
Last updated: 7/18/2018


If our information practices change at some time in the future we will post the policy changes to our public websites to notify you of these changes and provide you with the ability to opt out of these new uses. If you no longer agree with this Privacy Notice and do not wish your information to be subject to the Privacy Notice, you will need to deactivate your account with us by contactinghelp@m.sylp-design.com停止使用Magoosh服务。您使用Magoosh服务即表示您同意本隐私声明。

Information You Provide To Us.我们收集您直接提供给我们的信息,包括使用Magoosh服务时。此信息包括个人数据。此个人数据将被处理为本隐私声明中描述的目的,因为可能会不时修改。例如,您的个人数据将用于创建或修改您的个人资料和帐户,访问和使用Magoosh服务(包括但不限于观看课程时,应答练习问题或使用移动应用程序),参与任何交互式Magoosh服务的功能,提交联系人或同意书,参加调查或请求客户支持。
The personal data that we may collect directly from you includes your name, username, email address, phone number, information about your Product account preferences, transactional information (including services purchased or subscribed to and amount paid), as well as any contact or other information you choose to provide.
If you are a member of a social media network, like Facebook, you may choose to use your social credentials to create and log into your Magoosh account.

更新您的信息并取消激活您的帐户。You can update, correct, or modify your account information at any time by logging into your Magoosh Product account and accessing your profile page. If you need help accessing, modifying, or deactivating your account within the Product, please emailhelp@m.sylp-design.com.对于欧洲联盟(“欧盟”)的用户,请参阅本隐私通知中下面的部分标题为“欧盟用户权利”。
  • 用法、日志和设备信息:我们从您使用Magoosh服务收集信息,如访问次数、使用或访问我们产品的时间长度、IP地址(允许我们收集一般位置数据)、点击的页面、系统活动、硬件设置、设备类型、操作系统、浏览器类型、浏览器语言,您访问我们网站的日期和时间,以及您访问我们网站之前的网址。我们收集与Magoosh服务有关的用户活动信息,并可能收集有关您使用的功能、您访问的内容以及与您访问和使用Magoosh服务有关的任何操作的信息。
  • Cookie和其他跟踪技术收集的信息:cookie是一个小文件,包含一串字符,当您访问网站时发送到您的计算机。当您再次访问网站时,Cookie允许该站点识别您的浏览器。cookie可以存储用户偏好等信息。您可以将浏览器设置为拒绝所有cookie或指示cookie何时发送。但是,没有Cookie,某些网站功能或服务可能无法正常运行。
    We also use third party vendor remarketing tracking technologies, including the Google Adwords tracking cookie. This means we will continue to show ads to you across the internet, specifically on the Google Content Network (GCN). As always we respect your privacy and do not collect any information that would identify you individually through the use of Google’s or any other 3rd party remarketing system.
    我们的第三方供应商包括谷歌,在Web浏览器上使用跟踪技术,以便根据过去访问我们的产品,报告我们的广告表现,对我们的产品的使用进行分析,满足订单和其他用户进行分析requests, prevent fraud, improve our Products and conduct surveys relating to our users’ experiences with our Products, and communicate with our users. You can opt out and/or customise your preferences by visiting Google's广告设置.For more information about cookies and how to disable them, please see "Third-Party Analytics and Advertising Providers" below.

  • To provide, operate, maintain, and improve the Magoosh Service;
  • 使您可以访问和使用您请求的Magoosh服务,包括向您发送技术通知,更新,警报和支持和管理消息;
  • To provide and deliver the services and features you request, process and complete transactions, and send you related information, including purchase confirmations and receipts;
  • To respond to your comments, questions, and requests, and provide customer service and support;
  • 与您沟通有关服务、特色、调查、时事通讯、优惠、促销、活动,并提供有关Magoosh和我们选定合作伙伴的其他新闻或信息;
  • To process and deliver survey entries and rewards;
  • 审查和分析与Magoosh服务有关的趋势,使用和活动以及营销或广告目的;
  • 调查和防止欺诈交易、未经授权使用Magoosh服务和其他非法活动;
  • 个性化和改进Magoosh服务,并提供符合您兴趣和偏好的内容和/或功能,或以其他方式定制您在Magoosh服务上的体验;和
  • For other purposes about which we notify you in advance or for which we receive your consent, as necessary.
Social media network credentials enable them and us to link your activities with your personal registration information at their site, including name, email address, and profile image. The social network may (with your permission) notify your friends or connections about your activities in our Services and use tracking technologies to monitor your online activities to serve targeted ads. The social media networks' privacy policy and terms apply to your use of their platforms. Your browser or device may allow you to block these technologies but you should visit the third party website and review their privacy policy and your registration profile or account to find out your options.

