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Attacking The Passage

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In this lesson, we're gonna talk specifically about attacking the writing paragraph. So the strategy is read a paragraph at a time. Then return to the questions within that paragraph. 对于某些问题,处理的某种问题,处理句子之间过渡的人,您必须在之前重新阅读句子 在潜在的部分之后,有点帮助自己记住上下文。

那没关系,这是战略的一部分。所以我们要做的就是,我会在那里阅读那段。 Okay, I assume you've paused the video. What should you have paid attention to when you've read? Well, sort of in the vein of active reading, what you want to do is you don't want to just piece words next to each other, but you kind of want to simplify and summarize as you read.

And so, I read that first sentence and I just think, okay people are staying in someone's house they've never even met before. And it says, over the last few years many are paying to do exactly that. First thing that should jump out is, that's an interesting transition. They even give me a transition word here. I don't know if it's correct, but what should that word be?

What's going on here? What are they setting up? 你应该说,哦,他们正在建立对比。你甚至可能已经说,哦,我已经答案到了一个。 Break the approach a little bit in some cases. And say, I know it's a contrast word.

所以我将在完成段落之前看一个问题。但是你不会总是在第一个问题上过渡。 So you'd keep on reading. Many are paying to do exactly that. And the somebody of the first sentence is getting paid for lending out their home to perfect strangers, sometimes for an entire week.

So now we have a context. People are paying someone to stay at their place, and they stay there. Kind of weird, but that';s what the paragraph is about. So what we're also going to pay attention to is that there are certain transitions within the sentence such as here. And these of course relates to grammar rules not so much meaning rules.

So don't trip over these. Don't say, oh, that's weird. I better read that again. It's probably going to sound weird, because there is a grammatical error going on. Again, don't worry about re-reading any of these parts 一旦你实际上去了这个问题,看看他们要求什么。

So, for question number one, we know that they're asking about this transition. We already set up the transition. There's a contrast going on here. Who would possibly drive 500 miles to stay in a stranger's home? But that's exactly what's happening. But, or however, something that shows that contrast.

因此,意味着,某事是一个原因和效果。但人们不会指望人们实际开始支付这件事。 For instance, gives an example and additionally shows that there's no contrast, but you're expanding on something that's already been set. Okay, so we tried our little method with that first paragraph, and we still have a couple more questions to go.

Again, you'll need to go back, and you'll need to reread, don't just say their home. Well, their home sounds fine to me. 看看这句话。第一句的某个人正在获得贷款的报酬。 他们测试了代词某人。Is it singular or is it plural?

Meaning is it their or should it be, his or her. Somebody, for your edification, is always singular. 因此应该是他或她。所以你可以摆脱答案选择a。 他们很好,他们是他们。贷款他们是家,它没有任何意义。

他和她带我们回复数。又一次,有人是单数。 So you can see that a lot of these you just have to look at the actual sentence itself, apply some grammar rules, and you should get it right. 只要当然,你就知道那些语法规则。说到哪些,让我们看看一些更复杂的语法规则。

说,有人向他们的家借给完善的陌生人,有时候一周。 What's wrong with that? Well, it's implying that the somebody's lending out their home to themselves and staying there. That doesn't make any sense.

So we wanna get rid of that. And it's the strangers who are gonna be there. 所以陌生人。现在这真的很微妙,但人们总是谁。 But that's kind of nitpicky, but notice, read it, though. Strangers that sometimes staying.

Ooh, that's off. Strangers, and they are sometimes staying an entire week. Who's the they? Well, you could say somebody singular, but it could be the strangers, which is plural. Probably is, but the SAT's gonna be more precise.

So they're gonna put a comma next to strangers, and they're gonna be more specific. Strangers, who are sometimes staying an entire week. Now, it's very clear and there's nothing funky going on with the saying. 所以它是。这就是你如何攻击典型段落。

这可能也是一个典型的段落。这有点稍长。 But again, actively read it, pause the video, and then try to do number four. Okay, I see we've done that. 所以你读到第一部分,总结了酒店变得昂贵。

现在,有这些新的网站取出了这一整个房地产贷款的不确定性因素, or staying in places you've, that are owned by people you've never met before. And then as we get to number four, it says, similarly, Airbnb has a rating system that works both ways. Well, Airbnb was already mentioned.

他们是那个将不确定性因素脱离图片的人,这意味着人们对他们所得到的东西有更好的意识。 哦,我看,Cuz Airbnb提供这个评级系统,因此旅行者可以了解他们所在的地方,反之亦然。 那么这句话与句子之间的联系是什么?这就是你必须弄清楚新的卫星写作。

连接是Airbnb作为他们实际做的举例说明不确定性因素的一个例子。 So for instance works perfectly. Again, they mention Airbnb, taking out the uncertainty factor. How did they do it? Well, let's give them an instance, and that's what b is.

同样,意味着您可以将Airbnb与其他类似的人的人进行比较。 但是,这是它的第一个Airbnb的实例再次实际做某事,这是从图片中取出的不确定性因素。 There's no need for contrast and similarly and likewise are very similar words. So they're both wrong in this case.

Finally, number five. This is one if you are running out of time, you can just go, okay, 我不需要阅读所有这些。我可以看到数字是主题,因此建议是正确的。 单独不是主题。所以不要独自思考。

It's the numbers that are doing the suggesting. And numbers are plural, therefore suggest is correct. Not suggests. And the answer, of course, would be a. 所以,这就是你通过它的方式。阅读它,注意您正在处理的方式 the transitions where you really have to understand the sentences.

And then, you can read to the end but come back to the ones that are just purely grammar. Make sure you focus on what's going on in the sentence and you should get the correct answer.

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