您可以找到更多Magoosh评论我们的Facebook页面。Before Magoosh. |
后 Magoosh. |
数学 | 我以前没有拿过格雷 | 16.4. |
口头 | 16.7. | |
Total | 得分 3.3.1 |
Before Magoosh. |
后 Magoosh. |
数学 | 我以前没有拿过格雷 | 16.7. |
口头 | 16.8 | |
Total | 得分 3.3.5. |
Magoosh.helped keep me on track, at a much lower price point than other test prep systems. I followed the one-month plan, and was happy to do small pieces of prep each day. While I couldn't keep up the pace with a full-time job (as the guide warned me), I still believe Magoosh helped me a lot. I learned general strategies (number sense, not looking at the verbal answers without my own answer), a sense for timing, and most importantly, I always had a plan to follow so I couldn't second-guess myself.
Before Magoosh. |
后 Magoosh. |
数学 | 16.3. | 16.7.+4. |
口头 | 156. | 16.1+5. |
Total | 319. | 得分 3.28 |
I went through all the math, and flag ones that I was particularly stumped on. I went back through the math and did all the ones I got wrong. Then I went back through and did all the flagged ones. I wish I had time to do this for the verbal.
Before Magoosh. |
后 Magoosh. |
数学 | 155. | 16.0+5. |
口头 | 16.7. | 16.8+1 |
Total | 3.22 | 得分 3.28 |
Before Magoosh. |
后 Magoosh. |
数学 | 156. | 157.+1 |
口头 | 158. | 16.4.+6. |
Total | 314. | 得分 3.21 |
Before Magoosh. |
后 Magoosh. |
数学 | 我以前没有拿过格雷 | 158. |
口头 | 16.5. | |
Total | 得分 3.23. |
Before Magoosh. |
后 Magoosh. |
数学 | 16.0 | 16.2+2 |
口头 | 17.0 | 17.0 |
Total | 3.3.0 | 得分 3.3.2 |
I started Magoosh around two months before my first test. For verbal I mostly used the flash cards whose vocabulary was remarkably well-matched to the test. I encountered dozens of words between both tests that I had learned from Magoosh and very few (less than 5 per test) that I did not know and were not covered in Magoosh.
Before Magoosh. |
后 Magoosh. |
数学 | 16.3. | 16.7.+4. |
口头 | 16.4. | 16.2 |
Total | 3.27. | 得分 3.29 |
Awesomely hard math questions made most of the math on the actual GRE seem really easy.
Before Magoosh. |
后 Magoosh. |
数学 | 我以前没有拿过格雷 | 16.1 |
口头 | 159. | |
Total | 得分 3.20 |
在每一个方式,因为我只用magooshand nothing else to prepare for GRE.
Before Magoosh. |
后 Magoosh. |
数学 | 我以前没有拿过格雷 | 16.9 |
口头 | 155. | |
Total | 得分 3.24. |
Before Magoosh. |
后 Magoosh. |
数学 | 我以前没有拿过格雷 | 16.2 |
口头 | 16.0 | |
Total | 得分 3.22 |
Before Magoosh. |
后 Magoosh. |
数学 | 我以前没有拿过格雷 | 16.7. |
口头 | 17.0 | |
Total | 得分 3.3.7. |
Before Magoosh. |
后 Magoosh. |
数学 | 我以前没有拿过格雷 | 16.4. |
口头 | 16.2 | |
Total | 得分 3.26. |
Before Magoosh. |
后 Magoosh. |
数学 | 我以前没有拿过格雷 | 17.0 |
口头 | 16.1 | |
Total | 得分 3.3.1 |
Before Magoosh. |
后 Magoosh. |
数学 | 我以前没有拿过格雷 | 156. |
口头 | 16.8 | |
Total | 得分 3.24. |
Before Magoosh. |
后 Magoosh. |
数学 | 16.5. | 16.6.+1 |
口头 | 16.4. | 16.5.+1 |
Total | 3.29 | 得分 3.3.1 |
Before Magoosh. |
后 Magoosh. |
数学 | 152. | 154.+2 |
口头 | 16.1 | 16.6.+5. |
Total | 313. | 得分 3.20 |
Magoosh.provided practice problems and a good review of math material. Being able to read the transcripts of videos was really great and saved me a lot of time.
Before Magoosh. |
后 Magoosh. |
数学 | 我以前没有拿过格雷 | 16.5. |
口头 | 16.7. | |
Total | 得分 3.3.2 |
Great practice questions and tutorial lessons
Before Magoosh. |
后 Magoosh. |
数学 | 154. | 156.+2 |
口头 | 159. | 16.6.+7. |
Total | 313. | 得分 3.22 |
Before Magoosh. |
后 Magoosh. |
数学 | 我以前没有拿过格雷 | 16.0 |
口头 | 17.0 | |
Total | 得分 3.3.0 |
Before Magoosh. |
后 Magoosh. |
数学 | 我以前没有拿过格雷 | 16.0 |
口头 | 16.1 | |
Total | 得分 3.21 |
是的 - 真正快速响应问题和伟大的教育材料。让GRE不那么乏味,更有趣。
Before Magoosh. |
后 Magoosh. |
数学 | 我以前没有拿过格雷 | 16.0 |
口头 | 17.0 | |
Total | 得分 3.3.0 |
Magoosh给了我所需的所有课程,我需要学习基本概念,以及掌握他们的做法。有仪表板和审查某些主题的选项非常有用,就像练习测试一样 - 这是我唯一使用的。
Before Magoosh. |
后 Magoosh. |
数学 | 710. | 158. |
口头 | 530. | 16.7. |
Total | 1240. | 得分 3.25. |
Before Magoosh. |
后 Magoosh. |
数学 | 16.1 | 16.7.+6. |
口头 | 16.7. | 17.0+3. |
Total | 3.28 | 得分 3.3.7. |
Before Magoosh. |
后 Magoosh. |
数学 | 我以前没有拿过格雷 | 16.6. |
口头 | 158. | |
Total | 得分 3.24. |
Before Magoosh. |
后 Magoosh. |
数学 | 我以前没有拿过格雷 | 156. |
口头 | 16.5. | |
Total | 得分 3.21 |