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Approaching Passages

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In this video, we are going to talk about how to approach the ACT reading passage. I'm gonna start with your approach number one, 这是你中很多可能听到的方法。事实上,你们中的许多人现在可能正在申请,那就是你读的地方 首先是问题,然后你回到该段的相关部分。所以让我们说,你正在寻找问题第二和 它提到了一些所说的第二段或第十行,然后你只是回到该部分的那一部分。

So you never actually read the passage, simply look at the questions and go back to the relevant part of the passage. It sounds like a great approach, because you don't have to read the passage. Wow, isn't that amazing those passages are so long? 这是所有时间的最大方法,它为我节省了时间。伟大的,我现在可以结束视频或我可以吗?

因为我有问题是它节省时间吗?要回答这个问题,让我们来看看忽略这段经文的缺点或 at least not reading the entire passage and just going to any little bitty parts of it based on what the questions are asking. 缺点,你并不总是确定你在寻找什么。你回去了,你正在读它。

You're reading the lines, what exactly are you reading? Hard to know, you know you're in the right place, but you simply don't have that context. You don't really know what's going on. And in the end, you can go back and forth between the question. Understanding the question, then going back and reading.

Going back and forth takes time, and that time you spend is valuable time. And in the end, you end up spending more time than you would have if you tried one of these other approaches perhaps. Let's see, is approach 2 our magic approach? Read the passage in a detailed manner, taking notes. This is something we've been told to do in class.

It's probably how we do our homework, how we do most of our reading. In fact, for many of you, second nature. 我们读过,我们记笔记,我们以这种方式学习。那么为什么不适用于行动阅读段落? Well, you do get a detailed understanding of the passage. But the question is, is that what were going for here?

你想详细了解所有段落吗?关于行为段落的事情 问题是询问它的特定部分。那么详细了解一切,嗯, it takes a lot of time and it's unnecessary. And of course, it drains energy.

You're gonna be putting a lot of mental resources into underlining, taking notes. Trying to figure out if this is important. 当您到达问题时,你几乎耗尽了。当然,当你正在做所有这件阅读时, you don't know what to focus on. So not a good approach, we don't wanna do this despite being the approach 我们可能会在做作业时使用和学习考试时绝对不是我们在做行为或阅读部分时的方法。

What do we want? The Goldilocks approach, the middle, the approach number three. 干预的意思是什么?好吧,让我解释一下。 Here you read the passage first, the entire passage. Wait a second, isn't that kind of like approach number two?

没有, because you are going to do intelligent skimming. This means that you're gonna take about two minutes or so to read the entire passage, but you're gonna be looking for the big picture meaning. What is each paragraph more or less talking about? If you don't understand something and there's some technical words in there, who cares, ignore them.

你再次,正在寻找大图片含义。这是智能撇渣,然后是金发姑娘的一部分。 You read the questions after you've read the passage and you go back to the specific part of the passage and you look for evidence. 在这里,您可以更仔细阅读。你可以减速,因为你知道你在正确的地方。

但是,什么是你有一个上下文,你已经知道段落在高级别。 你知道某些信息是在哪里,这很棒,因为有时问题没有告诉你通道的哪一部分 返回完全。但是,由于智能撇去了,您对此有很高的理解。

你知道去哪里,这使得事情变得更加容易,并节省了很多时间。当你实际回到你需要返回的地方时, you're less likely to fall for trap answers. Because when you've read the entire passage, then you understand what is going on in that specific paragraph that they're asking about or specific sentence. Whereas trap answers are written in such a way that they take words and phrases from around there, and they put them into the wrong answer choice, and they kind of mix things around a little bit.

除非你读过整个更高的段落,否则它更难以接受这一点。所以这绝对是很多积极的 it and a big one is it saves time in the end. Approach two, we know takes a while. Approach one seems to go fast but ends up taking a while. Whereas if done right, the Goldilocks approach will save time.

What are the cons? Well, it's not necessarily the way we read a lot. This is again, not approach number two which is how we read for class. And so it requires some practice. 当它在这里说你必须练习很多,这并不意味着你必须这样做两年。

也许一周或两两项方法并在这方面越来越好,就是你所需要的,你会看到这种方法给你的优势。 没有w you might be asking, what exactly is this intelligence and can you give me an example? Well, I sure can and it's right here. What I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go through this passage and I'm gonna read it as though, I'm telling you what I'm saying in my head when I read an actual ACT passage.

