
The Passage - Part I

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In the previous lesson we went through this passage, and we applied the concept of active reading. So now that we've actively read the passage, I just reproduced a little bit of the excerpt right here. And so what you can do if you didn't actually watch that video or watched it a while ago, you can pause right now.

Okay, I assumed you've paused, and you can pause again. I assume you've paused, and there you have a little bit of what you need to 至少了解最早的问题。所以让我们看看第一个问题。 According to the passage, why is Erskine originally motivated to show the narrator the portrait of W.H.?

Again, we have our context here. They are hanging out at this guy's house on Birdcage Walk. Apparently that's a real place. And they're discussing the topic of forgeries. The narrator is sharing his opinion here. And then Erskine, his little buddy, says, what would you say about a young man who had a strange theory and actually committed forgery to prove this theory?

然后,当然,叙述者说,哈哈,我没想到你这么说。然后,erskine说,是的,这是完全不同的。 让我告诉你关于西里尔·格雷厄姆,他勒ft me here. This little picture. 所以,你可以说,有,他正在设置这个。这个关于伪造的谈话的想法,然后是他 knew actually committed a forgery and gave him the picture in this frame.

Therefore, why did Erskine originally show the narrator this portrait? To discuss this point about forgeries. 如果有人伪造理论是什么,那是一件好事吗?所以适用于答案A. So again, we need to go back to the passage after reading the entire thing, find the relevant part, talk our way through what the paragraph is about at a high level, and then find that specific answer.

现在B,分享一个长期的秘密吗?现在,为什么这不是答案? 事实上,如果您还没有,您实际上要暂停此操作。事实上,暂停这些问题总是一个好主意 try to answer them on your own. But we already have the answer as A, but why not B?

Well, it says here, originally motivated. He might be sharing this long-held secret later on in the passage, but even that's a little bit questionable. But originally, what's the point to make a point about forgeries? He asked the author of the passage that question and then shows him the picture. He definitely doesn't want to sell the painting, and he doesn't want to discuss something, and there's beauty in the passage, and beauty and art and all that stuff.

But he's not trying to say hey, I'm gonna talk to you about the nature of beauty. No, it's let's talk more about forgeries, and let me show you a specific one. 好的,下一个问题,又一次,这是一种不一定是主要的想法或大想法,但相对具体,但你必须找到该段落的正确部分。 What we have now in question number 2 is a very specific type of question, and this is called a vocabulary and context question.

It's always set off by two quotation marks, just like that. Therefore, we know what we have to do is the following. Go back to the passage think, huh, what would can I come up with for curious? In fact, totally ignore the word curious, because what the test writers have done is they've said hmm, when high school kids think of the word curious, what do they think of?

Well, they may think weird or eccentric, stuff that's almost always not what the actual word means. So come up with our own word here. And let's read. I had been dining with Erskine in his pretty little house in Birdcage Walk, when we struck upon the somewhat blank topic of forgeries.

And I started sharing all my wonderful opinions on this interesting topic, on this curious topic. Invasive is like weeds that grow everywhere, no, that doesn't quite make sense. 但有趣确实匹配得很好。现在,他们可以扔给你的另一个伎俩是善良的 loosely describe what's going on maybe later on in the passage.

而且,你甚至可能思考,哦,锻炼良好是有点争议。而且,也许他陈述了这种有争议的意见。 我在这里看到了这个词,哦,哦,没有争议。但这实际上并不是如何在这里使用这个词。 And secondly, ultimately, whatever this word is, it has to have an actual dictionary definition.

Nowhere will you find curious, definition number 7, arousing controversy that just doesn't exist. That does however, probably second or third definition, mean interesting, so again, what we did, we went back there, we ignored the word, tried to come up with our own word based on the context, we got rid of words that were too similar to what we think of as the word.

我们小心翼翼地选择并没有描述特定词的答案,或者在特定词的情况下真正适合,但只是那种 在段落周围谈论的东西,所以不要选择那个。好的,所以这是语境中的词汇。 Now we have another type of question. But I'm actually not gonna tell you this question type, and 实际上我不会让你暂停它并尝试做这个问题。

I'm gonna walk us through this, because I'm gonna make a point here and I think it's important not to try to answer this the old fashioned way. What would the old fashioned way be? Well, you'd read the question, what does the narrator initially think of alternative theories regarding possible dedicatees of Shakespeare's sonnets? Well, the old fashioned way is to go back to the passage and figure out, okay, 这在哪里。

没有线条参考,他们并没有告诉我它在段落中的位置。但我可以看到莎士比亚的十四行诗,所以我会寻找莎士比亚的十四行诗。 And so, I go down here, I scan, scan, scan. I see Shakespeare, I keep reading, I'm looking for sonnets. Oh, I see sonnets. I am sure of it, there is no doubt at all about it.

