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Active Reading

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Welcome to the active reading passage. How do we go about reading in an active manner? What does active reading even mean? Well, first off, some common approaches. Number one. String words together, reading faster and faster as you become more confused, hoping for sudden enlightenment at the end.

哦,但它没有发生,但是这么多人喜欢这样做,因为这是一个时间测试,我们已经处于怪异模式。 但这实际上是回火,你不会理解这段经文,你会浪费时间。 Next approach, read but become bored by the first paragraph so that you're reading words without knowing what they mean, words, words, dumb, ice-cream.

So yeah, don't do that either, and this is so tempting. I mean, a lot of people and if you're tired especially, that's what happens. About number three. Skim real fast line after line. Just get some basic details. Yeah, there's this guy and he meets this girl, 他们不喜欢对方。

You're gonna to miss, especially on the denser passages, you're gonna miss way too much. So don't skim. What about four? Don't read the passage at all. Just read the questions and go back to the relevant part of the passage.

This sounds so great, and the test writers know this, so they make it so that passages are, in a certain way that if you use this or follow this strategy, 你会得到一些错误的问题。不要使用它。 这是tempting, some test prep gurus or experts out there say oh, go ahead and do this.

But honestly, it's pretty much been discredited amongst most, if not all, SAT experts. What do you do? Not take the SAT! 采取行动!好吧,也许,但是您可以在任何标准化测试上使用主动读数, 包括该法案。

First thing is to get excited, this is big. You have to really psych yourself out. You have to convince yourself that something that's not interesting really and that you don't wanna do is actually awesome. 这是一个如此令人迷人的话题,你真的想阅读它。好的,你有能量,你准备好了你的脉冲抽吗?

Good. The next thing is, you want to read to get a general sense of each paragraph. I like breaking things up with paragraphs. Usually most of these have paragraphs, or if it's fiction, as we'll see in a moment, 你有一个对话框。你当然应该读到什么,了解这一段的一段, and then kinda pause every paragraph, or after every batch of dialog.

并说,好吧,这段是关于一个,b,c,真的很快,就像那样。然后在段落的最后结束时,你应该列出三个或 four main points. This passage is basically about this guy da, da, da two, three, four points. 如果你能做到这一点,那么你已经通过了测试了。现在你每次完成一段段落都没有这样做。

但你的大脑应该能够做到,这就是在一秒钟内练习的那样。 我终于放了不要打破流量。因为发生了什么是活跃的阅读, you have to be in the moment, kind of seeing where the passage is going, and summarizing what its already said, anticipating the next turn.

如果你有点令人困惑的那样,那么有很多话就会通过重写,重新划伤,不要破坏流程。 Cuz some parts are tough, but you can always go back to those tough parts, and there usually aren't many in one passage, unless it's the really hard passage. 因此,一般来说,刚刚去,意思是不要读,只是撇去那部分。

You can skip that part, it's fine. But again, don't break the flow because you're trying to actively read, which means these four steps. And of course, those four steps fall apart if you break the flow. Okay, you getting excited? You ready? You want to do active reading?

Okay, we're going to do active reading on a work of fiction. I want us to do this a paragraph at a time, or a batch of dialogue, and I'll tell you exactly what I want you to do. Okay, first you're gonna read from here to here, and you're gonna pause the video. 好的,我假设你暂停了视频。在这里发生了什么,我们如何总结这一点?

There's this guy, hanging out with his buddy in his pretty house, and the main point is they're just talking about art. 叙述者分享了他对艺术的看法。请注意,我不希望这可以打破流程。 这很糟糕。这是如此茂密而引人注目和谴责,伪造,它非常密集。

但我们不知道是否必然重要,直到我们解决问题,所以,在提出问题之前,得到主观,他就是他对艺术的看法。 Okay, now let's read this paragraph. Okay, I see we've paused the video. 它只是说,嘿。这家伙,他的伙伴有这个新理论的观点。

What if someone painting something, a forgery, in order to prove a theory? Ooh, very interesting. Okay, ooh, getting excited, good. Now, I want you to read from here to here, doing the same thing. 当你到最后你应该说,好的,这就是两者谈到的。好的,所以我们暂停了视频。

And so what's happening? He says, I have this actual painting from this person. 我有这个所谓的伪造,以证明一个理论。这就是你所要做的一切。 好的,接下来。这个,你现在可以暂停它。

好的,没有节俭,我希望你实际上是读到这里的。很容易,对吗? Okay, it shows him a picture of this beautiful young man. And of course, we can read from here all the way to the end where it says WH. Okay, I assume you've paused the video. I assume you're not just reading word after word.

你实际上对它感到兴奋,你正在记住你所阅读的东西,你记得这就是这样,这些首字母在那里。 W.H.,谁是W.H.?到底是怎么回事? Could it be W.H. from the Shakespeare sonnets? Really, wow, what's going on now?

So, that's all you really need to get from all this text, and, we go on to the next the next page. You can go there, and let's go all the way to the very end. Okay, I assume you've done that, you've paused the video. What's going on now? Is this idea that, oh there's a theory about who WH is.

And the narrator of the passage has already heard about it. It's this Lord Pembroke guy, everybody knows that's not a mystery. And his friend says, well, I agree with you. But, this guy, my friend who left me this forgery, this painting, he had his own theory. Then what?

Well, basically it's over, and they just say, here, tell me the story. And he says, okay, I will tell you the story. Not much more than that. And so you can see that's not terribly complex, but 它有助于您了解积极阅读。现在,如果你没有用我这样做,那就是这样 第一部分他谈到他对艺术的看法,也许是,你会一直像,这很糟糕,我不想读这个。

当你过去那部分时,它实际上并不是那么糟糕,你开始阅读正在发生的事情。 You might have even gotten to some of that part, but your brain might have wandered off. So, active reading, the specific way of chunking the paragraphs and doing these quick verbal summaries in your head after you read them, keeps you in tune with the passage, and that is the beating heart of active reading.

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