As an educator, preparing for this question requires time, experience, and familiarity with students' strengths. But you don't have to answer it alone. We've put together a comprehensive guide to help you and your students answer that questionwithouthaving to take two full length practice tests first!
行为vs SAT: How I’ve Helped My Students Decide
当我做一对一的法案和SAT辅导,之一my favorite games to play was “Are you an SAT student or an ACT student?” (Well, I played this game in my head anyway.) I asked students about their interests in school (literature, science, math) and outside of school (sports, dance, video games). I asked them about how they did in school and how they felt about standardized tests. I asked them about their strengths and weaknesses and their biggest worries about the college admissions process.
Of course, I looked at the scores too. If my students hadPSAT分数,缩写分数, or练习试验得分,这通常是更加混凝土的决定。
However, if you’re working with a school or classroom full of students trying to decide whether they should take the SAT or the ACT, you might not have the time to go through everything with each student.
That’s why we’ve compiled all of our best information here on the differences and similarities between the ACT and the SAT. Read on for more tips you can share with your students!
act vs sat:时间
The行为takes2 hours and 55 minutes没有文章,和3 hours and 35 minutes与文章。
TheSATtakes3 hours没有文章,和3小时50分钟与文章。
Section | 行为 | SAT |
English (ACT); Writing and Language (SAT) | 45分钟 75 questions |
35分钟 44个问题 |
数学 | 60分钟 60 questions |
80分钟 58个问题 |
Reading | 35分钟 40个问题 |
65分钟 52个问题 |
Science | 35分钟 40个问题 |
N / A. |
Essay (optional) | 40 minutes 1 essay |
50 minutes 1 essay |
Of course, this does not include time for filling out paperwork, instructions, or breaks. All in all, students will should plan on spending at least 4 to 5 hours in the testing center. If they need more information on logisitcs and day-of planning, they can check out our breakdowns forSAT测试日and行动测试日其中有很多细节。
act vs sat:每个问题的时间
That being said, students will still haveless time per question on every section of the ACT than they will on the SAT:
- 行动时间次数=50 seconds
- 每个问题休闲时间=70 seconds
ACT VS SAT:整体结构和击穿部分
- Reading Level:All of the passages on the ACT English section are at a relatively easy reading level (say, about 9th grade). The passages on the SAT Writing & Language section can vary in difficulty, however, from early high school to early college.
- 信息图形问题:On the ACT, all of the questions are about the text. On the SAT, some of the questions center around tables and graphs connected to the text.
看看我们的关于行为英语和卫星写作的差异的视频for more details!
行为数学vs SAT Math
以下是您的学生应该了解ACT MATH和SAT MATH之间的相似性和差异:
- 数学Level:The new SAT has upped its game as far as math difficulty goes: some questions require advanced math and trigonometry. However, as ourSAT expert Chris Lele reported after taking the SAT in May至少现在,该法案在代数II和三角学领域内包括更多问题。这并不意味着你的学生应该恐慌,如果他们没有学过Trig!在SAT或ACT上测试的所有TRIG知识都处于一个非常基本的水平。事实上,我相当自信的学生可以教他们自己需要知道的东西trig study guide for the new SATand行为的Trig资源(以及视频课程,去Magoosh SAT.orMagoosh行为)。
- 计算器用法:This one’s pretty important to most students. On the ACT math section, test takers can use a calculator on every single question. But as you may have noticed above, the SAT includes a 25 minuteno-calculator section有20个问题。这里的数学意味着容易用手做,但学生可能想要刷在他们身上mental math技能,特别是考虑时间限制。能够眼球问题的学生,在精神上做的计算可能是在同龄人的坐在身上的优势。
- 多项选择对网格:The ACT Math test is all multiple choice, meaning students will always be able to have at least a 20% chance of getting the answer right if all else fails. The SAT Math test is 80% multiple choice and 20% grid-ins, meaning they have to fill in the blanks with their own answers.
- 段落数量:有四个长的段落(700-900个单词)来阅读该法案和五个长期段(500至750字)的饱和区。或者,在ACT上有4个离散的阅读部分,坐在5上。两个测试包括一组配对的段段来比较,但算作单个段落。
- Passage complexity:该行为上的段落的阅读水平是镜板上的漂亮标准(约10th到11年级)。在饱和环境中,该范围从9年级到早期大学延伸。
There are some further differences in question types between the SAT and ACT, including the SAT’s use of a special question type the College Board callsCommand of Evidence。我们还有进一步的文章,打破了我们可以退房的博客的差异。
行动科学vs sat ...
