

Studying for a standardized test can be like navigating the Amazon River by yourself. It’s possible to do it on your own—but at some point, you’re probably really going to wish that you had a guide. Lucky for you, finding an ACT study guide online is (slightly) easier than going down the Amazon! While finding the right ACT test study guide may seem overwhelming, given all the material that’s out there,we have the perfect resources to help you navigate those muddy waters of ACT prep!So let’s start our journey by taking a look at Magoosh’s ACT prep study guide and what you can expect to find in it.

act study guide

Magoosh Act学习指南电子书


Why do you need a guide to the ACT? In the first place, it can be intimidating to approach a 3+ hour exam without having a sense of what’s on it. In the second place, gathering together strategies and refreshing your knowledge of content will give you the best chance of达到测试的目标。

But with so much material out there, what should you look for in a good ACT study guide? The best ACT test study guides will:

  • 为您提供清楚的考试概述,解释您在测试日遇到的内容;
  • Explain how to use the test’s logistics (scheduling, timing, format) to your advantage;
  • 向您介绍材料(内容)该行为测试,然后在您深入看看考试可能会询问的不同子内容区域;
  • 教你可以在每个部分和一体中的测试中使用的策略,以获得最高的分数。

If that seems like a tall order, good news! You can findall this and more inour ACT eBook

最好的,最好?It’s free!

ACT study guide eBook

What makes the Magoosh ACT Test Study Guide so special? Other than all the awesomeness I’ve already listed above: the study guide is comprehensive; it’s great for students at all levels, aiming for all kinds of scores; and, more than anything,it’s fun!!

那你还在等什么?Download the Magoosh ACT Study Guide now,让我们通过如何用ACT测试学习计划,日历,检查站和摘要来充分利用我们的专家建议,确保您可以获得最大的福利!



So, what next?


使用Magoosh ACT学习指南

It can be tempting to try to get through it all in one go. If your test is tomorrow, go for it—you have nothing to lose! But if you have a little more time for your ACT prep, know that smarts and strategy will win this race. Even with the best study guide, it still can be hard to know the best way to approach your prep.

考虑到这一点,我们已经创造了一个一个月的日历to show you how to get the most out of your ACT exam study guide!


Week 星期日 Monday Tuesday 周三 Thursday Friday 周六
1 Study Day 1: Intro & Math
(1 hr) Review ACT Math test concepts
Study Day 2: English and Science
(20 mins) English practice questions
(35 mins) Science video lessons
=总计:3小时 - 3小时30分钟
(35 mins) Science practice questions
(1 hr) Writing lesson videos and practice
=Total: 3 hrs 10 mins - 3 hrs 40 mins
Practice Test
2 Review Practice Test Study Day 1: Math
(30-60 mins) Math video lessons
(25 mins) 25 Math questions
(40 mins) Math practice questions
=总计:2小时5分钟 - 3小时5分钟
(25 mins) Science video lessons
(30 mins) 45 English questions
=总计:3小时 - 3小时30分钟
(35 mins) Reading lesson videos
(15 - 30分钟)更新错误日志
Optional: (45 mins) Reading questions
=总计:2小时30分钟 - 3小时30分钟
Practice Test
3 Review Practice Test 研究第1天:科学
(25 mins) Science lesson videos
(35 mins) Science test
(35 mins) Science test
=总计:2小时5分钟 - 2小时35分钟
Study Day 2: Math
(30-60 mins) Math lesson videos
(60 mins) Math test
=总计:3小时 - 4小时
=总计:2小时5分钟 - 2小时35分钟
Practice Test
4 Review Practice Test 研究第1天:英语
(30 mins) 40-50 English questions
Optional: (45 mins) English test

=Total: 1 hr 45 mins - 3hrs 15 mins
(25 mins) Science lesson videos
(35 mins) 30-40 Science questions
(35 mins) 40 Math questions
=总计:3小时20分钟 - 3小时35分钟
Study Day 3: Final Review
(30 mins) Review ACT Tips for Test Day and pack your bag

If you want a printable copy of this calendar,download the One Month Study Calendar PDF



Take a look at our每周检查站对于一个月的研究计划来遵循您的进度,并确保您在正确的轨道上。

要使用检查点,只需执行ACT,只需将以下信息复制到每周结束时的笔记本“practice test。或者,如果您愿意,您可以打印CheckPoints的PDF版本,并直接跟踪您的进度。如果您正在进行打印机路线,请务必打印四个副本,以便为ACT学习指南的每周有一个!

每周检查交流t prep progress

My test score for this week was______. This was + / - ____ points from my last practice test.

