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Intro to the ACT Science Test

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Hello, everyone. Welcome to this introductory overview of the ACT Science Test. This video is designed to give you a basic overview of the ACT Science Test if you're totally brand new to it, but 还有一些关于我们近年来看到的趋势和变化的信息。所以即使你觉得你的行为有很好的句柄, hopefully we have some useful information to share with you here.

但是,如果您认为自己是一个真正的专家行为科学学生,您可能希望跳过我们其他一些视频。 我们有一群其他视频,分解了各种段落和您要遇到的问题类型以及策略 您需要在行动科学测试方面取得成功。所以让我们继续前进,看看行为科学测试如何崩溃,结构明智。

You have 35 minutes to do 40 questions. That the ACT guarantees. 现在它不保证是您将看到多少段段落。所以你可能会看到六只或七个段落。 Now for the longest time, like forever, there were seven passages on the ACT Science Test.

所以学生知道,希望有三个被称为数据表示段落,三个研究摘要段落和 one conflicting viewpoints passage. But on recent tests, basically since the past year or so, students have been seeing six passages on the ACT Science Test, which means they've seen three data representation, two research summaries and 一般来说,一个相互矛盾的观点。

好的,所以首先,我想说的,这真的扔了学生的循环,所以 you want to know not to be attached to any particular number of passages on the test. No matter what your test prep book says, the ACT only guarantees that there will be a certain time limit, 35, and 40 questions. And so you're going to see probably six or seven passages, and 我们在我们的视频中讨论了我们在动作科学通道类型的视频中的这些不同的类型类型,所以你将更多地了解那里的人。

好的,那么你需要知道的? Despite its name, the ACT Science Test is really not so much about knowing science. 这是关于批判性思维。大多数问题都将测试您阅读科学图表的能力, graphics, figures and tables of data and your ability to imagine or visualize scientific experiments or situations.

大多数人可能从未采取任何类型的课程,这些课程将直接为您遇到的行为科学测试, which is why it can seem a little scary. But don't worry. Just like all the other sections on the ACT, the ACT Science Test is very predictable.

您可以通过练习专为法案科学测试而设计的测试预备策略和技术来了解如何更好地更好。 Now while it's true you that don't need to know a lot of scientific facts to do well on the ACT Science Test, you will see a small handful of questions that do require you to bring in outside knowledge from chemistry, biology, physics or Earth and space science.

Generally speaking, this information is on a very basic level, and it's information that you probably learned in your introductory high school science classes or even in middle school. But if you're concerned about getting a very top score on this test, it's worth 在所有这些学科中刷新自己的基本知识,以便您可以在外部知识所需的问题上拿起积分。

Finally, you need to know how to work fast. No one ever leisurely peruses through an ACT Science Test and contemplates how fascinating all of these experiments and data are. That never happens. So you have to let it go and learn to be comfortable with being uncomfortable, like you're being pushed a little too fast.

Although this may not sound like a skill you can learn, on the contrary, it is. Learning how to make good decisions about what to skip, what to work on and when to 放弃并猜测需要练习对测试感到舒适。那我怎么准备? 行动科学测试真的是自己的野兽。与数学测试或英语测试不同,您可以这么做 只要通过学习一些语法规则或练习几何问题,一些真正有效的准备,这是真正学习的唯一方法 the ACT Science Test is to study the ACT Science Test.

So take practice tests and learn specific ACT science strategies. And we have videos covering all of this stuff. 所以不要害怕。我们在这里提供帮助。 That being said, if you do wanna do some outside work getting more comfortable with what you have to do on the Science Test, you can practice reading and becoming accustomed to charts and graphs of scientific data.

翻转通过您的科学教科书应该产生您可以检查的一些不同的图表,数字和图表。 但是,如果您真的希望看到对您看起来更具行为的东西,我建议看看学术科学期刊。 You can find some decent ones for free from the Public Library of Science at, 这是科学文章的开源数据库。

Now what you find here is most certainly going to be more complex than what you will find on the ACT, but if you can handle this, you should be feeling pretty darn good about your ability to tackle the ACT science section. Finally, I just want to address one more question that has been popular in recent years. Is the ACT science section getting harder?

A lot of students claim that it is. They feel that the passages are getting more complex and 更难以及时结束,并且还有更多的问题,更困难的问题,依赖于在科学事实之外的学生。 这种担忧主要是由于真实行为预制指南中出现的测试的难度级别之间的感知差异而被升值。 which gives you official tests that have been given in the past, and the tests that students have been facing in the past couple of years.

The most recent edition of this guide, the third edition, was published in 2011, and so it only contains tests given before this date. But that doesn't help too much if students think the tests have been getting harder since 2011. So until there's an updated edition out, be prepared to feel that what you see on the actual test seems a little harder to you, and certainly don't panic if it does.

Remember that the curve adjusts for each test. So if you happen to think the test seems harder to you, make sure to remind yourself that it's likely harder for everybody else too. And for what it's worth, 该法案不同意这种评估,测试已经更加困难。所以不要过于努力,你将遇到的测试是 significantly more difficult.

No matter what your friends are saying, this is highly unlikely to be the case. And if you feel this way, it's much more likely that because of the pressure of 测试情况它干扰了你思考的清晰度。这是我们所有人和 the best thing that you can do is take a couple deep breaths, slow yourself down and remember that you do, in fact, know what you're doing.

The ACT Science Test is one of my personal favorites, not because I think I'm particularly great at science, but because I think that you do not necessarily have to be in order to do well on it. Which makes it a really interesting standardized test for 导师像我一样怪人。有很多策略,可以雇用准备 这个测试与科学没什么关系。

因此,如果您认为自己是一个科学人,那么您可能会对本节感到舒适,但这肯定不是要求。 通过正确的思维方式和正确的策略,我向您保证可以掌握它。

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