel uncertain, there are so many exciting things on the horizon. Just having your support and solidarity will help ease the stress of the transition.