问题类型 正确答案 Incorrect Answers Total Questions Accuracy (Correct/Total) This week, I'll work on...
English: Rhetorical Skills: Strategy
Math (overall)
Math: Elementary Algebra
Math: Coordinate Geometry
Math: Plane Geometry
Reading: Cause-Effect Relationships and Sequence of Events
Reading: Inferences/Generalizations
Science (overall)
Science: Detail
Science: Pattern



It’s important to note that you don’t have to use the Magoosh Study Guide for ACT in just one month. Some students find that they want to devote more time to their ACT studies. That’s great! What counts as efficient ACT prep can vary from person to person.

请记住,结合我们在ACT学习指南中提到的资源2016-2017,您可以调整上述日历以满足您自己的时间表。您也可以找到建议一周,Two Month, 和Three Month行动学习时间表right here on the Magoosh High School Blog!

Next up, let’s look at study guides for each ACT test.



What’s the first thing you’re going to see when you open that test booklet on the official exam? Well, after all the administrative stuff, you’ll see the ACT English test. Here’s what it will look like and how to get the most out of the ACT English Study Guide!

The Format of the ACT English Test

ACT英语考试长45分钟,正如我们所看到的那样,该法案的第一部分。在那个时间范围内,你会回答75个多项选择题 - 这是一分钟的一分钟!

With that kind of time pressure, you’re not going to want to waste precious seconds figuring out what a question’s testing you on. With that in mind, let’s take a look at…

What to Study for ACT English

As you work through the ACT Study Guide, you’ll see that the 75 English questions fall into only a few categories. To make your ACT English practice easier, let’s divide them into two categories and six subcategories:

  • Usage/Mechanics
    • 语法和用法
    • 标点
    • 句子的结构
  • 修辞技能
    • 战略
    • 组织
    • 风格


在Magoosh ACT学习指南中,您可以找到第57-103页所涵盖的英文截面。如果您仍然渴望英语练习,请查看更多资源Magoosh Act英语页面!!

It’s also important to note that ACT testmakers published the真正的法律准备指南(第4版),也称为“红色的书。”而这本书确实有其缺陷,而官方测试制造商撰写的事实使其成为宝贵的资源。可以为自由说也可以说practice you can find on the ACT website


ACT Test Study Guide Math

After the ACT English test, you’re going to have to switch gears pretty quickly, because here comes ACT Math! While the math test covers a variety of topics, don’t let it make you nervous. With the right preparation, you can get enough ACT math practice under your belt to feel nothing but confidence on test day.



And what will you be looking at during that hour?

What to Study for ACT Math

On the surface, ACT Math only covers six concept areas. However, each of those areas (Pre-Algebra, Elementary Algebra, Intermediate Algebra, Coordinate Geometry, Plane Geometry, and Basic Trigonometry) could take an entire semester to master.


  • 预代数:小数,分数,整数,正值和负数,方形根,科学符号,因素,比率,比例,百分比,统计图表和图表
  • 基本代数:指数,通过替换来评估代数表达,使用变量来表达关系,代数运算和分解二次方程
  • 中级代数:二次公式,理性和自由基表达,绝对值方程和不等式,序列和序列,方程式,二次不等式,函数,矩阵,多项式的根,概率和复数
  • 坐标几何:评估图形,多项式,圆和其他曲线上的点和线条,图表不等式,坡度,平行和垂直线,距离,中点和锥形
  • 飞机几何:垂直和平行线,圆圈,椭圆,矩形,三角形,平行四边形,梯形,变换,面积,体积,三维几何形状之间的角度和关系
  • Basic Trigonometry:三角关系在触发函数的直角,值和属性,图形触发函数,使用Trig标识,解决Trig方程



首先,您将在第104-202页的Magoosh ACT学习指南中找到ACT MATH。(我知道它看起来很多,但相信我 - 这是有趣的,这是一个很好的方式来涵盖我们刚刚看的话题的话题。)对于数学测试​​的更多实践和提示,您也可以查看Magoosh的ACT数学页面

最后,与卫星考试不同,请记住,这真的很重要,该法案不为学生提供任何数学公式。考虑到这一点,我们创造了这个Math Formulas on the ACT PDF让您使用作为一个方便的演唱研究指南(在测试前一定会让自己摆脱它)!




The Format of the ACT Reading Test


What to Study for ACT Reading


  • 细节: questions that ask you to find a detail in the text.
  • Main Idea: questions that ask you to determine the primary message of a paragraph, section or entire passage.
  • 比较关系: questions that ask you to compare two or more people, viewpoints, events or theories.
  • 造成关系和事件序列:要求您确定何种内容或者在文章中的效果是什么的问题。
  • 推论/概括:要求您综合信息并将其煮沸到更简洁的形式的问题。
  • 单词的含义: questions that ask you to determine the meaning of a word in context.
  • 作者的语音,方法或目的: questions that ask you to draw conclusions about the author’s point of view and method; basically how a passage is developed or its purpose.



