
Basic Strategies

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好的。This might very well just be the most crucial ACT reading lesson we have. 我们要谈论基本策略。这些是你应该的策略 be applying to just about every question on the test. And we're gonna go through a couple examples applying these strategies to make sure you have them.

让我们来吧go through the strategies first. So our first strategy for the ACT Reading section is to read the question. Now that may seem pretty self-explanatory, but this part's important. Simplify when necessary. Sometimes the questions can be quite long. You want to go ahead and simplify in your head what exactly are you looking for.

Maybe you even need to paraphrase the question a little bit. Get rid of the fluff. 摆脱根据它的一部分。因为,我的意思是,你知道它根据这段经文。 Focus in on what's important. Then we are going to go to the relevant part of the passage.

现在这是必要时,有时你会通过内存来完成一些这些问题。 In which case, you might want to go ahead and skip on to step three. But most of the time you're probably going to be 如果没有找到答案,请回到通道至少检查您的内存。所以这是第二步,转到该段的相关部分。

第三步绝对至关重要。先想出自己的答案。 如果你真的很诱惑,如果你必须用手掩盖答案选择。 不要让自己看看他们,因为第二个你看那些答案的选择你的大脑开始合理化 how they could possibly be correct.

但其中只有一个是这样的,所以不要去那条路线。这一行为真的很擅长写作真正诱人的错误答案选择。 所以你想避免通过确保你首先在问题中有答案。 所以我们将继续通过一些例子来完成。步骤四在这里,这并不是那么多策略只是要记住的事情。

And that is to be very literal. Don't overthink these questions. 即使在推理问题上,那个说它可能是真的或者它可以合理地推断出来。 You're only ever going a teeny tiny baby step beyond what is literally directly stated in the passage.

所以,不要让自己流失,并合理化某些事情可能是真实的。是非常字面的,并确保你可以用段落的证据备份。 第五步是符合您的答案选择。所以一旦你拿出自己的答案, 查看答案中的哪个答案最佳匹配。你可能有点偏离。

我的意思是,没关系。也许你对问题的询问有不同的解释 what's in the answer choices. In which case, after you take a look at the answer choices briefly, re-think it. 回去为自己重新回答这个问题。你仍然可以这样做。

这完全没问题。这绝对发生了。 And/or if you are really, totally confused, you don't know what the question's asking for or just because you want to go ahead and 检查,因为您总是想通过答案选择,并确保您完全没有答案,通过消除过程。

我们将在错误的答案选择上有另一个视频,并且您可以看出答案选择在测试中往往错误的所有原因 要消除一些消除。好的。让我们来吧 take a look at a sample question and work through this process. All right. So first we're gonna read the question.

According to the passage, which of the following statements is true about the film's costumes during the, party years, of Marie Antoinette, as compared to her previous dresses? Okay. 所以我已经根据通道提到了这一点。所以这是一种绒毛。

It's filler in the question. They have to put it in there so nobody can argue against it because 文本必须支持这个问题的答案。这就是为什么他们根据这段经文说, not according to my sister, or according to life. But it's really fluff.

你知道它根据这段经文,我们知道我们正在研究陈述。所以我们正在寻找什么是真的。 让我们专注于真实的东西。电影,服装,党年,我们知道整个段落是关于Marie Antoinette。 我们在示例段落中读到它或看看它在此视频下面。所以我们知道这是关于Marie Antoinette的所以这里有点绒毛。

Party years and previous dresses. So what's true? 电影,服装,党年,与她以前的连衣裙相比。好的。所以我们这里有一些答案选择。 我们不会看他们。我们将去在谈论的段落中 党年期间的服装。

所以这是在中间,进入段落中间。描绘了她党年的电影中间, 她的褂子在选择颜色甚至在切割时变得更加甜点,甚至是明亮的黄色,粉红色和蓝色的组合,创造蛋白杏仁饼干 用衬裙和裙子的装饰效果。这真的很重要。

继续阅读,直到他们停止谈论它。我有很多学生停在这里,他们有点答案, 一个不完整的答案。我们还没有完成谈论党年的服装。 因此,她的衣服也被配置在配置中,并变得更加大胆,装饰更加大胆。

And now let's check, in the final sequences of Marie Antoinette's life at Versailles. 好的。So here, we've moved onto the next stage in her life. 所以我们正在介于这里和这里。所以下一步是想出自己的答案选择。

And we're looking for how her costumes here compare to the costumes that she wore previously. So, we have more information to be looking at. What happened previously? So previously, in the early stage of Marie Antoinette's time at Versailles, the colors worn and applied are light and icy, more sorbet-like.

