

As busy instructors who must simultaneously juggle our own subject curriculum and adequately prepare our students for the ACT, SAT, and college readiness in general, it can be hard to strike a balance. That’s why we’re here to help!



1. Incorporate Mini Lessons Into Class Content


Try a “question of the day”

如果你的目标是长期的高中备考,并且是一个一贯的敲钟者活动的爱好者,可以考虑用一个与ACT或SAT相关的问题(或提示)来开课一天之中。你可以从实践测试中提取问题(有很多ACT practice testsSAT实践测试out there). The ACT also provides several免费备考资源on their official ACT website, including study guides and a wealth of “questions of the day.” Likewise, the SAT provides an easily downloadabledaily practice for the SAT app. While these resources are technically meant for students, they’re a great asset to teachers as well.


在关注ACT或SAT Test Prep的同时改变齿轮的良好方法是指定在您目前正在学习的主题的一块类时间,但以特定测试的解决方式框架。例如,如果您当前在平面几何上教授一个单位,具体就在三角形属性的主题上说,那么您可以在几分钟的时间内工作与三角形相关的样本问题,因为它们出现在测试中。这让学生专注于核心材料,同时在测试中的心态。您可以通过任何规律性做到您的课程中最有意义的情况。每周课程从测试日期内进一步处理,而日常课程可能是有益的测试日期。


取决于你所教的科目,你并不总是能够将相关的课程纳入你的课程。在文学或语言艺术课上尤其如此,因为这些课可能不太注重ACT和SAT考试的机械技能。事实上,许多英语教师在第一时间就纠结于如何教授语法和文体,有时甚至避免这样做。但是,在标准化考试中,每周上一些简短的语言习惯课,实际上是一个很好的方法,可以让学生一下子记住大量的语法规则,从而解决机械问题,又不会让学生厌烦至死。举个例子,每天花10到15分钟来表达主谓一致,idiomsanother day, and so on. Both普渡大学在线写作实验室Readwritethink.org.are excellent resources for short but powerful lessons on an array of subjects that need to be included quickly and efficiently.




For a bell-ringer or closing activity, let students work in pairs or small groups for a few minutes to solve practice problems or answer practice questions. You can even frame these activities as “group quizzes” which raise the stakes for students while still encouraging collaboration. Or, to up the stakes even more, you can have students compete as small teams against each other in order to see who can solve a problem or answer a question first--with or without prizes issued.

You can also let students quiz each other on test prep content using奎兹莱特(on which there is a wealth of searchable ACT and SAT related content), and you can even designate regular chunks of class time to letting students create their own quizlet quizzes and quiz each other. This is a fun and interactive way to break up class time while giving students authority over the subject matter.

Download the Magoosh for Educators brochure!

2.领导课后或Saturday Sessions




The earlier you start your supplemental high school test prep sessions, the better. Consider teaming up with a teacher from each subject area and then using a long-term plan, such as thissix month ACT study guide(which also includes links to three and one month study guides if you’re on a tighter schedule). Again, while these guides are geared toward students, you can share and lead these lessons in a group setting.

Change modalities often!


  • 30分钟:讲授或解释特定概念
  • 30 minutes: Give students a practice test
  • 30 minutes: Allow students to discuss results of practice test amongst each other
  • 30 minutes: Go over answers as a group and field questions on most commonly missed questions
  • 30分钟:让学生有时间根据遗漏的问题类型做自己的小测验
  • 30 minutes: Allow students time to quiz each other or to ask you any questions they may have

You may also want to break up longer sessions into chunks focusing on different subjects, but keep in mind that this will provide less in-depth exploration of the content. If you meet more than once a week, don’t issue a full practice test each session, as it is easy for students to get burnt out this way.

Work in some non-traditional test prep

During at least some sessions, try not to include any正式的测试准备材料,因为它可以开始对学生单调感到单调。相反,尝试使用更有机的方式在标准化测试所需的一些技能方案中工作。例如,而不是通过样本关闭阅读通道和练习问题,考虑阅读一个有趣的短篇小说或散文,拆除段落,随便和有机地练习密切阅读技巧。You can choose an engaging story that may be more accessible or palatable than some of the passages that tend to appear on standardized tests, but still drive home the same skills needed on the tests (e.g. identifying main and supporting ideas, defining words in context, etc.).

3. Help Identify Students Who Need Extra Support

The fact is that some students are simply strong test-takers and will need less help than others, in or outside of class. But for those who may struggle with academics and test-taking, it’s particularly important that you as their teacher act as a first line of support in getting them the help they need--especially if class time is limited for test prep. Doing so hinges on identifying students who need additional support, and then pointing them in the direction of appropriate test prep materials or tutors.

Signs a student needs additional support:

  • 成绩和平均绩点

A student’s grades and GPA don’t always portend their level of success on standardized tests, but often they do. Any student struggling academically in the subject you teach (below a C or struggling to maintain a C) is a good candidate for additional high school test prep outside of school.

  • 实践测试的性能


  • 实际测试的性能


  • 测试焦虑

有很多方法可以帮助你降低学生标准化考试焦虑, but familiarity and practice are major factors in stress reduction. So any students suffering from test anxiety will benefit from additional support.

Types of support:

  • 测试准备资源

Consider pointing your students in the direction of表演准备SAT准备计划,其中大部分包括一些免费资源以及更详细和互动的功能和应用程序购买。

  • 导师



4. Offer Extra Credit for Test Prep Work


Extra credit for test prep work can motivate students to do well in class and on the test, which is doubly beneficial for them.

Happy Prepping!



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