How We Use Cookies
我们可能会与第三方服务提供商签订合同,协助我们根据过去对我们产品的访问提供广告,报告我们广告的表现,对我们产品的使用进行分析,完成订单和其他用户请求,防止欺诈,改进我们的产品,调查用户对我们产品的体验,并与用户沟通。例如,我们使用Google Analytics人口统计和兴趣报告,其中包括基于兴趣的广告数据或第三方受众数据(如年龄、性别和兴趣),用于上面列出的所有目的。第三方供应商,包括谷歌,使用cookies来提供基于用户之前访问我们产品的广告。这使我们能够提供特别优惠,并继续向那些对我们的服务感兴趣的人推销我们的服务。有关Cookie以及如何禁用Cookie的更多信息,请参阅下面的“第三方分析和广告提供商”。


What Information We Share or Disclose to Others
Third-Party Analytics and Advertising Providers.马上登录利用某些第三方分析和广告商(“TPAAPs”),除其他事项外,担任过这样TPAAPs’网络第三方网站的广告,以条讨论和我们的用户。Magoosh允许TPAAPS使用第一方cookie(例如用于存储产品偏好的工具)和第三方cookie(例如Google Analytics cookie或DoubleClick cookie)的产品,以跟踪我们的用户的浏览历史记录。TPAAPs可使用由饼干存储到信息,除其他事项外,评估你的网站的使用,为网站运营商,包括我们预备网站活动的报告,对广告活动的表现,与网站和互联网使用相关的其他服务,根据以往访问我们的产品,分析和优化在使用我们的产品,订单执行和其他用户的请求,防止欺诈行为,改进产品和用户调查,归属和通信与我们的用户提供广告服务。Cookie跟踪和存储的信息使TPAAPS能够优化并为第三方网站和移动应用程序上的Magoosh用户提供基于兴趣的广告。通过使用或访问我们的产品,即表示您同意将数据转发到TPAAPS,并通过以上述方式和目的从您收集的数据的这种TPAAPS的处理。
To find out more about how you may also exercise your choices regarding our TPAAP’s cookies, including hyperlinks to opt-out of each TPAAP’s cookies or instructions on how to opt-out of each TPAAP’s cookies, please refer to the website available这里.要选择出Google Analytics进行显示广告商并定制Google显示网络广告,请访问Ads Preferences Manager.有关我们如何根据过去对我们产品的访问提供广告的更多信息,报告我们广告的表现,对我们产品的使用进行分析,完成订单和其他用户请求,防止欺诈,改进我们的产品,并进行与我们的用户体验相关的调查,以及与我们的用户进行沟通,包括如何选择退出,您可以联系我们help@m.sylp-design.com.
有关基于兴趣广告的更多信息,请访问网络广告倡议(“nai”)网站,和数字广告联盟(“DAA”) website, and欧洲互动数字广告联盟(“eidaa”)网站。按照以下说明,您可以选择退出基于兴趣的广告。请注意,退项将仅适用于您选择退出的特定浏览器或设备,因此您需要在所有浏览器和设备上单独选择。如果删除或重置Cookie或移动广告标识符,更改浏览器或使用其他设备,则任何选择退出的cookie或工具可能不再工作,并且您需要再次选择退出。 正在禁用Cookie。默认情况下,大多数Web浏览器都设置为接受cookie。如果您愿意,您通常可以选择设置浏览器以删除或拒绝浏览器cookie或在接受此类cookie之前提示您。请注意,如果您选择删除或拒绝浏览器cookie,这可能会影响Magoosh服务的可用性或功能。访问Magoosh服务时,系统将提示您选择继续或了解有关调整浏览器设置的更多信息。 遵守法律。我们可以向第三方透露您的信息:(a) if we believe that disclosure is reasonably necessary to comply with any applicable law, regulation, legal process, or government request; (b) to enforce our agreements and policies; (c) to protect the security or integrity of the Magoosh Service; (d) to protect Magoosh, our customers, or the public from harm or illegal activities; (e) to respond to an emergency which we believe in good faith requires us to disclose information to assist in preventing the death or serious bodily injury of any person; or (f) as otherwise directed by you.
业务转移。We may share or transfer your personal data in connection with any merger, sale of company assets, financing, or acquisition of all or a portion of our business to another company. Your personal data may be part of the transferred assets. Data processing for this purpose is a legitimate business interest. You may be notified thereafter of any such change in ownership or control.

