
Finding Clues in the Answer Choices

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在这项法案科学战略课程中,我们将谈论在ACT科学测试中获得最高分,以及 这就是您应该如何战略性地使用答案选择。基本上,你应该寻找的线索是什么 在你的答案的选择,将帮助你找到right answer more quickly, avoid being tripped up and save some mental energy.

So first, let's talk about why you should be looking for clues in the answer choices in the first place. 如果你是一个好学生,你可能已经接受过培训,以便有条理地回答你自己的问题,没有帮助。 您可能偶尔在学校获得多项选择测试,但即使大多数人也可能经历了解决问题的整个过程 as you would a question with no answer choices.

然后希望在你看到的选择中找到你的答案。这是一个习惯,许多学生也适用于该行为。 The problem is, on the ACT, you have this wonderful present all wrapped in a bow in front of you. The answer to every question is sitting right there. You just have to pick it out of four.

因此,利用这一礼物和开发新习惯的工作。这是将答案选择视为问题的一部分, 要在你试图解决问题之前看的东西。我要给你四个主要原因,为什么这么做 令人难以乐于乐于助人,第一个是因为答案选择经常指出你应该在哪里看。

So here's a simple illustration. Let's say you're looking at a science passage with graphs that look like these. Our question asks us, what's happening to things? If you read a question like this, 你可能会诱惑直接到这段经文并找到这个词。如果你回到这个特别假设的段落中的图表, you would find two different graphs that both include data on things.

因此,您不知道哪一个可以查看确定比较。所以然后你回到这个问题。 但是如果您认为您的答案选择成为问题的一部分,您可以保存此步骤,并查看第一个。 你会看到所有这些都包括一个非常重要的术语,这是卷。它只出现在第一行图中而不是第二条图。

所以我们立刻了解在哪里看。你会在这个行为中再次看到这样的问题。 Similar labels or measurements are used on several different tables or figures. And it's the answer choices that are going to give you the clues for where to look. Reason number 2, why you should look at the answer choices first, is because the answer choices can help you focus on what is important for 您要在问题上弄清楚或分析。

So, let me show you an example of a question you could actually see on the ACT. 具有等位基因IB和IO的个人,以及HH可以获得以下哪种类型? Now, we aren't actually going to solve this one. I'm going to let you practice with another question in just a minute, but 我希望你注意到答案选择。

你看到所有这些都出现在所有这些中?和o也是如此? That means that any work we do to figure out whether an individual of this type can receive B or O blood is a complete waste of our time. It won't get us anywhere. The only things that are different between the answer choices are Bombay and AB.

So that means we need to be looking to the passage only to find out whether the person in our question can receive AB or Bombay blood, which hopefully cuts down on our work and allows us to hone in more quickly on what is important. All right, it's now reason 3, why you should look at your answer choices first is to prepare yourself for a potential trap. I don't normally like to use words like trap or trick with the ACT because, in general, I do think it is one of the friendliest standardized tests out there.

另一方面,这一行为更有可能在黑暗的小巷里跳来你,并拿走你所有的钱,但我倾斜。 但是,这个测试非常擅长预期您如何错误地解决问题,您可以打赌您将认为那些作为答案选择。 It also makes it a little bit easier for them to write tests, where answer choices are exact opposites.

So you're gonna constantly see answer choices that look something like this. Gobbledygook increases as Schmuffins decreases. Gobbledygook increases as Schmuffins increases. Gobbledygook decreases as Schmuffins remains constant. Or, Gobbledygook remains constant as Schmuffins decreases. When I see something like this, it's a trigger for me to be very, very careful.

我想确保我正在寻找正确的价值观,即我没有在图表和图表上混合GobbledyGook和Schmuffins。 I want to make sure that I am looking at the trends in the data in the right direction. I wanna make sure I'm double checking the question and answer to make sure I read it right.