To learn more about Magoosh ACT Study Guide for Reading, scroll on over to pages 204-220 of the eBook Study Guide. You can find more practice in theMagoosh行动阅读博客帖子, as well as in the “Red Book” and on the ACT website.

在练习和实践测试之外,您可以做的最好的事情是什么?阅读您自己的时间!阅读有趣,阅读信息,阅读更高的测试分数 - 只要您正在阅读,您就可以帮助您的行为阅读分数。


ACT Test Study Guide Science

我们的第四个和最后一次(必填)对该行为进行测试是,是的,是行动科学。当您通过Magoosh ACT学习指南进行练习和工作,记住科学测试就是推理。虽然有必要熟悉基础科学术语,但您不需要在腰带下有诺贝尔奖(或AP测试)到ACE本节!


Like ACT Reading, the ACT Science test will give you 40 questions to answer in 35 minutes—that’s just under than one minute per question. Unlike ACT Reading, you’re going to get a lot of different passages: expect to find 6 to 7 in ACT Science.

The good news is that these passages are shorter and more visual than Reading passages (think lots of charts and graphs). So, there’s definitely a big distinction between the science-based ACT Reading passage and the reading passages in the ACT Science test.



  • 细节:要求您在图形,表格,图表等上找到特定数据点的问题并报告答案。
  • Pattern:要求您预测给定数据之间的趋势或关系的问题,通常通过在现有数据点之间找到一个点或继续遵循超出现有数据的趋势。
  • Inference:要求您从数据中得出结论的问题,有时将信息与多个数字或实验组合,有时评估新信息如何影响实验。
  • Scientific Method:询问如何设计实验的问题,或者实验者如何测试和解释数据。
  • 比较和对比: questions that only appear on the “Conflicting Viewpoints” passage and ask you to compare various aspects of opposing hypotheses on a scientific phenomenon, or explain how additional information might affect the various arguments presented.

Suggested Resources for ACT Science Practice

要在上下文中填写这些问题,请查看一些法案科学实践段落!要查找Magoosh的科学学习指南,请转到第221-244页。Magoosh博客也是一个很棒的找到行动科学测试的提示和技巧。The “Red Book” is also strong in this area.



A quick note: The ACT essay is optional, but some colleges require it for admission. So check the admissions requirements of the schools you’re applying to. And, if you don’t yet know where you’re applying, it’s a good idea to sign up for the essay.





The ACT Writing test provides you with a prompt and gives you 40 minutes to write an essay response. The prompt consists of a debatable topic and three different perspectives on that topic. ACT asks you to evaluate those perspectives, provide your own, and explain the relationship between your opinion and those provided.

What to Study for ACT Writing

If writing English class essays doesn’t prepare you for the ACT Writing test, then what does?

Though your prep for this section will necessarily be different than your preparation for the others, there are a few specific skills that can help you score well:

  • 5段论文,特别是如何构建它们;
  • Choosing Examples- 然后使用它们;
  • Brainstorming和related note-taking;
  • 校对,特别是校对自己的工作。


These might seem like difficult concepts to practice, and they can certainly be tricky to grasp at first if you’re working on your own. Lucky for you, we’re here to help! For more info on ACT Writing, check out pages 244 to 257 of the eBook andMagoosh的行为写作帖子

ACT Prep Study Guide Resources

ACT resources

Want more ACT prep resources to add to the hundreds of pages of strategies and practice in the Magoosh ACT eBook, and the thousands of posts from our experts on the High School Blog?


  • 行动实践测试:免费在线PDF
    • 这个全长的行动实践测试包含200多个Magoosh Act的最佳实践问题。在Magoosh的任何一周内使用它在一个月的学习指南中使用它是您的实践测试,然后观看自由解释视频对于你错过的所有问题。这是从错误中吸取的完美方式,增加你的分数!
  • Magoosh ACT Mobile Apps
    • 我不能推荐我们的免费行动应用程序非常够!这俩Magoosh Act FlashCard应用程序Magoosh Act课程应用程序are available for Android and iPhone. They’re perfect for studying on the go.
  • 法律准备预订2016-17
    • 如果您正在考虑获取行为准备书,请不要错过我们对目前市场上最佳行为书籍的评估。它会帮助你节省时间和金钱!

And don’t forget aboutMagoosh ACT Prep!!通过注册我们的七日免费试用(无需信用卡信息),看看是否适合您。




Do your best to regularly evaluate your work, make sure your practice is consistent, and stay strong. The fact that you’re this invested in your ACT success is a great sign that you’ll do well.


«Is your class study-friendly? The right classroom layout for students ACT或SAT:帮助学生决定的完整指南»