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Logical Fallacies

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好的,在这个视频中,我们将满足逻辑谬误。我们首先谈谈逻辑谬误正好的事情。 And then we're gonna meet them in terms of examples. So first off, logical fallacies. 这里实际上有正式的逻辑,涉及逻辑谬误。和非正式的逻辑,名称,拉丁名称, 可怕的声音拉丁名称提供给不同类型的逻辑谬误。

这对我们来说,这里的好消息是修订的GRE学生,在AWA上我们不需要知道,无论如何, we simply need to note that the argument is not valid for a certain reason. However, we decide to phrase that is the key because the jury's not testing our 能够了解逻辑谬误的拉丁语,但实际上他们正在测试我们的想法。

They wanna know, can we identify the holes in this argument? So, that said, here when I go and give my examples of logical fallacies, I just 鉴于他们自己的日子,所以我们可以将它们放入类别,以便我们知道要寻找什么。所以首先,我们让事情变得更改谬误 得到它根本听起来不太正式。当然这不是重点。

So what is the things change fallacy? So here's an example. It says, in 85, Hamson, a leading player in the aftershave market, launched a successful ad campaign. Therefore, Hamson, if it wants to repeat this success, should launch the same ad campaign.

Well, hold on, things changed, what worked in 1985 isn't necessarily gonna work today. 为什么?好吧,也许是人民,他们的客户已经改变了。 因此,如果广告活动目标是老年人,也许是游艇的图像或者是老人喜欢的, 如果现在哈姆逊瞄准一个年轻的人口,那就不起作用。

所以可能存在所有这些原因,为什么这个论点没有真实,但只要你看到这个,你就会去,好的,好的,事情发生了变化。 So base my attack of the argument on that. And then of course you wanna come up with reasons why things changed. How did things change? And of course, I gave you an example just now, the demographic.

So that's what we're gonna do here on most of these examples. I'm gonna basically tell you the name of it, how it pertains to this argument or 它如何符合这个例子,当然,当然我们如何提出替代解释来改善参数。 Okay, let's try it with number 2, assumed cause and effect. What's the assumed cause and effect, let's have a look.

After instituting a comprehensive bilingual education program, Monte High witnessed the greatest percent of its senior class go on to college. Therefore, Monte High should continue the bilingual education program. Well, wait a second, just because it was bilingual education program doesn't mean suddenly that, that's why people were accepted to colleges as though colleges were basing 他们的使命完全是关于这些学生是否被计划采用。

现在,这里的关键是再次提高论证。还有什么可以解释这一点? Well, a host of other factors. Maybe new teaching staff. 也许还有一些其他形式的课程。也许他们有,说,手头教练。

Maybe they had a superstar SAT teacher. All of these reasons could work or account for the fact that more Monte High seniors than ever before went on to attend college so we can't just assume it was this bilingual education program. Okay, so those are two, now we have a few more to go. So let's take a look at the next one.

Numbers and percentage assumptions. What's going on here? 让我们说更多的学生。在这里,你再次高,更多的学生 this year senior class of Monte High went on to college. Therefore, the seniors are Monte High's most successful.

所以你有更多,你有一个数字。这个数字是什么意思? 好吧,想象一下。想象一下,让我们在这里制作2010年的2010年级,Monte High。 The 2010 class, you had 100 students. And 99 went on to attend college.

这是惊人的,哇。然后,这2011年,year we're talking about here, we had 200 students in the class. They combined, maybe, with another school. 而且,200,100人继续大学,超过99.但等一下,这必然会更好?

因此,明智的百分比,99%继续上大学,只有50%。所以你必须能够解释这些数字,而且 有时我称之为这些数学假设。所以在数学术语中想到它。 Now, for the next one, we have vague language. What do we have here?

Studies have shown that those who eat three maxomeal fruit bars a day are in better shape than those who eat a normal diet. 好的,等一下。我们的意思是更好的形状? 你如何量化?你怎么提出这个?

所以这比那些吃正常饮食的人非常模糊。那有什么问题吗? 我们的饮食是什么意思?同样,这非常模糊,所以我们需要能够接受这些条款和 说,更好的形状是什么意思的,然后深入研究,展示如何保持参数 because when they may say a better shape means that they run more.

那么,那种更好的形状?所以当然试图根据这些东西分开这个论点, don't just say, the language is vague, end of story. No, the language is vague. 该论点必须做些什么来使这种语言更加模糊或给我们一些具体的东西它量化更好的形状。

Okay, well, they lost 10 pounds versus they a normal diet, normal diet being what? 再次,定义术语。确保这必须尽可能具体 the argument to be more valid. Okay, there are a few more to go, as I said.

And next one, we have not all X are alike, so X being a certain group. So a recent study found that 50-65 year old in Gambitville responded favorably to a new anti-cholesterol drug. Therefore 50-65 year old males in Smugburg will also respond favorably to their drug. 好的,所以它假设甘比特维尔的50至65岁的孩子与史普堡的50至65岁的孩子相同。

现在显然,会有显着重叠。他们都是男性,同一组。 但是,还有微妙的差异。那么一些微妙的差异是什么,或者他们甚至没有那种微妙的差异, 也许Gambitville位于该国的一部分,无论是非常丰富的重食。

和苏格兰堡可能与我住在加利福尼亚州的地方更相似,那里人们非常适合健康和健身,我们不知道但是 您无法将一个小组与另一个国家进行比较。他们不一样,或不同的城市。 在这种情况下,他们在所有情况下都不一样,所以你当然想提出一些替代解释。

Okay, so next one is don't trust a survey. And this one's pretty typical, 你可以有点看看这一个来自一英里的地方。所以它通常根据一些Sorta调查说。 因此,根据最新调查,蒙古镇的居民不太可能向邻近的杰克逊堡通勤,除非建造了新的高速公路。

因此,应建造高速公路。好吧,好的,所以它假设只是因为调查说了什么 that we can really trust the results. So did it pull all the residents from the town? Maybe just specific ones. And even if it pulled all the residents just because these residents say something.

That, yeah, we're gonna start commuting if this highway is constructed doesn't mean they are actually going to start commuting once the highway is constructed. 再次,这就是你想要寻找的东西。最后,我们在这里,苹果不是橘子。 I call this the different cities. You'll see why in a minute.

但是,这个想法是你认为两件事是相似的,但他们不是因为苹果不是橘子。 我们有什么在这里?我们拥有,自建造地铁系统间隙镇已经能够减少它 公民的平均通勤。因此,珀西维尔还应该建立一个地铁,如果它想要减少 公民的平均通勤。

Okay, so what's going on here? Well, we're assuming that what works for 差距镇,地铁系统就在这里,是佩西维尔的工作。因此,因为它在Gap镇工作,它应该在栖息地工作, 这个地铁系统。但等一下。

我们如何知道这是这种情况?也许珀西维尔和差距小镇都非常不同。 Very different or not a lot. Do not not equal one another but of course you can't just stop there. You have to say what? Maybe Percyville most have to commute long distances, maybe there is no central downtown and therefore building a subway system isn't gonna do much good.

So you can maybe go into depth about traffic patterns, any other possible explanations, that's what we're going for here. Once you identify in your own words, please don't put out, this is an apples to orange fallacy. You wanna simply say the argument assumes that Gap Town is the same as Percyville. However, these two cities can differ for many reasons.

First off, Percyville could be dot dot dot. That is how you wanna attack these logical fallacies.
