

In this lesson, we're gonna talk about the very important topic of stress reduction techniques. So first of all let's just say a few things about stress. Of course life in the world seems to make stress unavoidable. 可能你和所有同学都感到压力,可能是你的老师,你的父母,你所知的所有成年人都感到压力。

现代世界发送了这一消息的方式,每个人都在压力下生活,这是正常的生活方式。 当然,压力很大,它是不可食的,受到压力并不乐趣。 事实上,它有很多记录,有很多,在压力下生活的大部分人生的健康风险很多。

But it's very important to keep in mind stress is one way to live, but it's not the only way to live. And that's a really important thing to understand. So in order to understand this a little better, we'll talk about the brain. 现在大脑,当然有我们的大脑的部分,我们可以思考,以及我们可以控制的部分。

I can choose to move my arm, that kind of thing, but then there's a lot that runs on automatic pilot. And there are two complimentary systems that govern all this stuff that runs on automatic pilot. 其中一个被称为交感神经系统。所以这适合我们在战斗或飞行时对我们的身体发生了什么, 当我们运动时,当我们在巨大的兴奋时,或者当我们受到压力时。

一般来说,肌肉变得紧张,很多血液都浮出水,很多血液远离内脏。 We have shallow breathing, our heart speeds up, there's a lot of adrenaline and in fact, among other things what happens our digestion slows down, 我们的免疫系统降低了。所有这一切都在同情唤醒过程中发生。

The opposite system, parasympathetic nervous system this called sometimes the relaxation response, the rest and digest system, the soothing system. 所以想象一下,这是你的整个身体放松的时候,你的心脏放缓,你的呼吸变得深刻,你的肌肉放松一下。 This actually enhances digestion, enhances immune function, it's much healthier to live in the parasympathetic nervous system.

So reducing stress has a lot to do with turning off the sympathetic nervous system and turning on the parasympathetic nervous system. And the big component of this is the breath. See, I have no way to consciously control my heart rate. I have no way to consciously control how much adrenaline I'm producing. But the one thing I can consciously control is my breath, and 实际上,关闭交感神经系统并打开副交感神经系统的最快方法是呼吸。

Slow, deep, full-body breathing initiates body-wide relaxation. So practices right now, start taking some nice deep breaths. These would be breaths that fill up the belly, fill up the chest. You can feel the ribs on your sides pushing outward and even can move the shoulders apart a little bit. Just a gigantic, nice, big, slow, breath, slow inhale, slow exhale.

事实上,如果您可以在此视频的其余部分继续执行此操作。如果你可以呼吸这样的呼吸 five minutes, you will feel an enormous difference in your body. And in fact, we'll talk a little bit about the body. 很多压力涉及一个人的头部太多。各种思想和想象力遍布的是压力的一半。

This is the things that our brain cooks up that aren't even real. What if he says this? What if that happens? What if that happens? 如果我要处理这个怎么办?所以,很多压力都在头部, 很多战斗压力都与越来越意识到身体有关。

And of course as you're breathing deeply that's an excellent time to just notice the whole body. What does your body feel like? If your body could say something, what would it say to you? 如果您觉得任何紧绷或不适的区域,您可以随时进入那些呼吸缓慢时,您会发现他们会慢慢放松。

还有一件事我会说,只是把它从一个古老的人那里,你有一个少女。你有一个年轻,健康的身体,充满活力,充满活力, 欣赏,欣赏你有一个少年的身体的事实。欣赏它是什么礼物, 它是多么祝福,在这个世界上走在这个世界上有一个少女。一旦你转20岁,你就永远不会再有一个少女。

So, just keep that in mind. Appreciate the body, pay attention to it, pay attention to how it feels. 我会说放松,但真的放松。这是什么意思? Think about what most people do when they say they're relaxing. They often watch an electronic screen so a TV, movie, video games, that sort of thing.

And in fact a lot of times the things that they're watching, say if it's an action movie or a fast paced video game, it's actually something that is producing a lot of adrenaline. In general changing electronic screens do a lot to stimulate the sympathetic nervous system. And so it may feel like relaxation because, of course, we're not focusing on our schoolwork or something like that.

我们的思想会集中在别的东西上,这有点放松。但它实际上并不放松身体。 And that's an important point. In fact, in many ways, by entertaining ourselves 随着将肾上腺素施入我们的系统的东西,我们真的很强调。我们正在使用相同的系统,以后会影响我们的压力, 相同的电路。

真正的放松涉及全面的呼吸和全身存在。所以我会说实验这一点。 每天至少花费一点时间拔掉这种深深的放松,即使它只有五分钟。 Not plugged into anything, just low sensory stimulation and just breathing deeply and feeling yourself.

And just develop this as a kind of touchstone, so you have a visceral sense of what it feels like to relax at a deep level. 因为大多数人都没有任何想法感受到的样子。大多数人都没有想到对放松的感觉有多好,你越多 可以建立对那些人可以访问的意识。这将是对抗压力的巨大援助。

我推荐的最终做法是一个叫做正念的东西。现在这可能是你听到的一个词。 Mindfulness is the practice of observing carefully and noticing details. Now think about this, think about the way we move through the world. 我们看了很多熟悉的物体,我们马上说,好吧,我知道这是什么。

Okay, fork, I know what a fork is, done. Pencil sharpener, I know what a pencil sharpener is. 换句话说,它甚至没有注册。我们只看到熟悉的对象,就像我们思想的某些部分一样 去过那里,我们甚至没有看过它。心灵是关于停止和看的。

Have you ever really looked at a fork, really looked carefully, noticed the difference between different kinds of forks. Have you ever really looked at a stapler, or pencil sharpener? Have you ever really looked at individual parts of say, a car, or something like this? Mindfulness is about making very careful observations.

Again being breathing, being aware of the body and making these observations. And a lot of this involves just looking very carefully at super familiar objects 我们认为理所当然。现在当然,理性的头脑说,这是什么价值? 当然,当我们这样做时,我们正在进行我们思想的另一部分,我们正在开启一种开放的好奇心和奇迹。

开放的好奇心和奇迹,这也是抗击压力的东西。这也是有助于我们深深放松的东西。 So as we're doing mindfulness, we can be doing the deep breathing, we can be aware of our body. And we're actually learning a different way to be in the world. It's actually when you slow down, you find that a great deal of stress drops away.

因此,每次在熟悉的地方都有一个很好的介绍,每次想到你所有时间,你自己的房子,你的教室, maybe your friend's house, maybe stores where you go. Places where you're several times a week. 每次你在那里,让自己注意到你以前从未见过的一个细节。

And at first it may seem like well you're gonna run out after a few, but as you practice this more and more, 你意识到我的上帝世界上充满了我们所有想念的细节。无处不在的细节只有吨和吨细节 你看起来越丰富,世界变得越来越有趣。当然,当您专注于更多时,您将少关注自己的问题 and your own stress and it's helping your entire body to relax.

In summary, practice deep, slow, full-body breathing as much as possible, practice that throughout your day. 坐在课堂上,像那样呼吸,当你在车里或地铁列车上时,就像那样呼吸,或者这样的东西。 只是尽可能地呼吸那种方式,并使其成为一种习惯,如果你可以简单地呼吸那种方式,你的一生都会有所不同。

占领你的整个身体,感激有一个身体的礼物,并意识到它的感受以及对你有什么对你的对话。 Relax, but really relax. Spend at least a little time each day totally unplugged and 只是完全放松和感受到你的感受。并练习谨慎,当然,如果你真的很好奇在那里 是关于您可以进一步探索的重要书籍的非凡书籍。

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