好的..所以,派对岁月,他们是。让我们写自己的答案。 They are more dessert like. They are brighter. 他们是,你可以在这里选择一些不同的单词。没关系。我们只是拿到了GIST。

Bright colors here. Macaroon effect. 让我写蛋白杏仁饼干。他们更大胆,更大胆。 还有大胆的装饰给他们。好的。所以现在让我们回到我们的问题。

现在我们知道我们在这里阅读,他们是她早期的衣服很轻。所以回答选择a会错,它们的颜色不打。 Answer choice B, they are more mature. Well, there was nothing in my answer choice as I came up with that. 回答选择c,他们更大胆。这是我在答案中写下的一个词。

而D,它们在阴凉处秋天。好吧,没有说他们在阴凉处秋天。 它们是明亮的黄色,蓝色,绿色。所以,这意味着我们的答案将是C. 好的。所以,让我们说我们做了很多学生所说的事情 在这里停止阅读,因为大胆的回答在这里。

所以,如果你刚读这第一句话,我们会see that they were more dessert-like. 我们的答案会说,他们在颜色和切割中更像是甜点。明亮的黄色,粉红色,蓝色,杏仁效果,和 we would have nothing about daring. So let's say we did that.

我们如何通过消除过程工作?好吧,我们可以回复回答选择a,它们的颜色更轻。 Well, we can go back and check in the passage. No, they actually weren't lighter in color. They were lighter before, and then they become brighter. So we can do that.

更成熟,我们可以回去检查,看看它们是否更加成熟。我们可能会诱惑,然后可能是我们需要的触发器 read a little bit further and find out where it might mention mature. But remember it has to be based in the passage. 这是我们的下一步,是文字。如果这里没有任何东西,那么他们说他们更成熟或 她让她看起来更老或一些同义词,那么它不正确。

如此秋天的阴影,好吧,让我们回到通道,因为这是一个很好的。 秋天的阴影。很多时候,错误的答案选择将拿起一个词 实际上在该段落中使用但实际上与我们正在寻找的特定时刻实际上并不相关。

So there is a part later on in the next paragraph in this passage that you can see below where the author talks about the colors becoming 秋天的秋天似乎在她的生命后衣服变得越来越重达。所以它正在采取另一个段落的细节 用它来描述它实际上不应该描述的东西。所以我们也可以通过消除的过程工作,这是我们的最后一步。

So let's take a look at a more difficult example. That was a detail question. 我们基本上只是在段落中寻找细节。这就是说那些衣服大胆。 Now this one is a generalization. The passage characterizes a young Marie Antoinette in Austria as, 现在,这段经文中没有地方,说她是天真或胆量或柔和的或不负责任的。

I'm gonna tell you that right now. We have to look at the gist of it. 所以让我们去第一个段落。Marie Antoinette在奥地利。 我们看到她是,让我们继续阅读并寻找那些告诉我们她是什么的线索,她是如何表征的?

What's her state at this current amount of time? Okay. So first of all she's sleeping in a dark room. Then, she's in the palace in an early grey morning light. It's not really about her. We went into a close-up of Marie Antoinette waking up.

好的。它现在更多关于玛丽·安托诺特。她完全没有意识到未来在商店里有什么。 She allows the attendants to dress her just as on any other day. She waits for them to lace her corset and finish here hair. 她出现不当。所以我强调了告诉我们她的样子, 她是如何表演的。

她正在和她的小哈巴狗一起玩。她穿着柔软的天鹅绒般和薰衣草蓝色两拼接连衣裙 然后在被送往法国之前与她的母亲见面。所以我已经偷看了我的答案选择,我们应该覆盖,但是 that was just to illustrate that this is a bit more of a difficult question. So let's go ahead and see if we can, what would you say in your own words is Marie Antoinette's state?

How is she being characterized in this part? So, I would say unaware and unconcerned. 请记住,我们不想偏离段落中的内容。所以,如果你能拔出言语,即使你知道这不是 exactly what the question's gonna ask you for, use the words in the passage. So unaware and unconcerned.

这就是我的回答所说的。让我们回到这个问题。 The passage characterizes a young Marie Antoinette in Austria as unaware and unconcerned. Which of these best matches up with that? Well, irresponsible?

You know that is a really tempting one. Let's start with D. 我们这次从底部工作。不负责任的是一个真正诱人的人,因为我们思考,哦,如果有人的话 不知道和漠不关心,也许他们不负责任。但后来我们已经陷入了大化的陷阱。

所以,不知道,不关心并不一定意味着不负责任。它只是意味着她不知道发生了什么。 所以要小心伸手。柔和。 好吧,那有点偏离。这不像她只是没有做任何事情。

她和她的哈巴狗一起玩。所以我不会说C. b,粗体。好吧,她没有做任何事情来表明她特别大胆 here or acting out or being courageous or anything like that. But naive, now that sounds like a really good possibility here.

Because if she's unaware of what her future has in store for her and she doesn't know what's going on, well, that's the definition of naive. 如此天真是我们在这里最好的答案。我们想小心不落入像不负责任的陷阱, 我们可以合理化。但请记住关键是文字。

Don't go too far beyond the text. All right. 所以让我们继续推荐我们的基本策略。1号,阅读问题。 2,转到该段的相关部分。3,先想出自己的答案。

记得是文字,然后符合你的答案选择。如有必要,通过消除的过程工作。 请记住,您可能看不到绝对符合您答案的东西,您可能需要通过答案选择并检查并查看哪些缺陷。 And a lot of the times it's easier to work that way, particularly on difficult reading questions.

