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行动论文简介。这是快速入门指南。 而且你可能实际上会想到遗传,几乎就像行为的论文部分,也可以让自己设立练习。 我知道这很难有时挤压在论文的实践中,它并没有真正借给快速的审查。

And I also know that some of you don't really have time maybe to watch all of these lessons. 我知道这些课程中的一些特别长,所以这就是我在本课程中要做的事。 I'll talk about the essay format at a really general level. Then we'll look at our list of Magoosh essay topics and I'll point out the most 在潜入练习之前,您可以观看的必要课程。

我不希望你把练习推迟太久。最后,我会给你两套指示。 如何在四小时内准备,以及如何在两个小时内准备。我认为,四个小时的计划实际上非常全面。 The two hours, you're kinda skimming the surface a bit. But at least you will get the most important information and the most 重要的练习类型总共两个小时,不计算本课程。

本文是该法案试验的可选部分。实际上现在,大多数学校都不需要它。 少于50%的人,但是一个非常漂亮的学校大块都需要它。如果你还在围栏上关于是否拿走这篇文章,请继续 观看课程。我应该拿走这篇文章吗?

That's located in the tips and strategy section. And I put that lesson in that section instead of here, 因为我想要它旁边的课程,了解如何注册该行为,因为这是大多数学生面临着特定决定的时候。 And just so you know, that lesson doesn't say a lot about the essay itself, but it will help you think through your decision as you're registering.

如果你确实结束了论文,你就会写一个,你有40分钟写作。 那40分钟是从你第一次在提示上瞄准时的时间,直到你必须放下铅笔。 这将是一支铅笔,你不能写在笔中。你不能用机械铅笔写作。

So make sure you have a pencil sharpener. That's good advice for everybody, but 尤其是要写论文的人。在考试的那一天,你要回答英语,然后是数学。 然后你休息一下,然后读和科学,另一个休息,然后你写文章。

And actually this break right here is five minutes. It's short. This other one here is ten minutes And you might be feeling kind of frazzled, especially because you will have just come out of the science section, which is such a time crunch. The good news is that the essay, I think, is the least time-crunchy section of the five.

A lot of the ACT really is about time management and test taking skills, but the essay itself is not really meant to be something where you feel like you're sprinting. These are the most important specs to be familiar with and we have a lot more detail in our other lessons. The essay is scored on a 2-12 point scale.

So that's pretty different from the 1-36 point scale. And an average score right now is between a six and a seven. 大多数学生将要获得六个,七个或八个。12种非常罕见,分数为11被认为是出色的。 So it's a clustered section, a lot of the scores are just clustered in the middle. And your essay score does not affect your composite score, so 从技术上讲,你可以在文章中得到两个,仍然可以获得36行的行为。

The style is argumentative, which is actually the style that I think most students are best trained in. 因此,与分析或解释相反,您基本上将捍卫您在社交问题上的特定立场的职位。 You'll be given the social issue. You'll be given three stances and then you get to construct your own argument from what you're given.

And the approximate length, there isn't a minimum or a maximum. But I usually recommend 300 words, at least as a good starting target. 如果你能做到这一点并在练习课程期间做得好,你可能会尝试更接近500的东西。 300个单词通常在两页下大约一点。对于具有平均大小笔迹的人。

另一种思考长度的方法是您正在查看大约三个长的身体段落,具有超级兴趣的超短兴趣,超短介绍了该行动论文。 This is the Quick Start guide, and you might actually think of this lesson as almost like, and 这就是你在参加考试的那个部分时会看到什么。您将拥有您的第一页,介绍主题并具有指示。

然后你有两页的划痕纸,这个象限在这里只是告诉你它是划伤纸。 它根本不会算上你的成绩。然后你有四页排列的纸。 这就是实际等级机构的看法。他们不看你的笔记或概述或任何一个。

在本系列的下一课中,我将在相当一点细节中通过样本提示。 But for this initial lesson, the only thing I'm going to focus on right now is the essay task here at the bottom and that's because it's always the same. 话语非常非常相似,如果不是相同的话。子弹点将是相同的。

所以让我们看看现在很快就会看看那个。写一个关于一些主题及其含义的统一的一致论文。 In your essay, be sure to clearly state your own perspective on the issue and analyze the relationship between your perspective and 至少另一个视角。然后,你可以see we have these three bullet points also.

But these three are really just kind of good advice for any paper you might write. Be organized, use examples, write in standard English. 这是符合子弹点的指示。说这个话题是无人驾驶汽车,你给了三个观点。 Two of the perspectives are in favor, one is opposed. Each of the perspectives that's in favor are in favor for different reasons.

