
Intro to Sentence Structure

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Welcome to the writing passage for the new SAT. This is a slightly different section than anything we've seen before on the SAT. 这就像行为的写作一样。事实上,它非常相似。 但是,如果你不熟悉这一点,那么告诉你你将要处理这个弗兰肯斯坦怪物。

这是旧的SAT段落之间存在一些语法错误和全面阅读理解段落。 You won't actually have to answer any comprehension questions, but it's as though you're really reading an entire passage to figure out the context and 可以找出哪些句子属于which part of the actual essay. So it can get quite complicated.

And what we're going to talk about here after this intro slide is approaches to this new question type, but for now, high overview. 四个段落,11个提示每个,44个问题,这是很多阅读。每个问题都将包含四个答案选择。 对于那些从旧坐骑过渡的人来说,这可能是一件好事。这意味着一个答案选择少。

但是,或者,我应该添加大多数问题也将有答案选择,没有变化,所以你真的要读不是那么多的问题。 Again, not all of the 44 questions will have no change as an option, but it's nice knowing it's there. 在某种程度上,它只需要三个答案来阅读据当然,当然,坏消息是你有很多阅读,350到450字。

They tend to be usually closer to the 450 than the 350 words. Finally, the only reason I'm adding this is because this is a standardized test and 他们以非常相似的格式做事。例如,您在此处有11个提示,四个段落。 这总是相同的。什么也是一样的?

They will take something from social sciences, so you could be reading about traffic patterns, someone's writing about something like that, or 科学,他们用DNA获得漂亮的硬核心。个人叙述。 这些不是太糟糕了。这只是撰写他们的经历的人。

And for some reason, they've really chosen or focused on this business and career. So they could be written in a third-person note. 这些是在个人叙事写作的新的新工作或某种方式与他们的经营体验的个人叙述。 那么为什么这很重要,如果你发现你比其他一些人更好,那么两件事,你可以专注于 making your weaknesses stronger, so if your weak at science, let's focus on that.

但你也可以知道在订单方面要做哪些。所以,如果你没时间了 你遇到的是,科学通道到最后,第二个到最后一个,你可能想看看四个段落的最后一个。 Because if you're good at business and careers, because those ones don't tend to be that difficult, then you might want to do those questions first.

Okay. So we're talking already strategy. 每个部分都有一个与图表相关的问题,而不是每篇文章。我知道很多人吓坏了这一点,所以去那里的课程。 但在战略方面,战略很大。这就是为什么这种方法我想和你谈论我认为会帮助你。

This is my theory, my hypothesis. But the best way of dealing with this passage is as follows. 但我可能错了。所以你们要做的就是应用你在这个视频中学的内容 试一试,看看它是否有效。如果没有,那么您可以重新返回其中一个方法。

So I'm going to show you three approaches, and then, of course, support one of them. Number one, read the entire passage first. 这意味着你坐在那里,你读了所有450个单词,然后你当然会做与整个段落有关的问题。 Now, the cons of this. It's not a reading comprehension passage, meaning you don't actually have to read everything and understand every part and how they go together the way you would with a reading comp passage.

所以你不必这样做。当你阅读整个段落时,它会浪费太多时间。 You may get a little bit bored as we inevitably do. And you're already reading so much on this new SAT, so waste time makes you even more tired. But there are some pros.

你会有整体意义上的段落。你读过整个东西。 You're not just opening up the book and diving into the questions, which is the second approach. Don't read the passage at all. Just do the questions.

缺点,你会错过大图片问题。有很大的图片问题,而不是阅读理解本身,但是 句子在一起的方式以及段落之间的转换。有时候甚至有一个问题问你这样一段甚至可以制作 sense here or should we move it before the third paragraph. So you'll miss out on those, so that's important, but 它起初会节省大量时间。

我的假设,我对学生注意到了什么,是他们使用这种方法时,他们花了很多时间重新划分,而且 他们真的不知道重读哪个部分。有时他们会尝试从一开始就开始一旦他们意识到他们需要 重读更多IT或第一次读取它。他们从一开始就开始,然后他们意识到他们没有, they read all the stuff that was unnecessary, and etc., etc., so they get lost in the passage when they actually have to go back and find the answer to one of these big picture questions.

所以它虽然有用,并且再次回到策略,如果你没时间了,这是一种很好的方法。 You definitely want to use this. Last passage, get as many questions right as you can. Do the ones that don't deal with big picture issues, just small grammatical punctuation things.

做那些问题。不要读这篇文章。 这种方法也很棒。当然,有方法3。 And this is it. Read each paragraph.

然后做与该段有关的问题。所以你要读一段。 There's two questions in there. Do those two questions. 继续前进到下一段。如果下一段中有四个问题,很棒。

You've got to read the entire paragraph first, then do those four questions. So this is not quite as fast as reading the passage, because you're going to have to stop, you know, go do the actual questions. But what you'll notice is transitions within the paragraphs, 段落之间的转换,这对大图片问题非常有帮助。

你将有足够的背景来了解很多这些问题,这是大图片。 您将在句子中获得更好的这些过渡,以及作者在段落中的说法。 而且我认为这是如此乐于助人,是测试真的关注段落意义, not the entire passage meaning the way that a reading comp passage would be.

So, again, my hypothesis is this is the best way to do it. And, of course, when you go back to those questions dealing with big picture ideas, you won't have to reread as much of the paragraph or the passage even. You'll know where to go and what to read. So take away from all of this is experiment. And I want you to experiment with this paragraph approach, approach number 3.

阅读段落。做与该段有关的问题。 继续下一段。它可能起初很奇怪。 You're not used to it and that's fine. That's what I expect.

So I want you to try it out on at least three different passages. And don't do it just back to back to back. Your brain needs time to learn, to rest, to heal, to make those new synaptic connections. And so a good thing is try it out over the course of a few days, spread out your practice, do passage, say on Monday, one passage.

尝试这种方法。然后在星期二,再试一次。 然后也许周三一天跳过一天,周四做了第三段。尝试这种方法,看看如果你有更好的感觉,请看看你是否感觉更舒服 这段经文,如果你得到更多的问题。因为如果你是,那么这是一种很棒的方法,而且 I think it will work for you.

Experiment. But if it doesn't, then try one of the other approaches and 看看哪一个更适合你。我想你要找到, 在这三种方法中,一个有效的方法。当然,我的希望是段落方法,但我们会看到。
