
Top Grammar Rules for the Essay

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在这个Magoosh写视频中,我们会谈谈我们的论文的最高语法规则。 现在,这些是人们在迅速写作时倾向于做错的事情,并在他们的头顶上脱离思想和句子和短语。 所以如果你做出一些这些错误,我不会责怪你。当我迅速写作时,我也会制作它们。

但是,你想做的就是了解它们,所以当你在论文的校对期时,你可以留意这些主要的语法和错误。 Okay so we're gonna go through each of these individually but here they are. Parallelism, the empty this and 废弃的IT,同声子,逗号拼接和逗号碎片,错位的修饰符和名词和动词一致性。

Now, I want to emphasize that graders are trained to look for patterns of mistakes on the test, so 如果你弄坏了一次,他们会原谅小的落枪。没有大的交易,他们知道这是一个定时评估,而且 你基本上只是写出草案。但如果他们看到你会在和同样的错误上做出同样的错误 过度,或者很多不同的错误,那么你可以确定你会忘记一些点。

So, let's talk a little bit more about what you should be looking out for so you don't lose those points. 所有权利首先,并行。现在,您可以查看我们的语法视频 更多关于Magoosh行为中英文段的所有这些主题,但这只是在这里快速进修。

所有权利如此平行,或者您可能知道这是平行结构。让我们先看看错误的例子。 为了进入机器人计划,我必须做两件事:提出一个有前途的研究理念和 我不得不寻找另外两个学生形成一个团队。现在可能听起来不可怕, 但是我们这里有一些不正确的并联结构。

So we start to this part here, we come up with a promising research idea and we get rid of that extra subject verb there. This is also grammatically incorrect because if that was the case, we would need a comma and an and here. So here, let's look at our correct example. In order to get into the robotics program, I had to do two things, 提出了一个有前途的研究理念,并形成了另外两个学生的团队,所以这会更好。

So if you see this on the test, you see that you did that, no big deal. You just do what I did here, you fix it. 越过它,只要你整洁,它就会完全罚款。好吧,空的,这个和废弃的,它。 What do I mean by this? An empty, this, is when you're wondering what does, 这是指你说出来的句子中。

So for example, incorrect, placing first in the robotics competition helped me gain confidence. 这也帮助我更好地了解如何在团队中工作。这是什么意思? Now you as a logical human being know that this probably refers to placing first in the robotics competition, this idea of placing first.

但我们还有一些其他东西,其他一些可以指的名词。 所以我们想消除任何混乱。请记住,我们不仅是快速写作,而且 our graders are reading quickly as well, too, so let's make everything crystal clear for them and say something like this.

首先在机器人学竞赛中放置帮助我有信心。这种经历也有助于让我更好地了解如何在团队中工作。 所以现在我们知道这是这样做的经验。废弃的它,非常相似。 It's when we're wondering, what does it refer to? So, incorrect.

学习如何在团队中工作succ是重要的ess, as my experience with the robotics competitions shows. It also helped me figure out how to resolve disputes. We wanna make this, it clearer, and say something like this. 学习如何在团队中工作对于成功非常重要,因为我对机器人比赛的经验。

My experience, crystal clear, also helped my figure out how to resolve disputes. All right, next one. Commonly confused homophones. Now homophones are words that sound alike, but are written differently and mean different things. So this is something that lots of people do when they are writing very quickly and 然后他们可以回去,他们可以抓住自己。

像它一样的东西。应该是那里的,听起来完全相同,但这意味着它是和 它只是一个人意味着占有欲的意思,所以要找那个。他们在那里,他们是卑鄙的三个不同的东西。 Two, to, and too also mean three different things. Effect and affect.

那些意味着不同的东西。效果是名词,这就是某种东西的结果, and affect is our verb. The poor grade that she got on the ACT really affected the rest of her school year. Now, one other thing I wanna mention here is to not use text abbreviations.