Well, it’s tricky to compare apples to…nothing. The Science section is unique to the ACT; there’s nothing like it on the SAT, or really on any other standardized test I know of, other than those developed by the ACT organization.
Before you jump to conclusions about whether or not a student is particularly good at science (and therefore whether this means they should take or avoid the ACT), it's important to know that there is very little actual science knowledge tested on the ACT Science section. Kind of bizarre, right? A handful of questions do require students to bring in outside knowledge, but most of the questions have to do with the ability to read tables and graphs, make assumptions about scientific situations, or evaluate scientific hypotheses. I suggest students take a look at our行动科学课程或例子行动科学问题on the ACT website before making any decisions about how comfortable they will be with this section.
Although the SAT doesn’t have a discrete Science section; it’s worth noting that the new SAT places a much greater emphasis on interpreting tables and graphs across all of the sections. Think of it as the SAT's response to the ACT Science test. Being able to interpret data will help students on both tests.
Here’s a解决法案科学测试的许多图表和表格问题的完整指南。
行为Essay vs SAT Essay
即使这一日的行为和坐骑看起来有很多相似的日子,也是一个非常重要的出发的一点是可选的文章(optional assuming the colleges students are applying to don’t require the essay)。
On the行为essay, students are given three different perspectives on a debatable issue and asked to evaluate themandpresent their own perspective. For students who excel at debate and/or coming up with supporting examples on the spot, the ACT essay may be a natural fit.
On theSAT essay, students read a 650-700 word passage before writing an essay explaininghow the author builds his or her argument在段落中。这里的关键差异是,饱于饱食并不关心个人意见或论点;它只是希望学生评估该段落。Excel在分析英语课堂读数时的学生可能会发现SAT文章更适合。
act vs sat得分
行为:使用所谓的总分give students an overall行动得分。整体综合分数范围为1到36,并且是多个选择部分中的每一个的分数。学生们也会收到单独的部分分数,范围为1到36。据说,对于大多数大学,这是计算的综合评分。
为了例如,让我们说学生收到英语的25个,32次在数学上,读数28岁,24人科学。His/her overall composite score would be (25+32+28+25)/4 = 27.5, rounded to the nearest whole number, which would be 28. (It’s icing on the cake when you get to benefit from the rounding up!)
行为vs SAT Conversion of Scores
如果你有学生已经采取了这一行为,并且想看看他们是否应该服用SAT,我们制作了一个将允许他们轻松的图表convert your ACT scores to new SAT scores or old SAT scores。This can be really helpful for students who aren't thrilled with their ACT score, but aren't sure yet if the SAT is a better bet.
SAT vs ACT: Test Dates
Both the SAT and ACT are offered 7 times per year. While they are usually switch so that one is each month, there are not test dates for either in January, and both tests are offered in June, October, and December.
Here’s a handy chart to keep it straight:
Month | 行为 | SAT |
Jan | No | No |
2月 | 是的 | No |
三月 | No | 是的 |
Apr | 是的 | No |
可能 | No | 是的 |
Jun | 是的 | 是的 |
Jul | 是的 | No |
八月 | No | 是的 |
Sep | 是的 | No |
10月 | 是的 | 是的 |
11月 | No | 是的 |
Dec | 是的 | 是的 |
在几个月里,学生可以在连续周末坐落并采取行动,虽然有些人,但这并不总是明智的。在测试中心的背靠背周末?同时研究两种不同的测试?哎呀。In an ideal world, you’re just going to choose one or the other test to prep for (hey, that’s the whole point of this post!), but if you DO decide you want to take both, it’s best if you can give yourself at least a month (and ideally more) in between to switch gears. However, with the increased similarities between the ACT and the new SAT, you might find that you can get away with back-to-back tests if this fits best with your schedule. But again, I don’t think that’s the ideal scenario.
