If you teach high school, and especially upperclassmen, you’ve probably fielded some questions from students along the lines of "why it is important to go to college?" and "what should I study in college?" These are important questions to be able to answer. After all, college is an expensive investment, and it can be overwhelming for a teenager to make predictions about a career path and lifestyle that's years down the line.
每个人的成长都是不同的,显然,但到高中结束时,大多数学生都会嘲笑父母和监护人 - 他们可能一直与他们的整个生活同居!
There are other ways for young adults to head out on their own when they come of age, but college offers one of the most natural transitions for them to experience "the real world.” Stress to your students the freedom and excitement that accompanies living on or around a college campus of their choice.
大学的独特生活安排允许学生逐步学习作为成人的居住人:烹饪,清洁,支付账单等,同时仍然具有支持系统,驻有于室友,驻地顾问,指导辅导员, 和别的。
They’ll expand their horizons
大多数学院和大学为学生提供志愿者工作的各种机会,通过项目和实地考察获得体验性学习,出国留学- 其中一部分为学生提供了有价值的生活经验,可能无法越来越多。
It can be hard for students to conceptualize the unknown, while others may be nervous about a new environment, so encourage them to do college visits, if possible. This can help them get a sense of the cultural landscapes of their different college options.大学访问对于学生来说,可以对学生提供极大的鼓舞人心,并且可以帮助他们确定学者和校园文化方面的权利。
They’ll engage in meaningful learning
It’s a good and fair question, but I always offer up some examples of great classes I took in college that I’d never have had the opportunity to otherwise. I was an English major, but some of my favorite and most meaningful classes were: piano, evolutionary biology, and art history. Go figure!
They'll have better job opportunities
There's no arguing with the numbers: those with a college degree have better access to the jobs of their choice, and have significantly更高的盈利潜力而不是他们越来越受过教育的同龄人。在没有大学学位的情况下获得付出良好的工作肯定是不可能的,但学生应该准备好以某种方式在高中继续教育。对于大多数人来说,这意味着学院。
The recent piece “College Degrees Lead to ‘Good Jobs’” in在高等教育内部,,引用最近乔治城的研究发现“越来越多的支付工作份额已转向持有四年或副学士学位的工人“,”那个学士学位仍然是“金标准”,以寻找良好的工作。“
盈利潜力的重要性可能与在经济上尚未支持自己的青少年可能并不完全共鸣,但你可以强调qualitativebenefits of having better job opportunities. After all, a job seeker with a degree is much more likely to have a choice when it comes to where they are employed, and what they do on a daily basis, than someone with a more limited education.
一旦学生了解追求高等教育的价值,下一个问题往往沿着“我应该专业的东西?”与您的高中家讨论此项时,请记住,在大学期间,学生至少会将其专业更改一次,并且普通学生更改专业3 timesduring a college career! Of course, that doesn't mean you shouldn't have an anwer ready:
A subject they love
Additionally, students who major in a field they enjoy will find themselves surrounded by likeminded classmates and instructors. This can foster further interest in the field, and help students proactively explore the ways in which they might apply their studies beyond the classroom.
A subject they excel at
Maybe it sounds obvious, but encourage students to study what they’re good at – provided, of course, that they take interest in the subject!
虽然这可能听起来非常简单,但选择一个专业不一定是基于技能的还原过程。鼓励您的学生思考哪些领域使用他们对开发或已经拥有的技能。例如,擅长数学的学生并不一定意味着他们应该进入大学作为数学专业。但是哪些涉及大量数学的领域可能会引起他们的兴趣?也许architechture,数据科学或物理学将是感兴趣的。或者说学生在分析文献中很好 - 他们也可能非常适合学习心理学,因为它倾向于涉及批判性思维,分析研究,并将深远潜入一个主题。
Along these lines, encourage students to reflect on their qualitative skills and value systems when choosing a major. In what field may a highly empathic student excel? A Data-driven student? A student with excellent writing skills? This is where teachers and counselors can really help students brainstorm their own strengths and interests and help them come up with some potential majors accordingly.
Though we've just discussed the importance of majoring in a field that a student is a) interested in and b) good at, it is necessary to also consider employment prospects post-graduation. This is where reports on expanding fields can be of use, especially since they often highlight career paths that a student might not otherwise encounter in day-to-day life.
For example, according to thejobnetwork.com, among the2018年大多数需求工作are fitness trainers, financial advisors, computer software engineers, nurses, pharmacy technicians, and skin care specialists. Encouraging open discussions about the changing employment landscapes and expanding professional fields is a worthwhile exercise in the classroom. Introduce your students to the many resources available when looking at job growth projectsions to help them find the未来最好的大学专业。凭借一点创造力,大多数学生应该能够选择至少一个看起来有希望的职业选择。
帮助你的学生ents Be as College Ready as Possible
There’s plenty of talk in high schools about college readiness, much of which centers around standardized test taking and建立一个更好的大学申请但是,挖掘到“为什么”和“落后的谈话可以确保学生正在积极思考他们现在的行为如何在以后成功。
When students have a clearer sense of why it is important to go to college and what to go to college for, they will make more informed (and often more economical) choices, generate stronger college applications, and likely find greater success in their collegiate endeavors.