
欢迎!入门With Magoosh

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欢迎!入门with Magoosh. My name is Kat, and I'm so glad you're joining us for this track through the ACT course, Because I'm gonna give you some information and 有些提示可以帮助您入门。我也会给你一些关于你如何使用你的学习时间的建议 efficiently and cut back, if you need to.

One fun fact I like to point out, is that your ACT score is predicted to improve after logging a mere FIVE HOURS of test prep. 一个d guess what? This lesson counts towards that. Whether it feels like it or not to you right now, you're off and running. You're already in a great position to reach your goals, it's really clear you've 证明您可以看到更多关于该行为的潜在价值,更多关于您将进行测试的材料。

我们在这里帮助您教授您的技能和策略,可以为您提供该优势。 一个d when I say, we, I am actually speaking for all of us, who work at the Magoosh office in Berkeley, California. You can read all of our bios on the Magoosh website, if you're interested. You probably won't do that, you have other ways to spend your time.

但这可能是值得的,只需要读一下这门课程的老师。 There are currently five of us. You'll mostly be listening to lessons put on by Kristin and also, Mike. 所以Kristin做英语,她做了写作课程。她做了一些科学,一些阅读。

迈克是我们的数学家伙。他们都是优秀的教师。 在这里,我们有克里斯,他有助于阅读部分。我们有卢卡斯。 Lucas helps out with some of the questions that you'll find in the product and video explanations.

一个d then I kind of do coordinating. I do a lot of the overview, I fill in the gaps. Every morning, when I go into work, the first thing I do, actually, is I check the lesson reviews. I check to see what feedback students have left. So please know that I look at those really closely, they do get a lot of attention.

We wanna make this course as good as it can be for you and as helpful as it can be. 我们还拥有40多项动作准备专家来帮助回答您的问题。很多学生都没有意识到这一点,但是当你注册时 Magoosh你不仅仅是获得课程,问题。你可以访问导师。

Meaning, that if you have a question about material, just send us a note and someone will get back to you often, in a matter of hours. 所以绝对,不要让自己停下来。如果您遇到问题,请访问并获取所需的帮助。 一个d the way you do this is you can just push the Help button at any point. And so that would be the support of course for the materials, but 如果您有任何与账户有关的问题,那也是您能够伸出援手和与我们沟通的方式。

有什么酷,我们可以究竟可以看到您提交请求时的页面。 所以,让我们说你真的在数学问题上绊倒了,你想联系我们,你甚至不必描述它是什么数学问题。 我们将能够从我们的结束跟踪它。所以在这一点上,你可能想知道你将如何学习信息。

实际上,我们有数百种练习问题,接近1,000。我们的计算机化问题可以作为全长练习测试(或者) you can split them up and answer a couple at a time. The computer actually keeps track of how many you answer correctly and your speed. 一个d so, you can track your progress overtime. Second tool.

We have a video explanation for every computerized practice question. Instead of just reading about how to get at the right answer, you actually get 观看视频解释,实际上看到并听到描述它的老师。他们真的很快,他们很短,他们通常大约在两分钟。 第三,我们有一个广泛的课程清单。这些约为10分钟 这是我们教导您具体策略以及特定内容的地方。

所以我们将一切都从语法到精神数学,到三角学习。我们积极阅读,论文写作,科学,最后, 我们有短期训练后我们的许多教训。一个d so, that way, you can practice the skills that you were taught in the lesson. I know that all of this can be overwhelming and that you might not actually have enough time available to even go through all of our material.

我想借此机会通过一些提示,我有助于如何节省时间。 首先,我建议您在观看课程时打开转录框。通过这种方式,您可以扫描内容,您可以提前视频。 我知道很多你熟悉其他在线视频这样的功能。

You can scroll down, kinda see what is covered in the lesson, and then decide. Is this a lesson you need to watch? 你需要看一下吗?你能快速前进吗? 通过点击特定地点的税收,它将推出该教训对该确切的一点。

您可以以更高的速度观看课程。我们有1.5倍的版本,2x版本。 第三次,我有你的是你在活动之间挤压迷你会话。 您可以观看课程,练习几张闪存卡,回答练习问题,阅读博客帖子。

Take advantage of your small chunks of time. They add up overtime. 那么,你是下次步骤的是什么?我的意思是,很多你只是想现在开始,对吧? 好吧,我想经历一些你应该在下周左右的几件事,然后我要通过几件事来谈论可能只是做的事情, 在完成本课程后。

首先,获取行为批准的计算器,您可能会发现您当前的计算器是批准的。 我在本课程中包含了一个链接,您可以在其中了解如何解决这个问题。 Just look below this lesson and you'll see a couple of different links. Also, a tangible, tiny device.

That might be a watch or a timer, where you have the option of turning off that beeping function. That way, you can use it on test day. We do have counters in our computer, but at some point, you wanna start practicing under test-like conditions. Take the free official practice test put out by the ACT.

We have practice tests for you. But at least once, and ideally early on, you should take an exam from the official test makers. And while you're doing that, you can create an account. Choose a test date. It can be tentative, but it's gonna help you 有点弄清楚你的目标是什么,你必须多久与之合作。

It's gonna make it more real to you. You can always change it later. 一个d then set up your study space. Carve out time for studying. 您可以使用所需的供需,铅笔,抓取纸,您的空间。我真的推荐,无论如何,无论如何,无线划痕纸。

因为在实际考试中,你没有得到笔记本纸。你会在你的实际测试小册子上做所有的工作。 Your Scantron, your booklet. You might even print out a couple of Scantrons. So I've included a link to those, also, for the times that you do some practice on paper with pencil, once or twice during your studies.

你能立即做的事情。查看Magoosh Act Flashcards和我们拥有的一些其他资源。 我已添加到FlashCards的基于Web的版本的链接。但你也可以得到课程应用程序。 Look at the resources section, to look into this, if you don't yet have the flashcards set up.

You can watch some of the other Tips and Strategies videos. You might wanna watch a sample lesson from each section. 所以当然,这将是英语,数学,阅读,科学,BSA。在类似的纸币上,回答一个问题或 more from each of those sections, as well. And when you do that, that's a good opportunity to watch a video explanation and kind of get familiar with what those are like.

Always keep in mind that this is your course. So make it work for you! There is no wrong way to use this class. You don't have to follow lessons in order, for instance. 你可以跳。您将从本课程中获得大量价值, as long as you do the following three things that I highly recommend.

Very important, answer questions and watch lessons. Don't just do one or the other. Some students kind of fall into that pattern and they just don't get the same benefit. Practice all subject areas, especially your areas of weakness. Last, commit to 30 hours or more of total study time.

第五个小时后的时间和30小时后的时间是几个小时,对于大多数学生的平均而言,学习的影响最大 你的学习的速度,也当你在school. After 30 hours, you still get a lot of benefit but as a minimum shoot for 30. 顺便说一下,采取实践测试确实依赖于30个小时。所以你可能会在即将到来的几周里听到很多 either through lessons, sometimes through emails.

但是,现在,让我们通过亚伯拉罕林肯接近这句话。预测你的未来的最佳方式是创造它。 I know that your life is gonna change a lot in the next two to six years. And let's all agree right now that the priority is to help you get to a place where you're creating and you're choosing, Each next step of this transition to college.

Thanks so much for your attention. And on behalf of everyone at Magoosh, know that we are rooting for you.