我认为这对它来说是一个非常好的地方。是的,我找到了它。 花了一点点,但有答案。那么是哪一个呢? Hm, that takes a little bit of time. And then maybe you're not even sure and then you go back to the passage and then you realize maybe I should read on more, maybe they talk about sonnets again, and they do.

And then you maybe get the answer here cuz it says the matter has ceased to be a mystery to anyone, if it ever was a mystery, but you might also get the question wrong. The point is, you've taken a lot of time. 我会非常快速地回去。你在这里花了很多时间来试图通过回来获得3号答案 to the passage just trying to figure out where the answer in the first place is.

因为SONNET的提到有点在整个领域传播,你可能会选择一个不正确的答案选择。 Gosh, this test is hard. But no, it is actually not that difficult. 为什么?好吧,有一些叫做基于证据的问题, and what they do is they have a pair of questions.

They're always back to back. If number 3 is this question, evidence based reading. Number 4 is gonna tell us which line could it possibly be found in? So we pair it together, and what we do is we actually do number 4 first. 一旦我们读了第3号并且我们知道问题所要求的,您都会通过每个行引用。

好的,好吧,这是从我看到的线路开始......出来,回答说,所以,我回到了段落,他们给了我具体的线条。 And what I've done here is reproduced each one of these answer choices. Now, it makes a lot more sense when you actually go and read question 3. What does the narrator initially think of alternative theories regarding possible dedicatees of Shakespeare sonnets?

A, I see there is some writing there, but I cannot make it out, I replied. Hm, that doesn't quite give us enough information, and 当然,您可以随时返回到该段落并阅读那里周围的上下文。你可以看看B,我相信它。 B是,人们是十四行诗的人物;毫无疑问是关于它的。

因此,您可以看到他可能不一定对莎士比亚的十四行诗的替代理论开放。 Does it point to A, he believes that they are more consistent with the known facts? No, it would probably be the opposite. But let's not just stop there because we found something we like. Let's keep on reading the other options.

再一次,其他选项下面。嗯,我阿格雷e with you, but I did not always think, oh, 不要试图欺骗我。我们关心叙述者。 Narrator think of the alternative theories, not Erskine. So we can get rid of C.

That was a tricky one. D, the matter has ceased to be a mystery to any one, if it ever was a mystery. 但那甚至没有一个谜。而且,如果你不确定,我们可以在这里跳回来。 你有线条。你确切地了解它的位置。

它说,我爱儿十四圈的理论,我哭了。但我认为我不可能被转换为任何新的想法。 如果它是一个谜,那么这件事已不再是任何人的谜。所以没有新的想法会转变他。 It's not even a mystery, the answer is clear. And therefore, we know, going back to the screen, that B is definitely the answer, 他将它们视为无关紧要,因为现有的理论是完美的,他们绝不缺乏。

And we find that aha, D does the best job, A definitely not. B just shows that he's certain about this theory, but 没有真正与这里的部分交谈,以这种方式解雇他们的方式。现在,这是一个非常难的问题。 我甚至不认为基于证据的阅读问题就像我在这里刚向你展示的那样困难。

The reason I made this one difficult is to show you how important this strategy is, how much of a time saver it is, and how much it helps you avoid picking answer choice B which is a pretty good, it's not a terrible answer, but it's not the best answer. 而D实际上是那么好的答案。一旦你先看看问题4,看到那条线,他们实际上是什么, and then answer question 3, it makes a very difficult question not so difficult.

好的,谈到我们现在没有在这里完成的成对。这是第一部分。 这将是我们对此阅读段落第一部分的最后一个问题。但事情确实成对。 他们几乎每篇文章都使用词汇情绪问题,而不是每一个段落,而是几乎每一段。

你将永远得到其中两个,我喜欢这些,你也应该喜欢它们,因为一旦你擅长他们, they're a great way to save time, because they don't take very long to do. So if you're running out of time on the last passage or 两个您可以首先进行词汇和上下文问题。确保你至少得到那些。

所以我们拥有它,另一个。这个可能有点棘手。 In manner and especially the rendering of the hands, the picture reminded one of various works of great artists. 所以艺术家绘制的方式,这种方式,尤其是他画的方式,渲染,他画手的方式。

Notice I'm coming up with my own word or words to help me understand the context of the way he painted. Discussion is not the way one painted. He didn't eliminate the poor hands. Reduction, the way he painted. Reduction.

他还减少了手吗?这个人的手很小吗? That seems weird. But the way in doing something, the treatment. 这是有道理的,因此C是我们的答案。所以我要在下一部分做什么是, I'm gonna show you the other question types that will show up on the reading comprehension section, not just the fiction passage.

新的SAT正在做的是,他们使它变得非常不变,你会看到的问题类型。 You'll see the evidence-based reading questions. They always come in a little duo as we saw, and 你将永远看到一对意思是两加二是四个总问题。正如我所说,词汇和 context as we have here, you'll also get a couple of these.

So that's six questions right there. And once you get a sense of the other four questions, 您将能够更好地浏览该段落,并找到最容易回答您的问题。
