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Word Roots



在这个视频中,我们将谈论词根。现在,您可能会在您所做的研究中听说过您的GRE研究 far that word roots are great to learn vocabulary. Now, this isn't entirely true. 事实上,对于GRE来说,我会说这根本不真实。我们针对初学者的目标是什么,尤其是学习英语或 maybe fifth, sixth, seventh graders who are trying to build up their vocabulary from childhood simple words to more advanced words.

那么这些学生通常学习的是根源,如麦克劳,因为这是有趣的。如果你坚持使用这个词的男人,这意味着糟糕, it makes these other words something bad. So for instance, maladroit, adroit is a GRE word which means skillful, Dexerous,真的擅长使用你的手。在它面前下降,这意味着糟糕。

So bad not skillful, not good at using your hands, or clumsy. Maligned, to say something bad about someone, malicious, to have evil intent, 这很棒。把根放在那里,一切都很棒。 看这个,麦格纳。麦格娜意味着大。

同样的东西,animus意味着生活就像动画一样。如果你放大了生活,那并不意味着你在聚会上度过了愉快的时光,但是 it means you are bighearted and kind and generous. You're likely to forgive people, you don't hold grudges. 你是一个好人,你是一个沉重的或简单,放大,使得更大。但是这个视频的重点是实际上概述了所有这些根源,但是 it's to show you that this whole idea of applying roots breaks down to the level of the GRE.

So after you get kind of beyond the vocab 101, and of course the GRE goes well beyond vocab 101, roots can actually kind of in your way can actually hurt you. 现在首先,你在GRE上看到的很多根只会出现一次。比如忏悔,这意味着教一个人,让某人学习它, in terms of the root erudite, and an erudite is an actual scholar. So you have this root that only shows up once.

And so if you would have learned the root as well as the definition, it really wouldn't help you much. 因为再次,你无法以申请MAL或MAG的方式应用erud。其他例子,无聊,无聊来自一个基本上的人 从马到马戏团跳到马,功能跳跃,desul。同样,没有其他单词具有那种根。

So you're learning a root but you should just really, learn the definition. What does desultory actually mean? 它意味着漫步,不专心。所以你可以看到有时,罗茨的东西,即使你知道根源, 它们与定义没有直接关系。然后是猎植物,在这里发生了什么,看看,历史。

And it sounds like history, and therefore we think histrionic means relating to history. 母细胞实际上来自于组织中,这意味着我们与拉丁语中的演员有关。 再次,英语中没有其他单词,肯定不是历史,有这些定义。

What it actually means though is not of it pertaining to actors, but theatrical in the sense that your reactions are overdone, overblown, melodramatic. And so again, the root doesn't quite match up and you don't even see the root again. And the word itself looks like another word that's not related to the root 根本所以你现在可以看到GRE,是的,他们的邪恶是邪恶的 他们知道很多英语单词都很困惑。

他们让人们认为它必须是指这个,当实际上,它没有。我会给你一些更多的例子。 你想意识到他的想法,这必须是历史。这里有一些常见的对,人们一直出错。 所以只是沉重的vs思考,我要专注于思考,因为我认为很多人都知道这个词。

思考意味着仔细考虑一些事情,思考,所以沉思是冥想,沉思的人。 这实际上是不正确的。沉思意味着努力努力。 You're weighed down. You don't move gracefully.

所以你可以看到这与思考不同。但如果你只是,这里的知识就在这里和 说,这看起来像这个词的根源,你实际上被误解了。另一个例子是浪费和潮流,有些人知道这个词, 不是每个人,但有些人知道这个s word because of the Bible. There's this whole story about the prodigal son.

The prodigal son basically spent all his dad's money. He was wasteful. And now, we get this wonderful adjective prodigal which means wasting all your money. 这个词令人惊叹地展现在GRE上,你说,嘿,必须与浪费有关。

但实际上并非如此。所以我们认为你认为与英语有许多类似的单词。 but actually aren't related. And so sometimes we try to again extract these roots what we think are roots, but they're similar looking parts of the words that is pro and pro. But the meaning is actually very different.