You are going to read those and then construct an argument based on at least one of those three perspectives. 如您在此处看到,您的观点可以与部分协议或完全不同的任何给定的那些完全协议。 因此,您可以同意视角,您将符合此任务的要求。

所以这里我们正在看一篇论文主题列表。除了这一点,还有14个课程,实际上在那里 如果您将其中的策略部分中的那个人算一个,则是15个其他课程。他们是克里斯汀,克里斯和我所做的。 You'll only hear Chris's voice in one of them, that's the Importance of Style down here.

但是,我们所有三种人都在合作地计划,所以他的想法也反映在所有这些中。 而且有什么可方便的,即最重要的教训是顶部的这些课程。 所以这七个我认为是最重要的。如果你想更具体地,我认为最重要的教训 are Planning your Essay and How to Wow the Graders and The Thesis.

所以我的建议是观看这些前七,然后开始做一些做法。 然后,在你练习时,你可以随着面对各种挑战回到这些不同的教训。 But I don't want you to put off the practice too long. I don't want you to spend all your time watching lessons and not really get any effective practice in.

如何准备2-4小时。如果您只有四个小时才能练习此部分或 也许甚至只有两个小时,最好的方法是什么?理想情况下,您可以投入至少四个小时,如果不能, 这就是我推荐的。你想要打印出来或你可以下载,但是 我建议在这里打印几件不同的东西。

因此,此列表您可以看到它在“视频”窗口下方与您的说明链接,您在此处的整体计划。 示例提示,这是一个提示,该提示将形成本系列中大多数课程的基础。 So it's kinda nice to have a hard copy of that handy. Official score rubric that's put out by the ACT, so you can see well, 顶部得分与基于您正在分级的不同领域的差异有什么区别。

所以在那里,你会在课上看到得分,有四种不同的主要类别,你将被评分,你将获得每个人的分数。 此后,除了这个例子之外,还有一个有两个Magoosh练习提示的文档,所以另外两个,以及潜在的论文主题列表。 接下来,我建议您在本文之后顺序观看课程,一直通过论文课程。

那将大约需要70分钟。之后,你开始做手作。 我希望您创建三个轮廓,每个轮廓也应该有一个论文陈述。 On the actual test, we recommend 15 minutes to look at a prompt, come up with your outline and examples, and construct a thesis.

And so, you might break this down into three different 15 minute practice periods or you could do three of these back to back. 只知道它最好有大纲和论文陈述类型的配对。 在那之后,我可以在1.5速度观看其余的课程。如果有些东西给你,肯定会减速, seems really helpful, or you wanna pay attention more.

And conversely, you might find that some of these early lessons, if you know the format pretty well already, you might not need to watch these slowly. 您可能能够快速超过第一个。所以这一切都取决于你已经拥有的曝光量有多少曝光。 然后你的最后一步是研究官方的量规。你绝对可以先做到这一点,但我希望你以前看 you write your first practice essay, a full practice essay.

And so that would be using a new topic. So not using one of these three outlines, 但是从开始完成的全新主题。当然这是40分钟。 看看你是否可以找到可以在论文中为您提供反馈的人,我会说继续,甚至给他们一个标题的副本。

然后15分钟审查反馈。如果你只有两个小时,怎么办? 好吧,我认为很多学生甚至没有在两个小时内放入两个小时。所以,它不会是一个完整的准备。 Four hours, I think, is the bare minimum full prep you can do. But two hours is still probably going to be a lot more than many student do.

You'll wanna print out the same documents and then watch these three lessons, planning the essay, how to wow the graders, thesis statement. Then watch these three on double speed, ex prompt, time management and scoring. Again, personalize this for your own usefulness. It might be that you really want to go slow on the scoring section, cuz you don't know that much about it, but you're awesome with thesis statements so you can go fast on that one.

这些只是指导方针。阅读官方标题,创建2轮概述和2个论文陈述。 然后,因为我们节省了节省模式,而不是从开始完成完整的文章,你可以写下你的 来自您已经写过的其中一个轮廓之一的文章。如果您完成这些步骤后有更多的时间可用, 我认为最好的使用是练习写作身体段落,您可以从轮廓中完成这件事。

我认为每个身体段六分钟很棒。所以在结束时,我敦促你现在做这些任务中的一个。 如果您在靠近打印机的任何地方,请继续打印或下载这四个。如果您非常确定您要打印这些,但您无权访问 现在到打印机,继续观看example论文提示。这一点是我希望你采取行动, because right now you're watching this lesson, you have some forward momentum, I want you to get to the next step.

然后,如果你需要休息一下,那么显然如果你有一些非常重要的事情,我明白了。 但是,其他人都要前进,只需五到十分钟即可迈向你的准备。