Because if I didn't, I'm going to get this question wrong, even if I do understand what's going on in the experiment. So answer choices like this put me on high alert to make sure that I didn't make a mistake. But then, I can feel super smart, and give myself a little pat on the back when I get it right, and know I didn't screw it up.

好的。这里是我最喜欢的方法来使用答案选择来解决问题 论法学考试,尤其是难题。因为答案选择中的值通常可以帮助您解决问题。 So let's look at an example ACT problem to illustrate exactly what I mean by this. And this one we are going to work through together.

让我们来看看问题并首先回答选择,因为这就是我们在行为上培训自己的培训。 Given the data in the passage, the speed of light through a hypothetical material with an index of refraction of two would be approximately 6 times 10 to 每秒8米,每秒10到8米,每秒10倍,每秒10到8米或每秒10秒的1.5倍。

Okay. So let's think about what we can learn from the answer choices. 你问自己的问题是,他们在哪里得到这些数字?这里的数字有一种模式。 6是3和3的两倍,是1.5的两倍。我们还可以看到三个答案的选择说10到8米 second and one says 10 to the 4th.

我们可以看看像这些这样的答案选择,并知道该行为不只是将这些数字拉出薄空气。 There must be a reason why they think you might wanna pick half of a number or twice of a number or half the exponent of 10. 当我们去攻击问题时,这为我们提供了一个有价值的免疫。所以,现在让我们看看该段的相关部分。

我们到了。现在,我希望你暂停视频并继续 take the time to read this excerpt. All right, so now let's put side by side with our question and 了解我们如何在答案选择中使用数字来帮助我们。答案选择中的主要数字为6,3和1.5。

So, now that we have the passage, let's think about where these numbers come from. Aha. Right here, we have the speed of light, 表示为C,约为每秒的3.0倍至第8米。问题在问我们,通过假设材料的光速是什么 with an index refraction of 2 would be? So, you know, using a little common sense, I'm going to guess that it's probably not going to be the same as the speed of light in a vacuum.

事实上,下一句话告诉我们这个。光仅在真空中以这种速度行驶。 When light travels through other materials or optical media, it moves more slowly. Slowly is key to answering this question. If it's moving more slowly, then we need a value that is less than the speed of light, less than 3 times 10 to the 8th meters per second.

So we can rule out a, 6 times 10 to the 8th meters per second. Okay, so the other key part of our question is the part where it tells us the index of refraction of the material is 2. So we need to look at what it tells us 关于索引的通道的折射s right here. We have this example about the refractive index of glass which is 1.5.

这意味着光在真空中比在玻璃中更快地行进1.5倍。所以我们需要在这里带来一点数学的数学知识。 Refractive index of 2 would therefore mean that the light would travel twice as slow through this hypothetically material than through a vacuum. 所以它应该是光速的一半。这将是第8至第8次的1.5倍。

所以我们的答案是c。1.5倍10到每秒4米的4米的少于一半。 但是,你可以打赌这个答案的选择是在那里,因为这个行为是想知道你是否会尝试一半的指数2。 我们不应该这样做。我又一次地使用了这个策略,并又称关于寻找哪里的行为的问题 the ACT is getting its numbers from rather than just going about trying to solve a problem can often be a much smarter way of solving an ACT science problem.

Particularly, a difficult one. Or it's a great strategy if you ever get stuck as well too. 如果您找不到您的问题,则在段落中关键术语,如果您不知道在哪里看,请参阅您是否可以找到答案选择中的数字。 Okay. So to recap, use your answer choices.

They are there to help you. Even if it is only because the ACT had to make a multiple choice test. The answer choices can tell you exactly where to look. The key terms in the answer choices are just as important as 问题中的关键术语。答案选择可以帮助您磨练什么是重要的。

What's different about the answer choices? What is it you really have to answer? Reason number 3, to put yourself on to watch out for some potential trickiness, particularly answer choices that are exact opposites. 最后,使用答案选择的线索和价值观来帮助您思考测试制造者并解决困难的问题。

So that's it, happy hunting for clues.
