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要代理解决单词问题,我们需要引入变量。我将说的第一件事是这, 在选择您的变量的信中进行体贴。确实是我们所做的数学数学并不依赖于一封信。 Nevertheless, you will make your life easier, and you will help yourself by choosing a meaningful letter.

It will be helpful for you to choose a variable that, for example, begins with the same letter of the name of the person or thing for which it stands. 不要挑选纯旧x。这是一个经典错误,人们在Word问题中做出。 他们自动选择x,然后发生了什么,它们是问题的一堆变量,他们为其中一个选择了x。

他们解决,然后他们得到x而他们想知道,好的,现在我有这个数字,这个数字是什么? 这是答案还是我必须用它来找到答案?所以他们不知道一旦他们获得价值,他们发现了什么。 这就是为什么它更有助于选择在情况下代表不同物品和不同人的信件。

这是样本问题的开始。我这里没有整体问题,但在这里我们有三个女人,莎拉, 玛丽,海伦。如果我选择X的一个女性的薪水,我可以正确解决它,但是 when I get that number for x, how will I know whether it answers the question? I'll get that x, and then I might be wondering, now, wait, did I just find Sarah's salary, or Mary's salary, or Helen's salary?

For this question, S, M, and H, would be much better variables for the weekly salaries of these three women. That way if I find S, I know exactly what I found, that sort of thing. Other considerations in choosing a variable. 有时,为最小值分配变量可能会有所帮助,然后在此方面表达所有内容。

有时,为目标值分配一个变量会有所帮助,问题询问是什么。 这样做的好处是如果你选择the target value as your variable, then as soon as you find the value, you're done, you're done, you've answered the question. Also, if all the quantities in the problem are related to a single quantity, 如果以单一数量表示一切,请使此概念上的中央数量变量,然后将所有内容联系在一起。

Here's a practice problem. Pause the video and then we'll talk about this. 好吧,在格雷格的杂货,半加仑的有机牛奶容器售价1.50美元以上的半加仑容器的橙色冰淇淋。 Eliot购买了7个半加仑容器的橙汁和3个半加仑的有机牛奶容器,为所有10个容器花费27美元。

半加仑容器的牛奶成本是多少?所以,我们正在寻找牛奶。 所以首先,我要选择m。这是我的目标价值。 In other words, if I find the value of M, I've answered the question. Now notice that the other variable, the price of juice, well, juice is $1.50 less than milk.

牛奶更多,所以果汁少,所以j = m-1.5。 所以到处都有一个J,我可以替代M-1.5,我可以根据M的方式写一切 所以,总价格是,米,牛奶的价格,时间3,然后是果汁时间的价格7, 如果我们一起加上所有这些,它应该= 27。

所以果汁时间的价格7 +牛奶时间的价格3 = 27美元。所以这是单一的等式,和 all we have to do now is solve that equation for M. We're gonna distribute, and notice that part of that distributing, we're gonna have to multiply 7 times 1.5. Let's think about this over on the side, 7 times 1.5.

Well, 1.5 I could write that as 1 + 0.5. Well, 7 times 1 is 7. 7倍0.5,7倍,半倍为7,为3.5。现在我只需要添加那些,我得到10.5。 所以它的7次1.5是10.5,所以我们可以使用它。所以现在让我们分发, we get 7M- 10.5 + 3M = 27.

让我们首先结合7M + 3M,在那里结合起来的术语。我们得到10m-10.5 = 27, 加入10.5至两侧,27 + 10.5是37.5。 现在要为m解决,我们所要做的就是除以10.当然,除以10, 我们只是将十进制的位置滑到左边,所以m = 3.75。

Or in other words, a half gallon container of organic milk + $3.75, that's the answer. Here's another practice problem, pause the video and then we'll talk about this. All right, so you might be tempted to use variables S, J and P, but notice that everything is in terms of the fine. And so even though that's not the target value, it's gonna make sense to pick one variable for the fine because we can express what everyone paid in terms of the fine.

所以我会选择罚款。选择f for sone,然后我们可以在该变量方面表达其他一切。 So, we're told that Joe paid $3 more than one-quarter of the fine. So, F over 4 + 3. 彼得支付了3美元不到的罚款,所以F超过3- 3.然后山姆支付了4美元不到一半的罚款, 所以这是超过2- 4。

And so all three of those shares should add up to the whole fine. In other words, if we add up this, this, and this, they should add up to F. 所以我们只需将其写成单个方程式。这是F的等式。 只是添加了所有的三个贡献,全部罚款。嗯,首先,+3和-3,那些取消。

So we have a lot of fractions here. And life would be much easier if we got rid of the fractions. So we should multiply by something that will allow us to clear the fractions. And, you may remember this from the lessons on fractions, if we multiply by the least common multiple of the denominators. The least common multiple of the denominators is 12.

12是2和3〜4所可见的最低数字,所以我们将每一个词乘以12。 好吧,12次超过4次会给我们3F,12次F超过3将给我们4F,12次超过2次会给我们6F。 当然,4次12是48,然后当然另一侧变为12F。

我只添加这3 + 4 + 6 = 13,加入48到两侧,从两侧减去12f, 13F- 12F is just F, so F = 48. So now we found the value of F. 我们找到了罚款的价值。但那不是答案,那不是问题所在的。

它问,山姆薪水是多少?嗯,山姆支付了一半的罚款。 Well, half is 24. He payed $4 less than half the fine. 半是24岁,所以他支付了4美元,萨姆支付了20美元。顺便提一下,如果你很好奇,乔支付了15美元,彼得支付13美元, 这就是他们如何弥补罚款。

总之,请勿使用泛型变量。选择将帮助您跟踪问题中的数字的变量。 所以你能做的最糟糕的事情就是选择x,因为那么你会想知道,一旦找到x,我发现了什么? Sometimes it helps to choose the smallest value as the variable, sometimes it helps to choose the target value as the variable.

And if all the values are related to one quantity, choose that central quantity as the variable.