So I don't speak out loud. That's not part of approach number three when reading an ACT reading passage. 当然,我阅读在我的脑海里和我going to show you here is how quickly I read. I'm just looking at certain things and making note of them at a high-level. So let's start.

藻类真的被认为是出色的植物,当他们完全被认为是什么时候。 Attitudes seemingly haven't changed all that much since the 18th century, people were as blase about algae as they are now. So I've read that and that's about how fast my mind is reading when I read it. And again, I'm not taking notes or doing anything else.

I might pause there and say, okay, that's an introduction passage about algae, but I read on. 鉴于这样一个不起眼的地位,发现单一物种藻类设法催化了十八世纪的发现。 因此,这是关于这些主要的十八世纪的发现,特定的藻类和我正在阅读它在这里阅读,涉及光合作用。

这是一个漫长的词,我甚至不想发音,特别是因为只有对这些发现的科学家们来说 偶然发现这个藻类,同时完全寻找别的东西。意外发现。 The species in question. Now, look at this.

他们会告诉我并定义有问题的物种。这不是一个高级别的东西,这是非常具体的。 If need be when I'm doing the questions and it asks about this, I can go back. But for now, I'm just gonna skip that part. And then where it says was identified after that m dash at the time that big Latin word, I'm not gonna say that either.

这些都是细节。所以智慧撇去,我会跳过那部分。 Go to the next paragraph. It says, Joseph Priestley was responsible for the first discovery in question and 开始在1770年代的气体试验。相似。

He was a scientist. Reading on, one of his first and 大多数重要发现是识别。另一个大词,忽略它。 一些叫做氧气的东西,没有什么太重要了。主要点是什么?

关于意外发现的东西。让我们继续阅读。 除此之外,某些过程如呼吸耗尽空气。氧气的空气,而其他人喜欢介绍植物 to the test file restored, studied oxygen. Again, I'm not gonna reread the part where, what is he saying?

呼吸与将工厂引入测试文件。这是那种放缓和思考你想做的事情, if there's a specific question. All I know right now is he worked with oxygen, trying to find out what plants have to do with oxygen. Moving on, while testing this hypothesis, he observed that many of his files became covered with a mysterious green matter.

CF,我会打电话给它。被迫将这种绿色物质的小瓶无人看管三个月。 He went out, he traveled. When he came back, these specimens unfortunately did not survive whereas those in the opposite condition flourished. So the CF in the sunlight, bad sunlight at least didn't do well.

但在阳光下,它到处都在生长。所以这种绿色的小真菌的东西,也许如果你可以在你的头脑中想象出这个 your reading just spreading over the test tube when there's sun involved. So further experimentation showed that sunlight was necessary not only for the survival of green matter, but also for the production of oxygen. So this goes back to his oxygen thing.

I'm noticing when I'm reading this, this is a big paragraph. Probably gonna have to come back to it. A question or two will likely come from this passage. But again, I'm not gonna get too detailed here and slow down and try to understand everything. I'll read on a short experiments where I'm gonna first reveal the necessary role of sunlight in plants production of oxygen.

That's big, that's why he did it. But again, don't underline everything you know where this important information about. CF is then this paragraph. You can read the last sentence really quickly, skimming it. Priestley's inadvertent discovery of green matter thus began to illuminate the concept.

布莱恩,布拉,布拉,我们得到它。他与这个藻类合作,不小心发现了阳光 helps this thing grow, and that have photosynthesis. So again, I'm doing this really quickly though, when I'm reading. Just kinda skimming through, picking things out at this high-level. And so what we wanna get from this passage is well, not much more than this.

这是关于19世纪的藻类如何导致重大发现。发现给出了一个特定的故事,这里的关键是他不小心发现了如何 阳光对这种绿藻物质很重要,并在光合作用中滚动。 没有w, the actual ACT passage will be a tad bit longer. There will be a little bit more going on here, but that's basically the main point that you're getting as you're reading through the passage.

现在要记住的一些重要观点是我给你的东西刚才是每个段落的高级概要,但是 您不需要用每个段落进行此操作。你会注意到可能第一段有点短,所以 you don't actually have to kinda slow down to think okay, well, what was it about? What's that high-level things about priestly accidentally discovering something?

If the paragraph is short, you don't even need us. Make that short summary in your head about precede discovery of something in this case. You can just say, okay, it's about algae in the 19th century, moving on. 但是,一切都是高级别的,这将为您提供帮助。因为你到达问题时,你会知道东西是哪里 您将能够快速准确地到达正确的答案。

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