So you have data, do you? That’s awesome because anyone that loves statistics loves data! And data begs to be analyzed. Most of the time, you should start with a graph and some type of linear regression. But once you have the equation what do you do? That’s where simple regression analysis comes in. Key […]
How to Make a Histogram
Statistics is all about reading patterns in the numbers. One of the easiest ways to read patterns is to look at a picture, or graph, of the data. In fact, it is so easy, it should be the first thing that you do as a part of any analysis. The most common type of statistical […]
F-distribution Explained
In statistics, you have to determine if the pattern you identify in the data is significantly different from no pattern at all. There are a bunch of ways to do this, but the most common is the use of probability functions. Probability functions permit you to determine the chance that your model is different. Among […]
Making Sense of Time Series Data
A time series is nothing more than data measured over time. For example, you could track the Dow Jones Industrial Average from day to day (or even minute by minute!). In this post, we’ll find out how to analyze the components of time series data. For a quick overview of the topic, you might want […]
时间序列分析和预测Definition and Examples
What is a time series? How do you make a forecast? In this short post we’ll talk about the components of time series and forecasting. Don’t worry; even though this topic can seem complex at first, we’ll just keep it to the basics for now. Time Series Definitions A times series is a set of […]
Measures of Position Explained
What do you do when you’re lost? You use tools like a compass and GPS to figure out where you are and how to get where you are going. Well, in statistics there are ways to figure out where a data point or set falls. These are called measures of position. Once we know where […]
Intro to R Statistics and Data Analysis
There are a lot of statistics programs that can help facilitate your data analysis. Each one is unique and has something special to offer you. But there is one program that stands out above the rest… R. R is a statistics program that is capable for very powerful analyses, but its language can be daunting […]
Factorial Design Basics for Statistics
One of the golden standards of experimental design in both the physical and social sciences is a random controlled experiment with only one dependent variable. The limitation to that design is that it overlooks the effects multiple variables may have with one another. In statistics, there is a special design that not only deals with […]
How to Perform a Heteroskedasticity Test
In perfect statistical world, all of our data would always follow a nice straight line with no error at all. Of course, actual statistics don’t actually work that way. The data can be all over the place and follow a rhyme or reason we didn’t predict. That’s why we look for patterns in the data […]
OLS Assumptions
In statistics, there are numerous ways to analyze data. The whole field revolves around it. Of course, the way that you analyze data depends on both what you want to know and what the data actually are. One of the most common ways to analyze data is using regression models. These types of models estimate […]