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In this video, we are going to talk about pacing and the ability to skip questions. First of, I'm gonna tell you something that is mind blowing, at least, 从GRE的角度来看。在这里,每一个问题都值同样的分数。 Wow, why is that? So my boy, what's going on here with this statement?

Well, I think, almost everybody takes this test assumes that the hard questions are worth more points. 中等程度的问题比这个稍微少一点。当然,简单的问题值最少的分数。 It's intuitive, it must be the case, but it isn't. Again, every question is worth the same number of points.

那么,从起搏的角度来说,这到底意味着什么呢?好吧,做你觉得简单的问题。 Because, the easy questions are worth the same number of points as the hard questions. 那么,为什么要把时间浪费在一个非常困难的问题上呢?两分钟过去了,你真的不比什么时候更接近答案 你开始用这两分钟来解决简单的问题。

所以我喜欢想到这个和树。再说一遍,请原谅我的作品。 好了,那棵树够了,树上有水果。就在这上面。 And maybe, you've heard of this expression before. The low hanging fruit.

Assume that everyone of these fruits is an orange, or an apple. And that fruit is the exact same that these, these apple is no different from this apple, is no different from this apple. If you wanna be pick three apples, whatever you pick that from. Well, you're not here. You're not a massive giraffe.

It makes sense that you would go for the low hanging fruit, the easy through. The GRE is the same way, that if I those questions that are easy, and 去问那些问题,换一种思维方式,说,这是做简单的测试,测试对你来说是容易的。 现在,这是下一个重要的问题,是的,你可以跳过问题,这是令人兴奋的原因,是老GRE。

嗯,你不能跳过一个问题。你必须在继续之前回答问题,这很有压力, it's something that the new GRE creators wanted to change. So what you have now, is the ability to scroll, 从一个问题到另一个问题去寻找简单的测试。请注意,我不会一直滚动只是为了寻找 一个简单的问题,那么,跳过中等的,但我肯定会使用滚动功能,以避免困难的问题。

记住,在中间部分,通过数学或口头,这是你收到的第一个部分,无论是数学还是数学 verbal will have some difficult questions on it. It will have bunch of medium questions, as well as some easy questions. Find the easy questions and the medium questions by using the easy to use scroll feature.

And that way, get as many points as you can in as little time as possible, or before the time runs out. 现在,要想知道什么是一个简单的测试,最好知道哪种类型的问题更难,哪种是耗时的问题,等等。 Now, first off, this test is section adaptive. I went over this in an earlier video.

从本质上讲,这是说,测试并没有变得更难的部分。 That is, question five is not more difficult than question three, which is more difficult than question one, etc. Rather, difficulty within a section is random, but depending how you do in the section determines your next section, the section you get afterwards.

And that's why the new GRE is a section adaptive test. However, there is one section, that is the quantitative comparison section, 在数学,定量部分。再次进行定量比较,其中, the questions tend to get more difficult as you go up in number. You will either have a section that has quantitative comparison questions from one to seven, or another section you will get will have one to eight, meaning, that's six and seven, seven, eight, tend to me more difficult than one and two.

这样的话,从步调的角度来看,你知道,好吧,先问四到五个问题是个好主意,这里也是,然后,也许, 跳过较难的部分,特别是如果你在数学部分时间紧迫的话。如果你数学很好, 你可能只想把每个问题都看一遍,只要你不慌张,尽量找答案, 你可能想一直到7点,然后继续。

但是,同样,如果你对数学没有信心,知道更难的问题是定量比较是非常重要的。 Again, they start the math section. One through seven, one through eight, tend to be a little bit more difficult, so 别慌张。去解决问题,再次,寻找容易被媒体发现的问题。

Now, in terms of question types, and the amount of time they take, let's talk about the time consuming ones. 首先,文本完成,你可能会说,等一下,不,不,不,我不同意,因为一个黑色文本完成很容易,而且 我同意,那两个空格,甚至可怕的三个,比如文本补全呢。那些会花你很长时间的。

So instead of sitting there trying to dissect this sentence with four commas and a semi colon, scroll, go on to something else. Choose another question, and again, when I say scroll, maybe, this sounds confusing to you, I encourage you to take a mock test as soon as you can, either through GRE, or through, or rather read through the GRE craters, ETS, or through she'll talk about that in a second.

但再次回到这里,它就像消耗文本具体,像文本解决方案,一些管状文本和地方可以占用你很多时间。 Then, there's reading comprehension. Not all passages, but there are a couple of long ones. 事实上,有一个很长的,还有一个很长的。这两个问题后面都只有四个问题。

So skip those, come to them at the end. And then, there are paragraph argument questions. 同样,并非所有这些都是困难的。也许,你也许想给一个问题一个机会,读一下。 但是如果你在挣扎,你在想,哇,这其实是一个很长的段落,要求我做很多,理解很多,还有 wow, it's really confusing.

再说一次,别以为我不擅长这个,想想,我遇到了一个难题,现在,如果我有时间,我会跳过这个,回到这个问题上来。 我刚才提到了这些练习测试。听到我谈论滚动功能是一回事,有多不同 问题需要更多的时间,你必须找到自己的策略,这样你才能找到简单的测试,或者低挂,但是 nothing can really prepare you way that taking actual mock test scans, these actual practice tests, you'll pick up on the scroll feature really easily.

同样,只要你能找到对你来说很容易的问题,你就会有这种感觉。 So we have here Powerprep II. This is the one from ETS I mentioned a second ago, these are the writers of 考试,教育考试服务,他们写GRE。他们有两个Powerprep II测试。

And the reason why it's called Powerprep II, is Powerprep I was for the old GRE. So again, Powerprep II has two tests, and you can get those with the official guide, and they come on a little CD. And then, of course, there's also the Magoosh mock tests. And so, you could create a bunch of mock tests using the Magoosh questions themselves.

And this will give you the exact feel of taking the GRE, in terms of the scrolling, even in terms of the calculator. It's like sitting there and taking the real test. So here you have it, these are the important strategies you need to know in order to pace, so that you don't run out of time, and that you go for the easy and medium questions first.

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