So let's go on now to another aspect of roots. And I've been kind of bringing in a lot of bad news here with roots, but 根部可以为良好的背后斯而造成良好的障碍,还要回顾?好吧,差动意味着从马匹到马。 记住,这是一个马戏团。因此,如果您从受试者跳过主题,或者如果您没有组织或 以一种专注的方式工作,你是无聊的。

So this could be memorable in and of itself. Not necessarily a mnemonic but 这是一个很好的故事,嘿,这个词来自一个人,我猜他们实际上有这些人在马戏团中跳到马。 所以偶尔,有一个良好的背面故事,并找到良好的背面故事,你可以去上网 导致etymonline.com的词源词典。

同样,并非所有的话都有很棒的背面故事,但偶尔会遇到一些。 肯定是在VOCAB周三,我会记下有趣的根和言辞。 所以如果你想在YouTube或博客上看到词汇,我有时会鼓励你在那里看。

再次指出这些有趣的背面故事。现在,更好的消息,其实很好的新闻。 这并非所有根源都在一个单词的开头,如宽大的,magna甚至在单词中间。 但他们实际上已经到底来了。最终出现的根源被称为后缀。

Now, the suffix is great because what it does is it does not change the meaning of the word. It only changes the part of speech. What do I mean by part of speech? 嗯,部分言论是名词或单词作为形容词或在某些情况下,这个词甚至是一个动词。

让我们来看看这里。你之前可能从未见过这个词,宽阔。 但是,基于其他内容,基于您在此视频中看到的另一个单词,您应该能够弄清楚宽度的定义。 因为再次,后缀只会到​​底来。他们只会改变这个词的言语的部分,而不是意义。

那么Magnanim看起来像什么?Aha,它看起来非常类似于宽大,这是一个形容词。 如果你能记住它,它又意味着有一颗大心脏,你很慷慨,你是善良的。 And so magnanimity, with the ity, is simply the noun form. And so again, recognizing how the words change at the end can save you a lot of points.

And in essence, can really double your vocabulary sometimes if you are familiar with the way that words turn from adjectives to nouns and vice versa. Let's take a look here, erudition, probably never seen this word before but you have seen erudite. Again, erudite is scholarly, you'll learn it. Erudition therefore, is the noun form, is and actually erudite, I should probably 快速回到那个真的,因为这可能会令人困惑。

秘密可以是名词或形容词。博学是一名学者。 And to be erudite, the adjective is to be scholarly. However, erudition is not the person who has the learning, but is learning or scholarliness itself. But again, notice it just changes here at the end, I-O-N.

没有改变意义,但它改变了这种感觉,部分讲话与武理,也许从实际的人那里转移到知识本身。 And then finally, maladroitness, if you remember from one of the first slides, maladroit, adroit comes from the word meaning skill. Add mal to the front, this is where roots are actually helping us out. And this mal means bad, so not skilled.

And then we add N-E-S-S to the end which again, comes at the end suffix only affecting part of speech. When you add N-E-S-S it changes an adjective into a noun and maladroitness is this quality of being clumsy. 所以基本上笨拙,现在让我们在演讲类别的部分中获取一个最后一句话。

我们实际上没有提出这个课程视频的词。你可能会说,之前我从未见过。 我看到有趣,很有趣的根吗?不,有趣不一定是根。 但是,我们再次处理讲话的部分,因此我们正在处理后缀,因此,我们正在处理这个词的结尾。

葬礼看起来非常类似于其他单词,如果你只是点击最后两个字母,那么葬礼。 And so funeral is a noun. But if you wanna change that into an adjective, it's funereal. So if something is depressing, there's an atmosphere around you or if you're in a classroom or wherever you happen to be.

Again, if it's gloomy and depressing, then you could describe that as funereal. So again, key takeaway, the change comes at the end of the word. 它通常不会改变含义,它只是改变了语音的一部分。那是根源真的可以帮助你的地方,有点在这个词的后面,不是那么 很多在一个单词的开始或中间。最后,它会再次令人困惑的话。

I've tried to mention this as much as possible on the Vocab Wednesday posts, or in the videos. But even in our vocab e-book, I have all these confusing pairs, confusing trios, etc. And you should definitely go through that. But it's never exhaustive, and sometimes what's confusing for 你可能不会对另一个人令人困惑,或者甚至是我。

So it's always a good idea to turn these confusing words that you encounter or that look similar but mean something different, turn these into flash cards. 所以你总是可以让他们友好,并且真正提出了方法来确保你分开一个单词的定义 然而,从一个看起来类似的词的定义,但是非常不同。这让我们到了这里。

So I guess really to recap, roots aren't our magical savior. Typically, the GRE picks from words that look similar, 好像他们有同样的根源,把我们扔掉。但一般来说,如果你不认识它们,就会学习一些基本根源。 Don't try to guess based on unknown information or two words that kinda look similar.


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