As a teacher, you have to keep track of a lot of different things at once. Every student has their own individual needs, assignments, and test results. Each student has parents, and many of these...
David Recine
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Teacher salaries are a political “hot-button” topic these days. With education reform and state budget reform, there’s a lot of debate about how much teachers should be paid and how much money...
对于一个新老师,什么都莫re terrifying than an out-of-control classroom. Veteran teachers don’t care for this situation either, but new teachers tend to be most vulnerable to losing control....
There aremany different techniques that a teacher can use to assess their students' understandingof the concepts being taught. But using those techniques means grading! You will have to grade...
As I’ve mentioned before, there aremany ways to become a teacher. And the best way, when it comes to long-term career options, is toget a relevant degree. With that in mind, many aspiring...
If you’re nearing the end of your teacher training, you may wonder…How much do starting teachers make?
As I’ve said,student teaching counts as a university course. And yet, this time of learning can bring up manyfears and anxieties in some student teachers. Many nervous teachers in-training ask...
Different age groups can provide very different teaching experiences. So what grade should you teach? You’ll want to decide early on in your teacher training.
Student teachingis a full-time job…literally. A student teacher does all the same things that a full-time salaried teacher would do.
Teaching salary by state is an important factor in your career decisions. To make a truly informed choice, look at both starting and long-term pay. Also look at cost of living.