Magoosh for Schools

What is the National Career Readiness Certificate?

Across high schools, there is plenty of preparation for college, from ACT and SAT practice to college essay tutorials. But what about preparation for the workforce?

对于仍然决定的学生们仍然存在college is the right fit, and for those looking to go directly into the workforce, the National Career Readiness Certificate is a valuable resource that helps young adults land fulfilling jobs and increase their earning potential. Since the National Career Readiness Certificate is neither widely known nor discussed, we've decided to dive a little deeper into the subject. Read on for more valuable information to share with your students, college-bound or otherwise!

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According to theACT(American College Testing), which issues theNational Career Readiness Certificate, it is “anassessment-based credential issued at four levels [that] measures and certifies the essential work skills needed for success in jobs across industries and occupations.”



Above all, the National Career Readiness Certificate is widely known and accepted. If your students are skeptical about its importance or value, you can tell them that more than 2.3 million certificates have been issued since they were introduced in 2006!


You can find more onNational Career Readiness Certificate curriculumon the ACT website, but in short, The National Career Readiness Certificate is earned through the completion of three ACT WorkKeys assessments, each of which is research-based:

  • 应用数学
  • Workplace Documents
  • Graphic Literacy

Across these three disciplines, the following skills are assessed:

  • Problem solving and critical thinking
  • Reading and utilizing texts commonly found in workplaces
  • 使用工作场所文档解决问题
  • Solving workplace problems using mathematical logic, reasoning and skills
  • 正确执行数学al calculations as they would arise in various workplaces
  • 在一个或多个图表中查找,综合,比较,概述,分析和应用信息

Levels of proficiency


  • 铂:Scores of level 6 or higher on all exams, which reflects skills required for roughly 99% percent of the jobs listed in the ACT JobPro database.
  • Gold:Scores of level 5 or higher on all exams, which reflects skills required for at least 93% of the jobs listed in the ACT JobPro database.
  • Silver:scores of level 4 or higher on all exams, and reflects skills required for at least 69% of the jobs listed in the ACT JobPro database.
  • 青铜:scores of level 3 or higher on all exams, which reflects skills required for at least 93% of the jobs listed in the ACT JobPro database.


The benefits of the National Career Readiness Certificate apply to job candidates and employers alike.

First of all, the National Career Readiness Certificate is particularly useful for students who do not want to attend college, as it provides them a verifiable (and quantifiable) measurement of skills. This certificate is also a great placeholder for students who may want to attend college but are currently unsure of where to attend and what to study, but who want to join the workforce while taking the time to decide on next steps.


Whether you are working with students who are going to college, those that are content with a high school diploma, or a few straddling that fence, it's worth bringing up the National Career Readiness Certificate. Though often glossed over in discussions about post-high school endeavors, it remains a great option for students, whatever their post-high school path may be.

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