Links To Third-Party Websites

By using and accessing the Magoosh Service, you understand and agree to the storage of information and any other personal data on Magoosh’s server and cloud-based solutions located in the United States, or as defined in an agreement with us (including a Data Processing Addendum, as applicable).

We have adopted reasonable physical, technical and organisational safeguards against accidental, unauthorised or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, disclosure, access, use or processing of information we collect.

Magoosh updated our internal governance structure in light of the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”), including policies, procedures, staff training, security measures, and this Privacy Notice.

For all requests surrounding your personal data or questions about your rights per this Privacy Notice, please contact us athelp@m.sylp-design.com,我们会及时回复。
Right to Restrict Data Processing.You have the right to restrict the processing of your personal data upon request if it is (a) inaccurate or unlawful, (b) under contest, or (c) no longer being processed for the original purpose. Magoosh may continue to process the data if it is necessary to resolve legal claims, for the protection of the rights of another person, or for reasons of important public interest. If Magoosh objects to the restriction of data processing, we will notify you promptly after receiving your request.
数据可移植性权利。你有权请求和获得你的珀耳斯onal data that you provided to us or that we collected through your consent or contractual agreements. We will provide your information in a commonly used, machine-readable format promptly, but no longer than 90 days from the initial request depending on the complexity and volume of requests. If circumstances arise where we are unable to complete your request, we will promptly provide a relevant explanation, as well as inform you of additional steps that you may take.
Retaining Your Personal Information and Data.我们将保留您的个人数据,以遵守我们的法律义务,解决争端,并执行我们的协议。只要您的Magoosh产品账户处于活动状态或根据需要为您提供Magoosh服务,但不得超过满足本隐私通知中所列出的目的所需的时间,我们将保留您的个人信息。
Receiving Promotional and Other Communications.We will obtain your consent before sending you promotional, newsletter or Product information emails that we feel may interest you. We may obtain consent from you through a website contact or consent form or by email. You may opt out by either checking the relevant box on the communication consent form, by following the opt-out instructions provided in our emails to you, or by emailing us with your specific request. If you opt out, we may still send you non-promotional communications, such as security alerts and notices related to your access to or use of the Magoosh Service or those about your Product account or our ongoing business relations.
Withdrawing Your Consent.You may withdraw any consent you previously provided to us for the processing of your personal data. As required by applicable law, we will apply your preferences going forward, within a reasonable amount of time. Even where you withdraw your consent, we may still process your personal data for limited purposes, for example, to give effect to your request or to safeguard our business. In some circumstances, withdrawing your consent to our use or disclosure of your personal information will mean that you cannot use our Product or Magoosh Service.
Lodging a Complaint with a Supervisory Authority.You have the right to submit a complaint to an EU supervisory authority if you believe that your personal data has been processed in a manner that is not compliant with the GDPR. You also have the right to submit a complaint to an EU supervisory authority if Magoosh is unable to comply with your right of data portability or does not respond to your request within a timely manner.

California Residents

Our Policy Toward Children
根据COPPA儿童在线隐私保护法案,和the Federal Trade Commission’s Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act最终规则,Magoosh服务并非针对13岁以下的儿童,并不故意收集13岁以下儿童的个人信息。如果您意识到一个孩子向我们提供个人信息,请与我们联系help@m.sylp-design.com.If we become aware that a child under 13 has provided us with personal information, we will take steps to delete such information. The vast majority of Magoosh products are not designed for children under the age of 13. When we do create products targeted to children (such as our Alexa spelling app), we do not collect any personal information, as defined in the Federal Trade Commission’s Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act最终规则,from children online. Please note, if you are under the age of 13, you may not use any Magoosh Service that requires account creation or the collection of personal information.
If you are a California resident under the age of 18 and a registered user of our Magoosh Service, you may request that we remove content and information that you post on our Magoosh Service. To obtain removal of such content or information, please send an email with a detailed description of the specific content or information you would like removed tohelp@m.sylp-design.com.请注意,此类请求不会确保完全或全面删除所发布的内容或信息,因为内容和信息可能留在我们的数据库中,可能以不识别您的方式可见,或者可能已成为可见由另一个用户重新发布。即使要求,可能还有其他情况下,适用的法律不需要或允许去除。

Data Protection Officer
自2018年5月25日生效,Magoosh如果在GDPR第37条和数据保护法所要求的情况下任命数据保护官。可以达到隐私团队,包括任何指定的数据保护官help@m.sylp-design.comor via the contact information provided below.

Attn: Director of Operations
2020 Milvia St. Suite 220