行为vs SAT Cost Comparison
This chart compares the general cost (and the hidden fees) of both exams:
Cost | 行为 | SAT |
没有论文的测试 | 39.50美元 | $43.00 |
Test with essay | 56.50美元 | $ 54.50 |
Additional Fees | ||
较晚的注册 | $25.00 | $ 28.00 |
Standby/waitlist testing | $49.00 | $ 46.00 |
国际测试(美国外部或加拿大外) | $ 40.00 | $ 35- $ 49 |
Test date or center change | $24.00 | $ 28.00 |
额外的评分报告 | 每次12.00美元 | $11.25 each |
负担该行为或坐立的学生可以与他们的高中合作获得减免费用, which will allow them to take the test for free (with or without the essay), although fee waivers generally don’t cover additional fees beyond that.
SAT vs ACT: Which is easier? Which is harder?
The ACT可能be easier for:
- 真正完成工作的学生很快。一般没有遇到困难的学生在学校的测试中耗尽的时间,并且是快速读者可能会很好地与动作起搏。如果您可以及时完成它,这项行为仍然是一个更直接的测试。
- Students who like science and are good at interpreting data and trends. While students don’t need to know much science to do well on the ACT Science section, it doesn’t hurt to be interested in what they are reading. Students who may not be a fan of science, but are really good at seeing the trends in graphs and tables and being able to deduce the next step in a process are also likely to be successful at ACT Science.
- Students who rely heavily on a calculator in math class. The prospect of the no-calculator section and the grid-ins on the SAT might be a bit more intimidating than the ACT option.
The SAT可能be easier for:
- Students who may not be the fastest readers, but have strong comprehension skills. While these students may not be able to takeall他们喜欢SAT的时间,他们将受益于SAT VS该行为的更复杂的段落。这将与SAT上的稍短的通道结合在一起,稍长的时间段回答坐限的问题可以使SAT成为更好的选择。
- Students who are good at mental math. They’ll be able to breeze through the no-calculator section with confidence while other students sweat.
- Students who are good at reading between the lines and finding traps. The SAT, while not as tricky as it was in the past, still has some tricks up its sleeve. And the better a student is at standardized test games, the better he/she will score on the SAT.
Generally speaking, we recommend againsttaking both the SAT and the ACT。Between splitting test prep efforts between the two, and spending an extra Saturday morning in a testing center, students risk sacrificing other important activies like extracurriculars, school work, and family/friend time.
对于大多数学生来说,对塔基•没什么好处ng the ACT and the SAT. Both are accepted by all U.S. colleges. Both the include core sections on Reading, Writing, and Math. Both tests include an optional essay, and neither penalizes for wrong answers. Both are taken by millions of students, and there is no longer the geographical divide there once was between test-takers on the coasts (mostly SAT) and test-takers in the middle of the country (mostly ACT). All said, taking both tests is rarely a good option for students.
Here are a couple exceptions:
- 真正坚强的考试者的学生,盯着最具竞争力的学校,and感觉相当自信,他们可以在两个测试中获得最高分。一些顶级学校(又名常春藤联赛)表明他们喜欢看到两个分数。它为他们提供了更多的数据,以确保学生在董事会上强大。所说的,不需要两者。如果学生需要专注于研究全力以赴获得一个测试的最佳分数,这就是他们努力应该去的地方。
- Students who have started testing early and have decided to change tactics. Whether it's hitting a wall with ACT scores, or just wanting to try the SAT for a change of pace. Students who do this should make sure they have plenty of time to focus on one specific test at a time. For example, a student who takes the ACT in February should schedule their SAT test date in May, giving him/her three solid months in between to switch gears.
What about what students are saying about ACT vs SAT on College Confidential, Yahoo Answers, Quora, etc.?
在互联网上有很多建议,坐在赛道上,这么大量对学生来说并不乐意。特定关注现在是有关SAT的过时的信息。The SAT changed drastically in early 2016, so anything written before that point that hasn’t been updated is not going to help students at all.
At Magoosh, we often check out what students are saying on College Confidential and Yahoo after each administration of the SAT or ACT (there’s usually a thread on College Confidential about each test with hundreds of comments). What always stands out is that students have such different (and opposite) reactions to the same test. For every student who says, “The Reading section was so hard!” there’s a student who says, “The Reading section was so easy!” Students who focus on these forums will likely come out them more confused than before. Direct them to good authoritative sources on the SAT and ACT that you trust and follow their guidelines.
Need more help deciding if your student should take the ACT or the SAT? Let us know in the comments!