Now I know you wanna say I would never ever do that in an essay. But, I can tell you as an English teacher in high school, I saw students do this. 我知道你们中的一些人。所以,现在修复这种习惯。 但remember, this is also something you do when you're writing really quickly. When you're texting, you're trying to get a message across very quickly and 所以你说你,或者你,或你或2moro。

If you catch yourself doing that go back, fix it, cross it out, write Y-O-U. You can fix it, just make sure you're looking out for doing that as well. 逗号拼接和句子碎片,这是我们希望在测试中观看的下一个类别。 These are really easy to do when writing quickly because you're just coming up with those sentence off the top of your head.

你不完全看着大局。所以逗号拼接, again, is when we join two sentences that could stand alone with just a comma. So, for example, incorrect, for our first task we had to have our robot 通过标准尺寸的钩子扔篮球,它完美地完成了这一点。这些可能独自一人担任句子,所以这是错误的。

We need to fix that comma there, that comma splice. For our first task, we had to have our robot throw a basketball through a standard sized hook, an action it executed perfectly. So this is one way to fix it. 我们制作了一个从属条款,我们可以解决其他方式。在测试中可能会只想在半冒号中添加一个和那里或将其更改为或更改。

但we wanna fix that in our proofreading, period. Here's a sentence fragment. 一堆句子碎片,实际上。接下来,我们的机器人必须在没有掉下来的情况下通过一个小木桥旅行。 这里跑到略有问题。然后从桥上翻滚。

这在火焰中结束。所以你就像,重温这个机器人竞争的这一刻, you're really excited, and you're just making not sentences. So, we'll fix that in our proofreading period and we'll make it all one smooth sentence. Next, our robot had to travel over a small wooden bridge without falling off, yet.

在这里结合。这里遇到了一个轻微的问题,从桥上翻滚了 bursting into flames. We made this last one a subordinate clause and we connected these two ideas and 现在我们有这个漂亮的雄辩句子。错位的修饰符,也有些东西要在测试中观看, 在快速写作时也很容易做。

Wanting to win, our robot was completely dismantled and rebuilt overnight before the competition. Now having this clause right here next to robot implies that our robot was wanting to win, which maybe he was, but that's a pretty sophisticated robot if you've created this intelligent thinking machine. I don't think that's what you meant to say.

你的意思是说这样的话。想要获胜,我们完全拆除了 在比赛前一夜之间重建我们的机器人,因为我们想赢。名词和动词一致性,这是我看到的东西,我做了很多 当我写的时候真的很快,因为你只是在考虑这个想法,那么你就没有考虑你的方式。

So here's a sentence that would be incorrect. Robots range from the incredibly complex to the shockingly simple; it can be 从一台聪明的机器中可以让一个危险的冠军困扰到一对绑在一起的金属冠军,以机械地敲尾。 这听起来像是一个非常好的句子。它有什么问题?

好吧,我们有机器人。那是复数。 然后看。我们这里有一个单数代词。 所以我们在这里没有与我们的名词保持一致。所以我们需要解决这个问题。

机器人范围从令人难以置信的复杂到令人震惊的简单,他们可以是智能机器,布拉,布拉,布拉的任何东西。 Now again If you do that once on the test, the graders are gonna forgive you. They understand. 但是,如果你这样做是一种模式,那么它将是一个问题,所以也想要注意的东西。

好吧,你能做什么来捕捉这些常见的语法错误?你如何为自己解决这个问题? 那么你可以练习这个的最重要的方式或最有效的方式之一是编辑你的实践论文和 notice the grammatical errors that you make while writing quickly. So you're writing to catch them during a brief proofreading period on the test.

So I call these the errors I always make, the mistakes I always make. And it's a really good idea to keep a list of them so 当你去参加论文的行为时,你在你的脑海中准备好了一个清单。我必须注意不要让两个和两个或两个 无论你总是做什么。好的。但 here are the things that you should particularly watch out for because they're some of the most common mistakes that people make.

Parallelism, empty this and abandon it, homophones, comma splices and sentence fragments, misplaced modifiers, and noun and verb consistency. 好的。Go write some essays, practice proofreading, make sure you keep these things in mind.
