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此Magoosh Act Scient Science将概述您将遇到的不同段落类型 every single ACT science test. So, we're going to walk through the structure of each of these passage types that you know how to recognize them and then also point out some different things for you to notice about each of these different passage types.

So let's go ahead and get started. Here they are. 您将在测试中看到的三种不同的段落类型。因此有数据表示段落,研究摘要段落,以及 相互矛盾的观点。现在你会注意到这个关于典型测试的注释,所以 totally you're probably going to see six or seven passages.

Now for a really long time, there is always seven passages on the test, but recently students have seen six passages on the test, and it turns out the ACT doesn't guarantee the number of passages you're going to see. Only a specific percentage or 你将要看到的问题类型的百分比范围。这意味着你可能会看到三个数据表示段, 两项研究摘要段落,以及最近的事情消失了一个相互矛盾的观点。

But that doesn't necessarily mean that's going to be the case, so you want to probably, when you open your science test at first, 继续前进并通过测试翻转。看看你有几个段落。 If you want to, if you're really particular about your passage types, you can see which passage types that you have in there.

但是你想确保你知道你进入了什么,因为在行为科学测试上的起搏是如此 tricky that it really helps to know how many passages you're dealing with so you know where you should be in the test when you check your watch and make 确定你没有时间去做你想做的问题。首先是数据表示通道。

这些段落在图表,表格,图表和图表中存在科学信息。 该行为说这些就像你在科学期刊中所看到的。你们中的大多数可能都没有读科学期刊 一点点轻便睡觉。如果你是的话,对你有更多的力量。

因此,您可以想到您在学生科学公平展览或高中科学实验室项目中发布的结果图表。 基本上,这些段落要求您做的是查找,解释和分析一些图表,行和条形图的信息,以及 diagrams, which you have all likely done in math or science class. What value is increasing, what decreases when you add some more of another element, 等等。

行为与您的科学教科书之间的差异是有时候这些数字可能看起来真的可怕和不熟悉。 But don't worry. You don't need to understand everything that's going on to answer nearly all of the questions you will encounter, and hopefully these Magoosh ACT science lessons will be able to prove that to you.

So let's take a look here at how a Data Representation passage is structured. The image on the left of your screen gives you a rough idea. 我们通常会看到一些介绍文字,但大多数页面将被数字占据。 There could be just one, or there could be as many as four or five. Most often there are two or three.

通常,尽管不总是这样,这些都是测试中最友好和最直截了当的部分。 因为,它们通常具有更直接的问题,由您直接在图形,图表和图表上看到的数据驱动。 Often, you will be looking for changes and trends in the numbers. Are they increasing, are they decreasing, are there no discernible trends in the data?

是在某个地方的一条线条图。比较困难的问题会要求您将数据从不同的连接 数字回答一个问题。但在大多数情况下,没有大量的高层科学 涉及数据表示段的推理。如果我们曾经问过一个问题,或者 how things were done, or what might change if new elements are introduced.

You'll be making some inferences, but they won't be grand leaps. Some students like to tackle these passages first for that reason, so they can snag some points, gain some confidence, and get warmed up. The second passage type you'll encounter on the ACT science test is the Research Summaries passage. A research summaries passage provides descriptions of one or more experiments that could theoretically be conducted by students or scientists.

这些通道通常包括实验或研究的设计,程序和结果。 这些段落的许多问题都将要求您解释研究设计和程序并分析结果。 So the image on the left side of your screen is just to give you an idea of the layout of a research summary passage.

Just an idea, though, they don't all look exactly the same. But generally you are going to see quite a bit more text. You'll see an introductory description of the situation being studied and then one or more related studies or experiments. Because you don't have time to read everything on the ACT science test, it's important to know where to look for key bits of information on a text-heavy passage like our Research Summaries.

实验的目的通常在介绍信息结束时发现。 So, take note of it. Usually, right about here. 接下来,您将找到对科学家或学生正在进行的几个不同实验或研究的描述。

关注每一个事物的新的和不同的方面,或者它们之间的联系。 For example, maybe the first experiment is testing the percentage of carbon monoxide in the exhaust of several different car models, and 第二个实验可能是建立在这些findings by testing whether different temperatures impact the percentage of CO in the exhaust.

因此,这两个实验之间的联系是,相同的汽车正在被测量和测试 介绍的新元素是温度变化。你可以打赌,会有问题询问发生了什么 温度变化。然后更加困难的问题是在实验的结论中建立 are presented, but my suggestion is not to worry too much about understanding the full depth of these studies until you see a question on it.

It's just too time-consuming to get wrapped up in. Finally, we have the Conflicting Viewpoints passage. Generally, the Conflicting Viewpoints passage provides two or more alternative theories, hypotheses, or viewpoints on an observable phenomenon. 展示这些观点的研究人员或学生可以在某些方面同意,但他们总是不同意一些主要观点。

And your job is to understand their viewpoints and how they compare. That means this is the one passage on the ACT science test 这真的依赖阅读理解。所以你可以看出,从我的示例段落来看, these conflicting view points examples consist of a page of a lot of little x's. I'm kidding, that's text.

But there is text, a lot of it, given how little time you have. And you do have to read it, unlike the research summaries or 数据表示段。我们将介绍阅读策略 冲突的观点在另一个视频中的段落。但是你在这里注意的重要事情是付钱 特别关注在阅读时您注意到的观点之间的任何相似性或差异,因为它们肯定会有问题。

当您遇到这些段落时,在您的心态上非常灵活。您可能会看到两个以上的观点来比较。 可能有三个。科学的情况可能非常简单或简单 它可能更复杂。你真的永远不知道。

所以很多学生都选择留下冲突的观点段落,以便他们可以将注意力集中在一起和时间和时间 他们留下的能量在最后弄清楚它。最后,请记住它在回答有关您的点数的问题, 没有读这段经文。因此,即使您必须阅读这些段落来理解其中的主旨, don't drown yourselves in the text.

智能,快速移动,并在互相冲突的视点上查看我们的其他视频,以获取更多细节。 All right, so to recap we have three passage types on the ACT science test. Data Representation, Research Summaries, and Conflicting Viewpoints. 此处为数据表示段的关键外卖是主要关注数字和向您提供数据的图表。

它们是毕竟是数据表示段。这就是他们正在做的事情,代表数据。 On Research Summaries passages, you also want to focus primarily on the figures, but you will be doing a little more interpreting. 所以你需要有点了解正在发生的事情。正在测试什么?

What was concluded? And finally, on Conflicting Viewpoints passages, 您的重点是了解所呈现的不同假设。所以你可以做任何事情,但读过它们并了解它们。 And don't forget, once again, take a look at our other videos for even more specific advice on tackling the specific question types you will encounter on each of these different passage types.

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