At the beginning of the school year, teachers need to gather the supplies they’ll need for a successful year. For kindergarten teachers, there are plentyofmust have teaching supplies. However,...
Jamie Goodwin
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As a teacher, you need to complete teacher professional development opportunities to maintain your license. However, you can also learn a lot of great information to support you in the classroom....
I am a self-proclaimed Birthday Brat! In fact, I come from a long line of Birthday Brats. We take our birthdays (and sometimes birth-weeks) very seriously! We don’t expect a lot, but we definitely...
Student teachingis basically a full-time job. After spending the day with your students, your nights are filled with meetings,grading assignments, lesson planning, and more. Because of this,...
When first entering the field, you hear a lot about teachers unions. And depending on where you teach, you may be forced to pay dues to the union. If not, you need to decide whether or not to...
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As I prepared for my first day of student teaching, I wasn’t sure what to expect. What would my cooperating teacher be like? Would the students test myclassroom managementskills? What would I...
在你的大学经历你花了很多of time learning about methodologies andstrategies for teaching. However, nothing quite prepares you for the moment that you first step in front...
Teaching while pregnantis not always easy. In fact, it can be rather difficult. What’s even more difficult? Walking away from your classroom for maternity leave. You love your students. And let’s...
One of the reasons I decided to teach high school was because I think Language Arts is fun—unfortunately, many people disagree with me. So as I create lesson plans, I’ve worked to include fun...